A New Difference-Cum-Exponential Type Estimator of Finite Population Mean in Simple Random Sampling
Un nuevo estimador tipo diferencia-cum-exponencial de la media de una población finita en muestras aleatorias simple
Ratio estimator, Auxiliary Variable, Exponential type estimator, Bias, MSE, Efficiency. (en)estimador de razón, variables auxiliares, estimador tipo exponencial, sesgo, error cuadrático medio (es)
Auxiliary information is frequently used to improve the accuracy of the estimators when estimating the unknown population parameters. In this paper, we propose a new difference-cum-exponential type estimator for the finite population mean using auxiliary information in simple random sampling. The expressions for the bias and mean squared error of the proposed estimator are obtained under first order of approximation. It is shown theoretically, that the proposed estimator is always more efficient than the sample mean, ratio, product, regression and several other existing estimators considered here. An empirical study using 10 data sets is also conducted to validate the theoretical findings.
Información auxiliar se utiliza con frecuencia para mejorar la precisión de los estimadores al estimar los parámetros poblacionales desconocidos. En este trabajo, se propone un nuevo tipo de diferencia-cum-exponencial estimador de la población finita implicar el uso de información auxiliar en muestreo aleatorio simple. Las expresiones para el sesgo y el error cuadrático medio del estimador propuesto se obtienen en primer orden de aproximación. Se muestra teóricamente, que el estimador propuesto es siempre más eficiente que la media de la muestra, la relación de, producto, regresión y varios otros estimadores existentes considerados aquí. Un estudio empírico utilizando 10 conjuntos de datos también se lleva a cabo para validar los resultados teóricos.
1Quaid-I-Azam University, Department of Statistics, Islamabad, Pakistan. Professor. Email:
2Quaid-I-Azam University, Department of Statistics, Islamabad, Pakistan. Lecturer. Email:
3The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Greensboro, USA. Professor. Email:
Auxiliary information is frequently used to improve the accuracy of the estimators when estimating the unknown population parameters. In this paper, we propose a new difference-cum-exponential type estimator for the finite population mean using auxiliary information in simple random sampling. The expressions for the bias and mean squared error of the proposed estimator are obtained under first order of approximation. It is shown theoretically, that the proposed estimator is always more efficient than the sample mean, ratio, product, regression and several other existing estimators considered here. An empirical study using 10 data sets is also conducted to validate the theoretical findings.
Key words: Ratio estimator, Auxiliary Variable, Exponential type estimator, Bias, MSE, Efficiency.
Información auxiliar se utiliza con frecuencia para mejorar la precisión de los estimadores al estimar los parámetros poblacionales desconocidos. En este trabajo, se propone un nuevo tipo de diferencia-cum-exponencial estimador de la población finita implicar el uso de información auxiliar en muestreo aleatorio simple. Las expresiones para el sesgo y el error cuadrático medio del estimador propuesto se obtienen en primer orden de aproximación. Se muestra teóricamente, que el estimador propuesto es siempre más eficiente que la media de la muestra, la relación de, producto, regresión y varios otros estimadores existentes considerados aquí. Un estudio empírico utilizando 10 conjuntos de datos también se lleva a cabo para validar los resultados teóricos.
Palabras clave: estimador de razón, variables auxiliares, estimador tipo exponencial, sesgo, error cuadrático medio.
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2. Abdul Haq, & Javid Shabbir, (2013), 'Improved family of ratio estimators in simple and stratified random sampling', Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 42(5), 782-799.
3. B.V. Sukhatme, & L. Chand, (1977), Multivariate Ratio-type Estimators, 'Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section', American Statistical Association, Michigan, p. 927-931.
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9. Lovleen Kumar Grover, & Parmdeep Kaur, (2011), 'An Improved Estimator of the Finite Population Mean in Simple Random Sampling', Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 6(1), 47-55.
10. Lovleen Kumar Grover, & Parmdeep Kaur, (2014), 'A Generalized Class of Ratio Type Exponential Estimators of Population Mean Under Linear Transformation of Auxiliary Variable', Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43(7), 1552-1574.
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14. R Singh,, P. Chauhan, & N. Sawan, (2008), 'On linear combination of ratio and product type exponential estimator for estimating the finite population mean', Statistics in Transition 9(1), 105-115.
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17. Shashi Bahl, & RK Tuteja, (1991), 'Ratio and product type exponential estimators', Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 12(1), 159-164.
18. Subhash Kumar Yadav, & Cem Kadilar, (2013), 'Improved Exponential Type Ratio Estimator of Population Variance', Revista Colombiana de Estadística 36(1), 145-152.
19. TJ Rao, (1991), 'On certain methods of improving ratio and regression estimators', Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 20(10), 3325-3340.
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Este artículo se puede citar en LaTeX utilizando la siguiente referencia bibliográfica de BibTeX:
AUTHOR = {Shabbir, Javid and Haq, Abdul and Gupta, Sat},
TITLE = {{A New Difference-Cum-Exponential Type Estimator of Finite Population Mean in Simple Random Sampling}},
JOURNAL = {Revista Colombiana de Estadística},
YEAR = {2014},
volume = {37},
number = {1},
pages = {199-211}
Bahl, S. & Tuteja, R. (1991), ‘Ratio and product type exponential estimators’, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 12(1), 159–164.
Cochran, W. G. (1940), ‘The estimation of the yields of cereal experiments by sampling for the ratio of grain to total produce’, The Journal of Agricultural Science 30(02), 262–275.
Cochran, W. G. (1977), Sampling Techniques, 3 edn, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Das, A. (1988), Contribution to the Theory of Sampling Strategies Based on Auxiliary Information, Ph.D. thesis, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalay, Nadia West Bengal, India.
Grover, L. K. & Kaur, P. (2011), ‘An improved estimator of the finite population mean in simple random sampling’, Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 6(1), 47–55.
Grover, L. K. & Kaur, P. (2014), ‘A generalized class of ratio type exponential estimators of population mean under linear transformation of auxiliary variable’, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43(7), 1552–1574.
Haq, A. & Shabbir, J. (2013), ‘Improved family of ratio estimators in simple and stratified random sampling’, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 42(5), 782–799.
Kalidar, C. & Cingi, H. (2005), ‘A new estimator using two auxiliary variables’, Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(2), 901–908.
Kalidar, C. & Cingi, H. (2007), ‘Improvement in variance estimation in simple random sampling’, Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods 36, 2075–2081.
Maddala, G. S. (1977), Econometrics, Economics handbook series, McGraw Hills Publication Company, New York.
Murthy, M. (1964), ‘Product method of estimation’, Sankhya A 26(1), 69–74.
Murthy, M. N. (1977), Sampling: Theory and Methods, Statistical Pub. Society.
Rao, T. (1991), ‘On certain methods of improving ratio and regression estimators’,Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 20(10), 3325–3340.
Searls, D. T. (1964), ‘The utilization of a known coefficient of variation in the estimation procedure’, Journal of the American Statistical Association 59(308), 1225–1226.
Singh, H. P., Sharma, B. & Tailor, R. (2014), ‘Hartley-Ross type estimators for population mean using known parameters of auxiliary variate’, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 43(3), 547–565.
Singh, R., Chauhan, P. & Sawan, N. (2008), ‘On linear combination of ratio and product type exponential estimator for estimating the finite population mean’, Statistics in Transition 9(1), 105–115.
Singh, R., Chauhan, P., Sawan, N. & Smarandache, F. (2009), ‘Improvement in estimating the population mean using exponential estimator in simple random sampling’, Bulletin of Statistics and Economics 3(13), 13–18.
Srivnstava, R. S., Srivastava, S. & Khare, B. (1989), ‘Chain ratio type estimator for ratio of two population means using auxiliary characters’, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 18(10), 3917–3926.
Steel, R., Torrie, J. & Dickey, D. (1960), Principles and Procedures of Statistics, McGraw-Hill Companies, Michigan.
Sukhatme, B. & Chand, L. (1977), Multivariate ratio-type estimators, in ‘Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section’, American Statistical Association, Michigan, pp. 927–931.
Yadav, S. K. & Kadilar, C. (2013), ‘Improved exponential type ratio estimator of population variance’, Revista Colombiana de Estadística 36(1), 145–152.
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