

Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology

Ciclo de erupción de rocas volcánicas basado en tecnología de realidad virtual



Virtual Reality, Monocular Vision, Volcanic Rock, Cycle, Eruption, Period (en)
Realidad virtual, Visión monocular, Roca volcanica, Ciclo, Erupción, Período. (es)



  • Jiqiang Yang College of Creative Culture and Communication, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321000, China
  • Xing Wang School of Physics and Physical Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China

The eruption cycle of volcanic rocks based on virtual reality technology is studied to reveal the spatial distribution of volcanic rocks and the genetic relationship between different lithologic assemblages, and effectively guide volcanic exploration. Taking Xujiaweizi fault depression and Yingshan depression in Songliao Basin as the research area, the monocular vision method of virtual reality technology is used to collect data from the study area. Then, the three-dimensional dynamic scene of the study area was constructed. Based on this, combined with the research steps and division basis of the volcanic eruption cycle, the eruption cycle of the volcanic region in the study area is studied. According to the characteristics of volcanic activity, volcanic facies sequence, and rock rhythm combination in Xujiaweizi fault depression, the first and three sections of Yingcheng formation are divided into three eruption periods according to the contact relationship between sedimentary strata and volcanic rocks in the eruptive intermittent period. Y1C1, Y1C2, Y1C3, Y3C1, Y3C2, and Y3C3 are respectively from bottom to top. Yingshan volcanic rocks in Yingshan depression are divided into three cycles and six periods. Each stage has significant stages and differences, and the eruption intensity is different. The overall performance is gradually enhanced, and the internal cycle is characterized by the first strong and then weak.

Este estudio analiza el ciclo de erupción de las rocas volcánicas basado en tecnología de realidad virtual con el fin de revelar la distribución espacial de las rocas volcánicas y la relación genética entre diferentes conjuntos litológicos y, además, guiar efectivamente la exploración volcánica. Se definió la depresión de falla Xujiaweizi y la depresión de Yingshan en la cuenca Songliao como el área de investigación. El método de visión monocular de la tecnología de realidad virtual se utilizó para recopilar datos del área de estudio, y se construyó la escena dinámica tridimensional del área de estudio. Con base a esto, además de los pasos de investigación y la base de división del ciclo de erupción volcánica, se estudia el ciclo de erupción volcánica del área. De acuerdo con las características de la actividad volcánica, la secuencia de facies volcánicas y la combinación de ritmo de roca en la depresión de la falla Xujiaweizi, las tres secciones de la formación Yingcheng se dividen en tres períodos de erupción de acuerdo con la relación de contacto entre los estratos sedimentarios y las rocas volcánicas en el período eruptivo intermitente. Y1C1, Y1C2, Y1C3, Y3C1, Y3C2 y Y3C3 están, respectivamente, de abajo hacia arriba. Las rocas volcánicas de Yingshan, en la depresión de Yingshan, se dividen en tres ciclos y seis períodos. Cada etapa tiene diferencias significativas y la intensidad de la erupción es diferente. El rendimiento general se mejora gradualmente y el ciclo interno se caracteriza por primero fuerte y luego débil.


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How to Cite


Yang, J. and Wang, X. (2020). Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(3), 277–284.


Yang, J. and Wang, X. 2020. Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 24, 3 (Oct. 2020), 277–284. DOI:


Yang, J.; Wang, X. Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology. Earth sci. res. j. 2020, 24, 277-284.


YANG, J.; WANG, X. Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 3, p. 277–284, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v24n3.89468. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Yang, Jiqiang, and Xing Wang. 2020. “Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24 (3):277-84.


Yang, J. and Wang, X. (2020) “Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(3), pp. 277–284. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v24n3.89468.


J. Yang and X. Wang, “Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 277–284, Oct. 2020.


Yang, J., and X. Wang. “Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, Oct. 2020, pp. 277-84, doi:10.15446/esrj.v24n3.89468.


Yang, Jiqiang, and Xing Wang. “Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24, no. 3 (October 12, 2020): 277–284. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Yang J, Wang X. Eruption Cycle of Volcanic Rocks Based on Virtual Reality Technology. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];24(3):277-84. Available from:

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