

On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures

Sobre la influencia de la distribución espacial del contenido de finos en la conductividad hidráulica de mezclas areno-arcillosas



Sand -clay mixtures, permeability, groundwater flow (en)
mezclas areno-arcillosas, permeabilidad, flujo de agua subterranea (es)



  • William Mario Fuentes Universidad del Norte
  • Carolina Hurtado University del Norte
  • Carlos Lascarro University del Norte

Sand-clay mixtures are one of the most usual types of soils in geotechnical engineering. These soils present a hydraulic conductivity which highly depends on the fine content. In this work, it will be shown, that not only the mean fine content of a soil sample affects its hydraulic conductivity, but also its spatial distribution within the sample. For this purpose, a set of hydraulic conductivity tests with sand-clay mixtures have been conducted to propose an empirical relation of the hydraulic conductivity depending on the fine content. Then, a numerical model of a large scaled hydraulic conductivity test is constructed. In this model, the heterogeneity of the fine content is simulated following a Gaussian distribution. The equivalent hydraulic conductivity resulting of the whole model is then computed and the influence of the spatial distribution of the fine content is evaluated. The results indicate that the hydraulic conductivity is not only related to the mean fine content, but also on its heterogeneity.

Las mezclas areno-arcillosas son uno de los suelos mas típicos en la ingeniería geotécnica. Estos suelos presentan una conductividad hidráulica que dependen fuertemente de su contenido de finos. En este trabajo, se demostrará que la conductividad hidráulica no solo depende del contenido promedio de finos sino también de su distribución espacial. Para tal fin, se ejecutó un set experimental de mezclas areno-arcillosas para medir su conductividad hidráulica y correlacionarla con el contenido de finos. Luego, se construyó un modelo numérico de un ensayo de permeabilidad a grande escala. En este modelo se consideró una muestra con variaciones internas del contenido de finos siguiendo una distribución Gaussiana. Se calculó la conductividad hidráulica equivalente de todo el modelo y se analizaron sus resultados. Los resultados indican que la conductividad hidráulica no solo dependen del contenido promedio de finos, sino tambien de su heterogeneidad.


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How to Cite


Fuentes, W. M., Hurtado, C. and Lascarro, C. (2018). On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 22(4), 239–249.


Fuentes, W.M., Hurtado, C. and Lascarro, C. 2018. On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 22, 4 (Oct. 2018), 239–249. DOI:


Fuentes, W. M.; Hurtado, C.; Lascarro, C. On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures. Earth sci. res. j. 2018, 22, 239-249.


FUENTES, W. M.; HURTADO, C.; LASCARRO, C. On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 4, p. 239–249, 2018. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v22n4.69332. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 oct. 2024.


Fuentes, William Mario, Carolina Hurtado, and Carlos Lascarro. 2018. “On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 22 (4):239-49.


Fuentes, W. M., Hurtado, C. and Lascarro, C. (2018) “On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 22(4), pp. 239–249. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v22n4.69332.


W. M. Fuentes, C. Hurtado, and C. Lascarro, “On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 239–249, Oct. 2018.


Fuentes, W. M., C. Hurtado, and C. Lascarro. “On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 22, no. 4, Oct. 2018, pp. 239-4, doi:10.15446/esrj.v22n4.69332.


Fuentes, William Mario, Carolina Hurtado, and Carlos Lascarro. “On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 22, no. 4 (October 1, 2018): 239–249. Accessed October 7, 2024.


Fuentes WM, Hurtado C, Lascarro C. On the influence of the spatial distribution of fine content in the hydraulic conductivity of sand-clay mixtures. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 7];22(4):239-4. Available from:

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