

An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey


Palabras clave:

Global geopotential model, GNSS/ levelling, Geoid undulations, Orthometric and ellipsoidal heights, Modelo geopotencial global, nivelación GNSS, ondulaciones geoidales, alturas geoide y ortométricas. (en)



  • Serkan Doganalp Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Geomatics Engineering, 42090, Konya, TURKEY

The aim of this study is to present the evaluations based on comparisons of geoid heights that are computed from several global geopotential models (GGMs) and the GNSS/levelling data. In this application framework, differences between geoid heights obtained by GGMs and GNSS/levelling were computed. Then, the availability of geoid heights calculated by GGMs for engineering applications were investigated. The Konya-Polatli (Ankara) Express Train Project as a strip area project was chosen as the study area. The length of the project is approximately 210 km and consists of 110 benchmarks that belong to the Turkish National Triangulation Network. In this study a total of 69 GGMs were compared. In order to examine more detail, these models were classified as three groups based on CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE. Each group was evaluated separately and the results were obtained. According to results, the best five models were detected for geoid height differences (NGNSS/lev-Nggm) in terms of standard deviation. These are EIGEN-6c4, EIGEN-GRACE01s, EGM2008, EIGEN-6c3stat and EIGEN-6c2, respectively. Also, geoid heights were obtained using different parametric models. These parametric models were used in order to minimize the impact of the terms of bias, tilt etc. Generally, three, four, five and seven parametric models are used for the least-squares adjustment of the geoid height differences in the literature. Therefore, in this study the geoid heights were calculated for such different parametric models. After the geoid height values were computed from the parametric models, the best global geopotential models in terms of standard deviation were obtained as EIGEN-6c2, EIGEN-6c3stat, EGM2008, EIGEN-6c4 and EIGEN-GRACE01s, respectively.


Evaluación de modelos geopotenciales globales recientes para un proyecto de área lineal en Turquía



El propósito de este estudio es presentar las evaluaciones comparativas de alturas geoidales que fueron computadas a partir de varios Modelos Geopotenciales Globales (GGM, del inglés Global Geopotential Models) y la nivelación de información del Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite. Luego se investigó la disposición para aplicaciones de ingeniería de las alturas geoidales calculadas por los modelos GGM. Se seleccionó el proyecto del Tren Expreso Konya-Polatli (Ankara) como el área de estudio por ser un terreno lineal. La longitud del proyecto es de 210 kilómetros y consiste de 110 puntos de referencia que pertenecen a la Red de Triangulación Nacional de Turquía. En este estudio se compararon 69 modelos GGM. Para un mejor examen, estos modelos se clasificaron en tres grupos basados en CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload), GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) y GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer). Cada grupo se evaluó por separado. De acuerdo con los resultados, se detectaron los cinco modelos mejores para las diferencias de alturas geoidales (NGNSS/LEV-NGGM) en términos de desviación estándar. Estos son EIGEN-6c4, EIGENGRACE01s, EGM2008, EIGEN-6c3stat, y EIGEN-6c2. También se obtuvieron las alturas geoide a través de diferentes modelos paramétricos. Este mecanismo se utilizo para minimizar el impacto en términos de inclinación y declive. Generalmente, se utilizan tres, cuatro, cinco, y siete modelos paramétricos para el ajuste por mínimos cuadrados de las diferencias de alturas geoide, según la literatura. Por lo tanto, en este estudio se calcularon las alturas geoide con estos modelos paramétricos. Después de que se computaron los valores de altura geoide desde los modelos paramétricos, se obtuvieron los mejores modelos geopotenciales globales en términos de desviación estándar, estos son el EIGEN-6c2, EIGEN-6c3stat, EGM2008, EIGEN-6c4 y EIGEN-GRACE01s, respectivamente.  


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Cómo citar


Doganalp, S. (2016). An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 20(3), C1-C10.


Doganalp, S. 2016. An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 20, 3 (jul. 2016), C1-C10. DOI:


Doganalp, S. An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey. Earth sci. res. j. 2016, 20, C1-C10.


DOGANALP, S. An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey. Earth Sciences Research Journal, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 3, p. C1-C10, 2016. DOI: 10.15446/esrj.v20n3.55440. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


Doganalp, Serkan. 2016. «An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey». Earth Sciences Research Journal 20 (3):C1-C10.


Doganalp, S. (2016) «An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey», Earth Sciences Research Journal, 20(3), pp. C1-C10. doi: 10.15446/esrj.v20n3.55440.


S. Doganalp, «An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey», Earth sci. res. j., vol. 20, n.º 3, pp. C1-C10, jul. 2016.


Doganalp, S. «An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey». Earth Sciences Research Journal, vol. 20, n.º 3, julio de 2016, pp. C1-C10, doi:10.15446/esrj.v20n3.55440.


Doganalp, Serkan. «An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey». Earth Sciences Research Journal 20, no. 3 (julio 1, 2016): C1-C10. Accedido julio 18, 2024.


Doganalp S. An Evaluation of Recent Global Geopotential Models for Strip Area Project in Turkey. Earth sci. res. j. [Internet]. 1 de julio de 2016 [citado 18 de julio de 2024];20(3):C1-C10. Disponible en:

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CrossRef citations6

1. Serkan Doğanalp. (2022). Assessment of recent global geopotential models based on the Auvergne test area data. Engineering Research Express, 4(4), p.045017.

2. Nurul Shafiqah Hazelin Noor Azmin, Muhammad Faiz Pa’Suya, Ami Hassan Md Din, Noorfatekah Talib, Noorhurul Ain Othman, Afreena Nisha Mohd Zamri. (2024). Development of Gravimetric Geoid over Peninsular Malaysia using the Most Recent Global Geopotential Model. 2024 20th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA). , p.47.

3. Brian Bramanto, Dina A. Sarsito, Irwan Gumilar, Wedyanto Kuntjoro. (2022). Sensing the Terrestrial and Atmospheric Hydrological Dynamic using Satellite Gravimeter and GNSS. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1047(1), p.012001.

4. Yunus Aytaç Akdoğan, Hasan Yildiz, Gonca Okay Ahi. (2019). Evaluation of global gravity models from absolute gravity and vertical gravity gradient measurements in Turkey. Measurement Science and Technology, 30(11), p.115009.

5. Nurul Shafiqah Hazelin Noor Azmin, Muhammad Faiz Pa’suya, Ami Hassan Md Din, Mohamad Azril Che Aziz, Noorhurul Ain Othman. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of the Recent Combined and Satellite-Only Global Geopotential Model on the Gravimetric Geoid Model. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1316(1), p.012006.

6. Ropesh Goyal, Onkar Dikshit, Nagarajan Balasubramania. (2019). Evaluation of global geopotential models: a case study for India. Survey Review, 51(368), p.402.



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