Citotoxicidad, Actividad Antitumural y Análisis Fitoquímico de Cucumis dipsaaceus
Citotoxixity antitumor effect and phitochemical screening of Cucumis dipsaceus
Los resultados del presente trabajo mostraron que los extractos etanólicos de los frutos y de los tallos con hojas de Cucumis dipsaceus, presentaron un alto porcentaje de citotoxicidad contra las líneas celulares tumorales k562 y Hep-2. El efecto antitumoral se reveló por el método de disco de zanahoria contra los tumores producidos por el microorganismo Agrobacterium tumefaciens. El estudio fitoquímico preliminar mostró la presencia de esteroles y triterpenos y flavonoides.
The results of the present work showed a high cytotoxic percentage against the human tumoral cellular lines K562 and Hep-2 of the ethanolic extracts of the fruits and of the shafts with leaves of Cucumis dipsaceus. The antitumor effect was demostrated by the method of carrot disk, against the tumors produced by the microorganism Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of sterols, triterpenes and flavonoidsThe results of the present work showed a high cytotoxic percentage against the human tumoral cellular lines K562 and Hep-2 of the ethanolic extracts of the fruits and of the shafts with leaves of Cucumis dipsaceus. The antitumor effect was demostrated by the method of carrot disk, against the tumors produced by the microorganism Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of sterols, triterpenes and flavonoids.
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