

Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia

Estudio de inclusiones fluidas de los depósitos vetiformes de oro hospedados en zona de cizalla: distrito minero El Bagre, Antioquia-Colombia



Fluid Inclusions, El Bagre Mining District, Shear Zone, Lode Gold Deposits. (en)
Inclusiones fluidas, Distrito minero El Bagre, Zona de Cizalla, Depósitos Vetiformes (es)



The shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits are located at the northeast part of Antioquia department of Colombia. The characteristics of ore-forming fluids were discussed using fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry analysis. Two stages, namely quartz-pyrite pre-mineralization stage (1) and reactivation-sulfides-tellurides mineralization stage (2) were included in this study. Two types of fluid inclusions were observed: primary aqueous-carbonic inclusions (type I) are characterized by the presence of clathrate, with salinities between 1.5 and 8.3 %wt NaCl equiv. and homogenization temperatures (to liquid) occurs between 238.1° and 297.1°C. Secondary aqueous inclusions (type II) were trapped in reactivated quartz (type IIa) and cross-cutting calcite veins (type IIb), salinity estimates display a mixing trend from a relatively saline with 9.21 %wt NaCl member (type IIa) to a low salinity one with 3.82 %wt NaCl (type IIb), homogenizations to a liquid phase occur between 150.8° and 184.6°C for type IIa inclusions and 130.3° to 190.4°C for type IIb. Based on these results, the shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits from El Bagre mining district, share similar characteristics with orogenic gold deposits.

Los depósitos vetiformes hospedados en zonas de cizalla están localizados en el sector noreste del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Las características de los fluidos mineralizantes fueron discutidas utilizando un análisis petrográfico y microtermométrico de inclusiones fluidas. Dos etapas, nombradas cuarzo-pirita pre-mineralización (etapa 1) y reactivación-sulfuros-telururos mineralizante (etapa 2) fueron incluidas en este estudio. Dos tipos de inclusiones fluidas fueron observadas: inclusiones acuo-carbónicas primarias (tipo I) están caracterizadas por la presencia de clatratos, con salinidades entre 1.5 y 8.3%wt NaCL equiv. y temperaturas de homogenización entre 238.1° y 297.1°C. Inclusiones acuosas secundarias (tipo II) fueron atrapadas en cuarzo reactivado (tipo IIa) y venas de calcita (tipo IIb), con estimaciones de salinidad mostrando un tren de mezcla desde un miembro relativamente salino (tipo IIa) con 9.21%wt NaCl equiv. a un miembro de baja salinidad (tipo IIb) con 3.82%wt NaCl equiv., homogenización a una fase líquida ocurre entre 150.8°C y 184.6°C para las inclusiones tipo IIa y entre 130.3° y 190.4°C para el tipo IIb. Con base en estos resultados, los depósitos vetiformes hospedados en zonas de cizalla al interior del distrito El Bagre, comparten varias características con los depósitos de oro orogénico.


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How to Cite


Naranjo Sierra, E. and Alvaran Echeverri, M. (2020). Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(3), 245–257.


Naranjo Sierra, E. and Alvaran Echeverri, M. 2020. Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 24, 3 (Oct. 2020), 245–257. DOI:


Naranjo Sierra, E.; Alvaran Echeverri, M. Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia. Earth sci. res. j. 2020, 24, 245-257.


NARANJO SIERRA, E.; ALVARAN ECHEVERRI, M. Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 3, p. 245–257, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v24n3.80653. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 oct. 2024.


Naranjo Sierra, Edwin, and Mauricio Alvaran Echeverri. 2020. “Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24 (3):245-57.


Naranjo Sierra, E. and Alvaran Echeverri, M. (2020) “Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia”, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(3), pp. 245–257. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v24n3.80653.


E. Naranjo Sierra and M. Alvaran Echeverri, “Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia”, Earth sci. res. j., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 245–257, Oct. 2020.


Naranjo Sierra, E., and M. Alvaran Echeverri. “Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia”. Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, Oct. 2020, pp. 245-57, doi:10.15446/esrj.v24n3.80653.


Naranjo Sierra, Edwin, and Mauricio Alvaran Echeverri. “Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia”. Earth Sciences Research Journal 24, no. 3 (October 12, 2020): 245–257. Accessed October 13, 2024.


Naranjo Sierra E, Alvaran Echeverri M. Fluid inclusion study of shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits: El Bagre mining district, Antioquia-Colombia. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 13];24(3):245-57. Available from:

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CrossRef citations2

1. Edwin Naranjo Sierra. (2022). Ore-controlling structures and geostatistical determination of ore-shoots in shear zone hosted lode gold type deposits, El Bagre-Antioquia, Colombia. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 26(1), p.47.

2. Daniel Salgado-González, José David Muñoz-Ospina, Edwin Naranjo-Sierra, John Jairo Cardona-Ríos. (2021). Características estructurales de los depósitos vetiformes La Ye y Mangos, Distrito Minero El Bagre (Antioquia, Colombia). Boletín de Geología, 43(3)



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