Transfer of rights and ethical commitment (Spanish)
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Below, we describe the types of articles that are published in LTHC:
Originality. The works that the authors submit to the journal must be their own original creations that respect copyrights and must not have been published in other media or in other languages (except in the case of translations).
Earlier works diffused as grey literature, preprints, in institutional repositories or personal or institutional websites would not in principle constitute a disqualification for publication in the journal but authors must indicate when and under what conditions such pre-publication or preliminary diffusion has been made.
Languages. The journal publishes articles and notes written in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. At the time of submission, it is only necessary to send the title, abstract and key words of the articles and notes, in the language that they have been presented.
Format. Work should be sent in Word format, without restrictions (fully editable). Tables and figures that accompany the text should be in editable format, not image format. Images or photographs should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in TIFF or JPEG files.
Sending of manuscripts Authors must submit their work by email ( or through the Open Journal Systems platform of the journal (; printed articles will not be accepted or processed.
Information on the authors. Each one of the authors must attach a summary or full version of his/her resume with submission of the work. In addition, the first page of the work must include a concise description of the author’s academic profile, with the following information: complete bibliographic name, highest academic degree and area, position, affiliated department and University or organization, city, country, institutional e-mail.
Patricia Simonson, PhD in 19th century American narrative, Associate Professor of the Literature Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Email:
Title of the work. The title of the work must be concise and correspond to the subject covered.
Abstracts and key words. Articles must include an analytic abstract not exceeding 150 words. The abstracts must answer the following questions: 1) what is the purpose of the article?; (2) how are the subjects or the contents in the article logically developed?; (3) what is the main point of view of the author or the contribution of the article?; (4) what are the conclusions, repercussions or aspects to highlight and of interest to the reader?
The notes abstracts will be no longer than 100 words in the original language in which they are written. The abstract must clearly indicate the purpose of the note and the issues that are addressed.
Key words accompanying the abstract must be between three (minimum) and six (maximum) and like the title, must correspond to the content that is developed in the text.
Body of the text. The organization of the contents depends on the intention of the text and the form in which the author aims to most effectively reach the readers. We do not suggest here a unique format for an article of research, reflection, or review in literary studies. However, authors must always seek clarity in their approaches. It is important that the reader understand the message of the article clearly, understand its contribution, and that the quality of the writing or the organization of the contents is not an obstacle to this.
Tables and figures. The tables and figures included in the work must be referenced in the body of the text next to where the reference is made. Both tables and figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance, title and source. Table numbers and titles are placed above, with the source below. For the figures, both the number and the title and source are indicated below.
Footnotes. The use of footnotes in the body of the text can be justified for two purposes: 1) to indicate to the reader a reference, text or author which expands or deepens the subject being treated; (2) to clarify or give additional information that may be useful to the reader.
Acknowledgements. If the article or note arises from a research project funded by a university or organization, or if the author considers that mention should be made of those who contributed to the research or in the writing of the text, an acknowledgements section may be included at the end of the work (before the list of references). This section should not exceed 100 words.
Citation and reference style. The journal follows the rules of the Modern Language Association MLA for in-text citations and for the final reference list of that must appear in each work.
In-Text citations
The MLA style uses the “parenthetical” citation to make reference to an author or text within the body of the text.
For example, if a section of text is used, the source must be included in parentheses, with the last name of the author and page number, without orthographic signs, separated by a space:
“No ganaba nada con preguntarse qué hacía allí a esa hora y con esa gente, los queridos amigos tan desconocidos ayer y mañana, la gente que no era más que una nimia incidencia en el lugar y en el momento” (Cortázar 206).
If the author of the text is mentioned and there is no room for confusion, only the number of page after the citation may be included:
Algunas veces, Cortázar utiliza el discurso indirecto libre: “No ganaba nada con preguntarse qué hacía allí a esa hora y con esa gente, los queridos amigos tan desconocidos ayer y mañana, la gente que no era más que una nimia incidencia en el lugar y en el momento” (206).
If various works of the same author are being quoted within a paragraph, a fragment of the title of the work with the corresponding page can be included in parentheses to differentiate each reference. Book titles must be in italics and article or chapter titles in quotation marks:
Aquí vemos que Salinger, tanto en su narrador en primera persona (El guardián 5), como en tercera (“El tío Wiggily” 22)…
If several works by an author are being cited or there are multiple entries from the same author in the list of references, and the author’s name is not mentioned in the referenced text or section, the last name can also be included in the parentheses to avoid confusion, separated by a comma:
(Salinger, “El tío Wiggily” 22)
When there are two or more different authors but with the same name in the list of references, the initial of the name can be included for each citation in the body of the text to distinguish the source (or even the full name, if the initials are the same):
(C. Hernández 24) and (P. Hernández 35)
(Jorge Gómez 13) and (José Gómez 65)
To cite dramatic works, the numbered act, scene and verse can be included in parentheses, each item separated by a period, after the fragment that is cited. If different editions of a work are being cited, the page or range of pages, in parenthesis, must first be included, then the volume, number, chapter, section, or paragraph, separated by semicolon, and space: (89, ch. 2).
Reference list citations
In MLA it is important to confirm and indicate the format of the bibliographic entry (printed, digital, web, podcast, etc.). The proper monitoring of this citation style implies that authors follow in detail the indicated conventions and orthographic signs and where indicated (use of quotation marks, italics, colons, periods, parentheses, etc.), depending on the type of entry.
Some examples of the most common cases in the references are offered below:
Arango, José Manuel. Poesía completa. Medellín, Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 2003.
Book chapter
Scholem, Gershom. “Cábala y mito”. La cábala y su simbolismo. México, Siglo XXI, 2005, pp. 95-129.
Journal article
Castro Ramírez, Bibiana. “José Lezama Lima y su propuesta de crítica literaria para América Latina”. Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica, vol. 9, 2007, pp. 79-122.
Electronic article
Ramey, James. “Bajtín y el giro espacial: intertextualidad, vanguardismo, parasitismo”. Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica, vol, 15, no. 2, 2013, pp. 69-95. Web. March 3, 2014.
Authors must ensure that the reference list and the citations made in the body of the text match perfectly. A reference which was not used in the body of the text should not be included in the reference list, nor should a source included in the text be omitted from the list.
Each bibliographic entry is organized in alphabetical order by last name.
Son textos de carácter general en los que el autor ofrece un punto de vista o analiza un tema de coyuntura, una obra, o un asunto académico de interés para la comunidad de los estudios literarios. Su extensión es de cinco mil palabras (máximo), incluyendo referencias.
The journal is published in open access, in its online version, under a Creative Commons license of "attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives", (BY-NC-ND), through an Open Journal Systems platform at: Self-archiving is allowed, in the editor’s version, from personal webpages or from institutional or thematic open access repositories. However, we also suggest to link or to provide the doi (digital object identifier) to every work published in the journal. The journal can be considered as a “blue” publication, according to the Sherpa Romeo classification.
For readers who so prefer, the journal publishes a printed version that is available by subscription (
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Departamento de Literatura. Bogotá, Colombia. Carrera 30 No. 45-03. Edifico 224, oficina 3055. Phone number: 3165000 ext. 16494 Fax 3165000.
ISSN: 0123-5931 (print)
ISSN: 2256-5450 (online)