

Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions

Cambios físicoquímicos y mineralógicos de suelos xerortentes líticos en rocas volcánicas bajo condiciones ecológicas semiáridas



Volcanites, Weathering rates, Soil development, Lithic Xerorthent (en)
Volcanitas, Indices de meteorización, Desarrollo de suelos, Suelos xerortentes líticos (es)



  • Sinan Demir Isparta University of Applied Sciences
  • Pelin Alaboz Isparta University of Applied Sciences
  • Orhan Dengiz Ondokuz Mayıs University
  • Hüseyin Şenol Isparta University of Applied Sciences
  • Kamil Yilmaz Suleyman Demirel University, Department of Geological Engineering, Isparta, Turkey
  • Oğuz Başkan Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Siirt, Turkey

This study investigates the mineralogical changes and soil development processes of young soils formed on various bedrocks of volcanic origin under the same land use/land cover and climate conditions. The current study was conducted in Lithic Xerorthent soils formed on tuff, trachybasalt, and trachyandesite bedrock between Sandıklı-Şuhut districts of Afyonkarahisar. The three soil profiles excavated in the study area were classified in Entisols order based on Soil taxonomy. The primary minerals, sanidine and muscovite, and the clay minerals, smectite, kaolinite, and illite, were widely determined in three soil profiles which were named Profile I (PI), Profile II (PII), and Profile III (PIII). According to the chemical alteration index (CIA) values, which indicate weathering, the soils formed on the tuff bedrock were slightly weathered (77.04%). The chemical weathering index (CIW) in the soils' surface horizons formed on the trachybasalt and trachyandesite bedrock are classified as non-weathering rocks with 24.43% and 33.88%. Basic cations are found at high levels in the tuff bedrock. The determination of phillipsite, gismondin and calcite minerals is an indication that the mineral content of the bedrock and the bedrocks have a significant effect on soil formation. The relationship between the bedrock and the soil has been revealed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there were significant differences in their physico-chemical characteristics, weathering rates, and mineralogical properties. However, they were characterized as young soils since they do not contain any subsurface diagnostic horizons on the volcanic bedrock under the same climatic and land use/land cover conditions.


Este estudio investiga los cambios mineralógicos y los procesos de desarrollo de los suelos jóvenes formados en varios lechos de rocas de origen volcánico bajo las mismas condiciones climáticas y de la relación uso del suelo/cobertura del suelo. El análisis se realizó en suelos xerortentes líticos formados en lechos de roca de toba volcánica, traquibasalto y traquiandesita entre los distritos de Sandıklı y Şuhut, en la ciudad de Afyonkarahisar, Turquía. Los tres perfiles de suelo excavados en el área de estudio se clasificaron en el orden de entisols de acuerdo con su taxonomía. Los minerales primarios, sanidina y muscovita, y los minerales arcillosos, esmectita, kaolinita e illita fueron ampliamente definidos en los tres perfiles del suelo, los cuales fueron nombrados Perfil I (PI), Perfil II (PII) y Perfil III (PIII). De acuerdo con los valores del Índice de Alteración Química, los cuales indican erosión, los suelos que se formaron en las capas de rocas de toba volcánica estuvieron ligeramente erosionados (77.04%). El Índice de Meteorización Química en la superficie de los suelos formados en las capas de rocas de traquibasalto y traquiandesita se clasifican como rocas no erosionadas con 24.43 % y 33.88 %. Los cationes básicos se encuentran en altos niveles en las capas de roca de toba volcánica. La caracterización de phillipsita, gismondina y los minerales de calcita es un indicador de que el contenido mineral en las capas de roca tiene un efecto significativo en la formación del suelo. De esta forma se revela la relación entre las capas de roca y el suelo. Como un resultado de este estudio se concluye que existen diferencias significativas en las características fisicoquímicas, rangos de meteorización, y propiedades mineralógicas. Sin embargo, estos fueron caracterizados como suelos jóvenes ya que no contienen ningún horizonte de diagnóstico bajo la superficie en la capa de roca volcánica bajo el mismo regimen climático y en la condiciones de uso del suelo/cobertura del suelo.


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How to Cite


Demir, S., Alaboz, P., Dengiz, O., Şenol, H., Yilmaz, K. and Başkan, O. (2022). Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 26(4), 291–301.


Demir, S., Alaboz, P., Dengiz, O., Şenol, H., Yilmaz, K. and Başkan, O. 2022. Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 26, 4 (Dec. 2022), 291–301. DOI:


Demir, S.; Alaboz, P.; Dengiz, O.; Şenol, H.; Yilmaz, K.; Başkan, O. Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions. Earth sci. res. j. 2022, 26, 291-301.


DEMIR, S.; ALABOZ, P.; DENGIZ, O.; ŞENOL, H.; YILMAZ, K.; BAŞKAN, O. Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 4, p. 291–301, 2022. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v26n4.96571. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Demir, Sinan, Pelin Alaboz, Orhan Dengiz, Hüseyin Şenol, Kamil Yilmaz, and Oğuz Başkan. 2022. “Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 26 (4):291-301.


Demir, S., Alaboz, P., Dengiz, O., Şenol, H., Yilmaz, K. and Başkan, O. (2022) “Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 26(4), pp. 291–301. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v26n4.96571.


S. Demir, P. Alaboz, O. Dengiz, H. Şenol, K. Yilmaz, and O. Başkan, “Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 291–301, Dec. 2022.


Demir, S., P. Alaboz, O. Dengiz, H. Şenol, K. Yilmaz, and O. Başkan. “Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 26, no. 4, Dec. 2022, pp. 291-0, doi:10.15446/esrj.v26n4.96571.


Demir, Sinan, Pelin Alaboz, Orhan Dengiz, Hüseyin Şenol, Kamil Yilmaz, and Oğuz Başkan. “Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 26, no. 4 (December 31, 2022): 291–301. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Demir S, Alaboz P, Dengiz O, Şenol H, Yilmaz K, Başkan O. Physico-chemical and mineralogical changes of lithic xerorthent soils on volcanic rocks under semi-arid ecological conditions. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];26(4):291-30. Available from:

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1. Abayomi Adesola Olaojo, Michael Adeyinka Oladunjoye. (2024). Geo-spatial sensing of physical properties a leeway to agricultural soil assessment . Earth Sciences Research Journal, 28(1), p.79.



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