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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or previously sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in comments to the editor).
  • Contributions can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in Guidelines for authors.
  • The metadata fields must be filled out in the language of the manuscript. For example, if you submit an article in English, you must fill in all the fields (including authors and affiliations) in English. Remember that contributions are received in English, Spanish and Portuguese. In case of doubt, it is preferable to only fill out the metadata in the language of submission (these are required).

Author Guidelines

Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas is a scientific journal published by the Department of Pharmacy of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá D.C.). It aims to publish original papers about basic and applied research in any of the various topics related to pharmaceutical sciences such as natural resources, pharmaceutical care, clinical and preclinical evaluation and those related to pharmaceutical industry, health and medicines. This journal is published three times a year.

In addition to full-length articles, this journal accepts thematic reviews, brief technical communications and letters to the editor. The contributions may be send in Spanish, Portuguese and English, in the font Times New Roman, size 12, to the journal email

Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced, including tables, minimum margin 2.5 cm in all sides. Footnotes are not allowed.

All manuscripts must contain:

- Centered title in lower case.

-Autor(s), italic, left, including postal address, email and fax.

-Summary and Resumen. In the top of manuscript and centered. To include a structured summary is mandatory for authors. It is a short description (less than 250 words) of objectives, methods, methodology, results, and conclusions of each article.

Also include the title and summary in English, regardless of idiom manuscript. If the manuscript is written in English or Portuguese, include Resumen in Spanish.

 -Palabras clave (below the Resumen) and Key words (below the Summary). Between three or six word, in lower case, except the first letter, separated by commas and space. Preferably this words should be taken from Index Medicus (http://www.

The articles will be divided into the following sections: introduction, methodology, results and discussion, acknowledgments, interest conflicts, and references. The titles must be separated by double space at the top and the end, centered and in bold. The details about experimental methodology use will be sufficiently clear to repeat the experimentation.

The tables must be numbered with Arabic numbers according to the order of appearance in the text. The title must be at the top of each table and notes at the end. In the column headings must be noted the symbols of the units of measurement used. Photos, graphics, pictures, and schemes are called figures and must be numbered with Arabic numbers according to the order of appearance in the text. The title must be below the figures.

Articles relative with animal experimentation must follow ethic guidelines defined by World Health Organization. Extracts or fractions assessed in vitro or in vivo should be defined chemically, at the least, the kind of constituent. The vegetal material should be classified botanically.

Abbreviations of weights and measures will be indicated by the official edition of US Pharmacopeia, or SI units.

Spectroscopic data must be presented as follows:

UV l l max (solvent Ɛ) nm (log Ɛ). Ex .: UV l max (MeOH) 275 (log Ɛ 2.94).

IR v max (medium) cm-1. Ex.: IR v max (KBr) 1740, 1720 cm -1.
EM m/z (% relative intensity). Ex.: in m/ z (%): 340 (M +, 100), 295 (10), 134 (26) ...
1H NMR (solvent, recording frequency) d ppm (integration, multiplicity, J in Hz, assignment). Ex.: 1H NMR (CDCl3, 400 MHz) 3.84 (1H, d, J = 10.3 Hz, H-30).
13C NMR (solvent, recording frequency) d ppm (multiplicity, assignment). Ex .: RMN  13C (CDCl3,  600 MHz) 16.60 (t, C-12).

The abbreviations use to describe the multiplicity of the NMR signals are: s = singlet, d = doublet, t = triplet, m = multiplet, dd = doublet of doublets, ddd = double of double of doublets.

Abbreviations for the most commonly used solvents and reagents are:

 EtOH= Ethanol, MeOH = methanol, CHCl3 = chloroform, C6H6 = benzene, AcOEt = ethyl acetate, EP = petroleum ether, Me 2 CO = acetone, DMSO = dimethylsulfoxide, AcOH = acetic acid.

Avoid excessive use of tables and figures, these must be numbered and attached in separate sheets with their respective description.


The references will be cited in the text with their respective numbering. Only theses and books or articles that have been published can be cited. They must include: author (s), publication title, year, volume and pages, as follows:

Journals: initials of name and last name of all authors, the full title of the article, abbreviated name or full name of the journal depending on whether it appears in the Chemical Abstract or equivalent indexes. The reference is quoted in italics, volume in bolt, pages, and year in parentheses. Example:
1. H.P. Baden, L.A. Goldsmith, B. Fleming, A comparative study of … keratinized tissues, Bioch. Biophys. Acta, 322, 269-305 (1973).
Personal communications: initials of the name, the last name, and institution, followed by the words personal communication and the year. Example:
2. A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Holland, personal communication, 1984.
Books: initials of name and last name of the authors, the title of the book in quotation marks, publisher, city, year, volume and pages. Example:
3. D.R. Morris, “The Biochemistry of Disease”, Morris et Marton Eds., London, 1981, Vol. 8, p. 223.
Chapters of books written by several authors: initials of the author and last name, chapter title, followed by the word In: title of the book in quotes marks editors, publisher, city, year, volume, pages. Example:
4. A.D. Elbein, R.J. Molyneux, The chemistry and biochemistry of simple indolizidine and related polyhydroxy alkaloids. In: “Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives”, Ed. By S.W. Pelletier, Wiley, New York, 1987, Vol. 5, pp. 1-54.
Thesis: Authors, title followed by thesis of…, institution, year, pages. Example:
5. F. Salcedo, “Contribution to the study of Colombian Cinchonas”, Degree thesis, Universidad del Valle, 1983, pp. 14-16.
Internet references: initials of the name, the last name, document title, URL and date of revision. Example:
6. Lipidat. Lipid thermotropic phase transition database. Ohio State University. URL: http: //, accessed September 2001.
The correspondence should send to the following address:
Editorial committee
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas

Departamento de Farmacia

Facultad de Ciencias

Universidad Nacional de Colombia 
Cra. 30 No. 45-03
Fax: 57-1-3165060
Bogotá Colombia


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The manuscripts could send to email:


Personal Data Processing Policy

The names and email addresses given in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.