

Relationship Between Kendall's tau Correlation and Mutual Information

Relación entre la correlación tau de Kendall y la información mutua



Copula function, Kendall’s tau correlation, Mutual information (en)
Función de cópula, Correlación tau de Kendall, Información mutua (es)



  • Mohammad Bolbolian Ghalibaf Hakim Sabzevari‎ University - Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer‎ - Department of Statistics‎
Mutual information (MI) can be viewed as a measure of multivariate association in a random vector. However, the estimation of MI is difficult since the estimation of the joint probability density function (PDF) of non Gaussian distributed data is a hard problem. Copula function is an appropriate tool for estimating MI since the joint probability density function of
random variables can be expressed as the product of the associated copula density function and marginal PDF’s. With a little search, we find that the proposed copulas-based mutual information is much more accurate than conventional methods such as the joint histogram and Parzen window-based MI. In this paper, by using the copulas-based method, we compute MI for
some family of bivariate distribution functions and study the relationship between Kendall’s tau correlation and MI of bivariate distributions. Finally, using a real dataset, we illustrate the efficiency of this approach.

La información mutua (MI) puede ser vista como una medida de asociación multivariante en un vector aleatorio. Sin embargo, la estimación de MI es difícil ya que la estimación de la función de densidad de probabilidad conjunta (PDF) de datos distribuidos no gaussianos es un problema difícil. La función copula es una herramienta apropiada para estimar el MI ya que la función de densidad de probabilidad de las variables aleatorias se puede
expresar como el producto de la función de densidad de cópula asociada y de los PDF marginales. Con una pequeña búsqueda, encontramos que la información mutua propuesta basada en cópulas es mucho más precisa que los métodos convencionales, como el histograma de la articulación y el MI basado en ventana de Parzen. En este artículo, al utilizar el método basado en cópulas, calculamos el MI para algunas familias de funciones de distribución bivariadas y estudiamos la relación entre la correlación tau de Kendall y el MI de las distribuciones bivariadas. Finalmente, usando un conjunto de datos real, ilustramos la eficiencia de este enfoque.


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How to Cite


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, M. (2020). Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 43(1), 3–20.


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, M. 2020. Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information. Revista Colombiana de Estadística. 43, 1 (Jan. 2020), 3–20. DOI:


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, M. Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information. Rev. colomb. estad. 2020, 43, 3-20.


BOLBOLIAN GHALIBAF, M. Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, [S. l.], v. 43, n. 1, p. 3–20, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/rce.v43n1.78054. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2025.


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, Mohammad. 2020. “Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information”. Revista Colombiana De Estadística 43 (1):3-20.


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, M. (2020) “Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information”, Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 43(1), pp. 3–20. doi: 10.15446/rce.v43n1.78054.


M. Bolbolian Ghalibaf, “Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information”, Rev. colomb. estad., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 3–20, Jan. 2020.


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, M. “Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information”. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, vol. 43, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 3-20, doi:10.15446/rce.v43n1.78054.


Bolbolian Ghalibaf, Mohammad. “Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information”. Revista Colombiana de Estadística 43, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 3–20. Accessed March 28, 2025.


Bolbolian Ghalibaf M. Relationship Between Kendall’s tau Correlation and Mutual Information. Rev. colomb. estad. [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];43(1):3-20. Available from:

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2. Naqibah Aminuddin Jafry, Jamaludin Suhaila, Fadhilah Yusof, Siti Rohani Mohd Nor, Nor Eliza Alias. (2024). Enhancing flood risk assessment in the Johor River Basin through trivariate copula. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 15(4), p.1820.

3. Damaris Brigithe Neto Eras, Cecibel Alejandra Granja Daza, Luis Daniel Nauta Padilla. (2025). Análisis de los factores económicos y su incidencia en la sostenibilidad de las microempresas comerciales del cantón La Maná. Bastcorp International Journal, 4(1), p.263.

4. Jonathan Rathjens, Arthur Kolbe, Jürgen Hölzer, Katja Ickstadt, Nadja Klein. (2024). Bivariate Analysis of Birth Weight and Gestational Age by Bayesian Distributional Regression with Copulas. Statistics in Biosciences, 16(1), p.290.

5. Mateusz Oszczypała, Jakub Konwerski, Jarosław Ziółkowski, Jerzy Małachowski. (2024). Copula-Based Reliability Analysis of Vehicles Based on Censored Failures Data Using Reliability Importance Measures. IEEE Access, 12, p.154119.

6. Mohammad Karami, Saeid Shabanlou, Hosein Mazaheri, Shahroo Mokhtari, Mohsen Najarchi. (2024). Integration of the Non-linear Time Series GARCH Model with Fuzzy Model Optimized with Water Cycle Algorithm for River Streamflow Forecasting. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 17(1)

7. Fadhah Amer Alanazi, Mohammad Amin Hariri-Ardebili. (2021). Truncating Regular Vine Copula Based on Mutual Information: An Efficient Parsimonious Model for High-Dimensional Data. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, p.1.

8. Emanuela Furfaro, Fushing Hsieh. (2023). Ordinal Conditional Entropy Displays Reveal Intrinsic Characteristics of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Entropy, 25(9), p.1311.

9. N. A. Jafry, J. Suhaila, F. Yusof, S. R. M. Nor, N. E. Alias. (2024). Modeling the dependency structure of four-dimensional flood variables using the copula approach. THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, APPLICATIONS, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY (ICON-SMART2022): Mathematical Physics and Biotechnology for Education, Energy Efficiency, and Marine Industries. THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, APPLICATIONS, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY (ICON-SMART2022): Mathematical Physics and Biotechnology for Education, Energy Efficiency, and Marine Industries. 3132, p.080002.

10. Babak Sohrabian, Abdullah Erhan Tercan. (2024). Copula-Based Data-Driven Multiple-Point Simulation Method. Spatial Statistics, 59, p.100802.

11. Edoardo Saccenti. (2023). Metabolomics. , p.59.

12. Johny Pambabay-Calero, Sergio Bauz-Olvera, Ana Nieto-Librero, Ana Sánchez-García, Puri Galindo-Villardón. (2021). Hierarchical Modeling for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Using Multivariate Probability Distribution Functions. Mathematics, 9(11), p.1310.

13. Soumik Purkayastha, Peter X.-K. Song. (2024). fastMI: A fast and consistent copula-based nonparametric estimator of mutual information. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 201, p.105270.



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