

Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters

Método de monitoreo de hundimiento y deformación longitudinal de la tierra en desastres sísmicos geológicos



Earthquake, Geological hazards, Longitudinal, Land subsidence, Deformation monitoring, Simulator, Sensing optical cable (en)
Terremoto, Peligros geológicos, Longitudinal, Hundimiento de la tierra, Monitoreo de la deformación, Simulador, Sensor de cable óptico (es)



  • Aimei Xu School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Xinyu University, Xinyu, 338000, China
  • Hojatallah Azarkhosh College of civil and transportation engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
  • Erjun Wu College of civil and transportation engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, china

Monitoring of longitudinal land subsidence and deformation in seismic and geological hazards plays an important role in preventing and curing land collapse, land subsidence, and ground cracks. In this paper, a distributed monitoring model experiment on vertical land subsidence and deformation of seismic and geological hazards is carried out by Brillouin optical frequency-domain analysis technology (BOTDA). By using the self-made indoor longitudinal land subsidence and deformation simulation box, different intensity seismic ground is simulated by air bag. Distributed optical fibers are used to monitor the longitudinal land subsidence and deformation during different intensity seismic and geological disasters. According to different intensity seismic and geological disasters, distributed sensing optical fibers cooperate with the ground to compress or stretch longitudinally and obtain the data of longitudinal land subsidence and deformation. The correction coefficient is introduced to modify the monitoring data of confining pressure-sensing optical fiber and complete the precise monitoring of vertical land subsidence and deformation in seismic and geological hazards. The experimental results show that this method can monitor the vertical ground subsidence and deformation of seismic and geological hazards under different conditions, and the monitoring efficiency and cost are superior to GPS and inertial monitoring methods, and the practical application value is high.

El monitoreo del hundimiento longitudinal de la tierra y la deformación en los riesgos sísmicos y geológicos juega un papel importante en la prevención y corrección del colapso, el hundimiento de la tierra y las grietas del suelo. En este documento, la tecnología de análisis de dominio de frecuencia óptica de Brillouin (BOTDA) sirve para llevar a cabo un experimento de modelo de monitoreo distribuido sobre hundimiento vertical de la tierra y deformación de riesgos sísmicos y geológicos. Mediante el uso de la caja de simulación de deformación del terreno longitudinal interior de fabricación propia se simula un suelo sísmico de diferente intensidad mediante una bolsa de aire. Las fibras ópticas distribuidas se utilizan para controlar el hundimiento y la deformación del terreno longitudinal durante desastres sísmicos y geológicos de diferente intensidad. De acuerdo con estos movimientos, las fibras ópticas de detección distribuida cooperan con el suelo para comprimir o estirar longitudinalmente y obtener los datos de hundimiento y deformación del terreno longitudinal. El coeficiente de corrección se introduce para modificar los datos de monitoreo de la fibra óptica de detección de presión de confinamiento, y completar el monitoreo preciso del hundimiento y deformación vertical de la tierra. Los resultados experimentales muestran que este método puede monitorear el hundimiento vertical del suelo y la deformación de los riesgos sísmicos y geológicos en diferentes condiciones. La eficiencia y el costo del monitoreo son superiores a los métodos de monitoreo inercial y GPS, y el valor práctico de la aplicación es alto.


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How to Cite


Xu, A., Azarkhosh, H. and Wu, E. (2020). Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(3), 259–266.


Xu, A., Azarkhosh, H. and Wu, E. 2020. Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 24, 3 (Oct. 2020), 259–266. DOI:


Xu, A.; Azarkhosh, H.; Wu, E. Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters. Earth sci. res. j. 2020, 24, 259-266.


XU, A.; AZARKHOSH, H.; WU, E. Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 3, p. 259–266, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v24n3.90290. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Xu, Aimei, Hojatallah Azarkhosh, and Erjun Wu. 2020. “Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24 (3):259-66.


Xu, A., Azarkhosh, H. and Wu, E. (2020) “Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(3), pp. 259–266. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v24n3.90290.


A. Xu, H. Azarkhosh, and E. Wu, “Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 259–266, Oct. 2020.


Xu, A., H. Azarkhosh, and E. Wu. “Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, Oct. 2020, pp. 259-66, doi:10.15446/esrj.v24n3.90290.


Xu, Aimei, Hojatallah Azarkhosh, and Erjun Wu. “Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24, no. 3 (October 12, 2020): 259–266. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Xu A, Azarkhosh H, Wu E. Monitoring Method of Longitudinal Land Subsidence and Deformation in Seismic Geological Disasters. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];24(3):259-66. Available from:

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