

Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness

Factores asociados con la adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros



Agricultural development, Productivity, Rural economics, Structural equations (en)
Desarrollo agrario, Productividad, Economía agraria, Ecuaciones estructurales (es)



The adoption of adequate technologies is essential to improve the performance of different kinds of companies. Although there is literature related to the adoption of technology in dairy agribusiness in developed countries, information about it is scarce in developing countries. The objective of this study was to explore the factors associated with the adoption of technology by dairy agribusiness. A structural analysis was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the internal variables of Antioquia province farms, Colombia, and their technology adoption process. This process was explained by two factors: production-related variables and management-dependent traits. The variables resulting in the greatest impact were pasture improvement, genetics, administration, and technical procedures.

La adopción de tecnologías adecuadas es esencial para incrementar el desempeño de las compañías. Aunque existe literatura relacionada con la adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros en países industrializados, la información acerca de este fenómeno en países en vía desarrollo es escasa. El objetivo fue explorar los factores asociados a la adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros. Se realizó un análisis estructural para evaluar la relación entre variables internas en granjas del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia y el proceso de adopción de tecnologías. La adopción tecnológica fue explicada mediante dos constructos: producción y gestión, siendo el mejorar los pastos, la genética, la gestión administrativa y los procedimientos técnicos las variables de mayor impacto.

Recibido: 10 de septiembre de 2019; Aceptado: 26 de marzo de 2020


The adoption of adequate technologies is essential to improve the performance of different kinds of companies. Although there is literature related to the adoption of technology in dairy agribusiness in developed countries, information about it is scarce in developing countries. The objective of this study was to explore the factors associated with the adoption of technology by dairy agribusiness. A structural analysis was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the internal variables of Antioquia province farms, Colombia, and their technology adoption process. This process was explained by two factors: production-related variables and management-dependent traits. The variables resulting in the greatest impact were pasture improvement, genetics, administration, and technical procedures.


Agricultural development, Productivity, Rural economics, Structural equations.


La adopción de tecnologías adecuadas es esencial para incrementar el desempeño de las compañías. Aunque existe literatura relacionada con la adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros en países industrializados, la información acerca de este fenómeno en países en vía desarrollo es escasa. El objetivo fue explorar los factores asociados a la adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros. Se realizó un análisis estructural para evaluar la relación entre variables internas en granjas del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia y el proceso de adopción de tecnologías. La adopción tecnológica fue explicada mediante dos constructos: producción y gestión, siendo el mejorar los pastos, la genética, la gestión administrativa y los procedimientos técnicos las variables de mayor impacto.

Palabras clave:

Desarrollo agrario Productividad, Economía agraria, Ecuaciones estructurales.

Technology appropriation helps reducing workload, improves the life quality of farmers, and increases farm performance (Tse et al., 2018). Although the use of technology has increased in recent years, its adoption rate by the dairy sector has been slow compared with other industries (Russell and Bewley, 2013).

Investing in dairy farming technologies implies overcoming several challenges. It is necessary to consider the reasons argued for investing or not (Steeneveld and Hogeveen, 2015), the technical efficiency (Steeneveld et al., 2012), and its economic consequences (Bijl et al., 2007), among others. Lack of analysis of the specific conditions and needs of farmers is a relevant factor that discourages investment (Luvisi, 2016).

Information about the adoption and use of technology by dairy farmers in developing countries is scarce (Janssen and Swinnen, 2017). This includes Colombia, where such lack of information could be related to its low rate of technology adoption (Barrios et al., 2019). Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the technology adoption processes by dairy farmers in this country. The results could improve decision making and productive performance in a sector that is still immature regarding organizational issues and business management (Vásquez-Jaramillo et al., 2018). The objective of this study was to establish the factors associated with the adoption of technologies by dairy agribusiness. The findings could help increase the effectiveness of research and policy-making agencies for supporting extension programs.


A survey that included 45 questions distributed in two sections was carried out to determine the factors related to technology adoption. The first section provided the information required for a general understanding of demographics and productive characteristics of dairy agribusiness. The second section focused on those factors that farmers considered important to make decisions on whether or not to adopt a technology. Data were collected between May and December 2018.

A total of 280 farmers across eight municipalities of Antioquia province, Colombia, responded to the survey. Stratified sampling by size (Sorge et al., 2016) and municipality (Milán et al., 2003) was used. The municipalities were: Bello (14), Belmira (25), Donmatías (25), Entrerríos (29), San José de la Montaña (7), San Pedro de los Milagros (61), Santa Rosa de Osos (76), and Yarumal (43).

A Likert response scale with levels from 1 ("Not important") to 5 ("Very important") was used to evaluate the relationship between the process of technology adoption and the farm operational and management variables. The statistical procedure included an exploratory factor analysis using the psych library (Revelle, 2017) of the R-project software (R Core Team, 2018) and a model of structural equations. According to the Schmid-Leiman procedure (Revelle, 2017), only variables with Cronbach’s alpha values higher than 0.70 and a factorial load higher than 0.25 were included in the model. Model fit was validated by a Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) less than 0.1 and both Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) greater than 0.9 (Cangur and Ercan, 2015) using the lavaan library (Rosseel, 2012) of the R-project software (R Core Team, 2018).


The average age of farmers was 47±12 years, and they had 25±13 years of experience in dairy farming (Table 1). Both traits are known to favor productivity, considering that experiential knowledge facilitates decision-making (Cuartas-Martínez et al., 2018). However, this knowledge was not accompanied by academic training; on average, they attended through eighth grade, which means they did not complete high school. This finding is known to discourage "Management by Competencies" and limits individual and organizational learning (Pardo and Díaz, 2014). This could explain why the Colombian dairy sector has been focused for years on its survival rather than growth and business development (Barrios et al., 2016).

Table 1: Relevant characteristics of dairy agribusiness in Antioquia, Colombia.

Regarding organizational characteristics, 70% of producers work in their own farms (Table 2). This factor, added to the fact that in 62.85% of cases there was a successor to the business, could promote the adoption of new technologies by this type of organization since there is certainty about the fate of the property in the long term. It could be related to the fact that 74.64% of farmers have used medium or long-term financing, a figure higher than that found by Rodríguez et al. (2015), who reported, for the same region, a 38% credit-access rate. In that study, they also reported that the technical assistance rate was 50%, meaning that coverage of technical assistance and technology transfer programs have improved in recent years, reaching 89.64% for the surveyed organizations. These results are positive because such programs help to guide farmers towards appropriate decision-making processes (Cerón-Muñoz et al., 2015).

Table 2: Organizational characteristics of dairy agribusiness in Antioquia, Colombia.

Improvement of milk quality, Pastures, and Herd genetics were the most important aspects that influence a farmer’s intention to adopt technologies, averaging 4.58±0.59, 4.57±0.61, and 4.52±0.63, respectively (Table 3).

Table 3: Factors that influence technology adoption by dairy agribusiness in Antioquia, Colombia1

A tendency to favor the adoption of technologies related to purely technical aspects is frequent in the dairy sector, where it is common to find higher adoption rates of "hard" technologies in comparison to those associated with knowledge management and improvement of procedures and management methods (Barrios et al., 2016).

Human management was the least relevant variable when deciding on the adoption of technologies (3.09±1.41). This result disagrees with the report by Steeneveld and Hogeveen (2015), who found that investment in dairy technology significantly reduces labor, decreases production costs, and improves the life quality of farmers.

Variables with no statistical significance were eliminated after the exploratory analysis. Thus, only ten variables grouped into two factors were included in the structural equation model. This helped to identify the structure of the relationships between variables and conformed factors (Table 4). According to the common characteristics of variables grouped in each factor, it was possible to name Factor 1 as a production-related factor, while Factor 2 included variables related to business management.

Table 4: Variables associated with technology adoption by dairy agribusiness in Antioquia, Colombia

The structural equation model resulted in a Cronbach’s alpha value higher than 0.7 for the proposed factors (Table 4), with 0.072 RMSEA, and fit indexes of 0.921 and 0.948 for the CFI and the GFI, respectively. This indicates the internal consistency of the scale and a good fit of the model (Cupani, 2012).

Factor "Production" included the following variables: Pasture, Herd genetics, Production costs, Equipment, and Milk quality (Figure 1). Pastures and Herd genetics were the most representative variables, with 0.7- and 0.65-factor loads, respectively. This could be due to the fact that forage quality and genetic improvement are related to dairy herd planning (Múnera-Bedoya et al., 2018; Cerón-Muñoz et al., 2017) which is considered a strategic tool linked to technology adoption. It is important to mention that variable Production costs (with 0.59 factorial load) was one of the aspects that determined the adoption of technology, which could promote the analysis of costs in this sector, considering that this industry has presented historically low rates of economy diagnostic at the organizational and sectorial level (Barrios and Olivera, 2013).

Structural equation model for factors associated with technology adoption by dairy agribusiness in Antioquia, Colombia.

Figure 1: Structural equation model for factors associated with technology adoption by dairy agribusiness in Antioquia, Colombia.

The second factor, "Management," was impacted by variables: Administrative management, Technical procedures, Human resource management, Supplies, and Farm recognition in the market. The variables with the greatest weight in the factor were Administrative management (0.69 factorial load) and Technical procedures (0.66 factorial load). These variables are related to document management, which denotes the importance of information traceability for adequate analysis and subsequent decision making (Londoño et al., 2016).

Although variable Farm recognition in the market had the lowest factor load (0.43), it is important to highlight how the decision to adopt technology is positively influenced by the image that the farm could project in the sector. This result is somewhat unusual, considering that this market has a regional oligopsonic structure where, in normal conditions, the total production of milk is sold (Von Keyserlingk et al., 2013). This could be associated with having a productive system with technology levels in line with or higher than the industry standard, which in the long term can be considered as a sustainability strategy for the organization (Adefulu, 2015).


The intention to adopt technologies by dairy farmers is influenced by factors inherent to production and business management traits. Improving technical aspects such as pastures, herd genetics, production costs, equipment, and milk quality can affect the overall production factor. Additionally, the Management factor is influenced by the intention to improve administrative and technical processes, human resource management, the supply process, and the recognition of the farm in the market.


This Project was financed by the Colombian National Fund for Science, Technology and Innovation "Francisco José de Caldas". Financial support was received from MinCiencias (Colombia, National Doctorates No. 727 of year 2015). The authors would like to thank Universidad de Antioquia and its sustainability strategy to GaMMA research group.


Adefulu AD. 2015. Promotional Strategy Impacts on Organizational Market Share and Profitability. Acta Universitatis Danubius 11(6): 20-33.

Barrios D y Olivera M. 2013. Análisis de la competitividad del sector lechero: caso aplicado al norte de Antioquia, Colombia. Innovar 23(48): 33-4.

Barrios D , Restrepo-Escobar FJ y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2016. Antecedentes sobre gestión tecnológica como estrategia de competitividad en el sector lechero colombiano. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28(7):Article #125.

Barrios D , Restrepo-Escobar FJ y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2019. Adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros. Livestock Research for Rural Development 31(8): Article #116.

Bijl R, Kooistra SR and Hogeveen H. 2007. The profitability of automatic milking on dutch dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science 90(1): 239-248. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(07)72625-5[CrossRef]

Cangur S and Ercan I. 2015. Comparison of model fit indices used in structural equation modeling under multivariate normality. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 14(1): 152-16. doi: 10.22237/jmasm/1430453580[CrossRef]

Cerón-Muñoz MF, Gutiérrez-Zapata DM, Bolívar-Vergara DM, Bedoya GI y Palacio LG. 2015. Toma de decisiones basada en gestión de procesos: impacto en sistemas intensivos de producción de leche. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27(12): Article #245.

Cerón-Muñoz MF, Corrales-Álvarez JD y Ramírez-Arias JP. 2017. Predicción de la producción de leche, porcentaje de grasa y proteína diaria a partir de registros del ordeño de la mañana o de la tarde en vacas Holstein en pastoreo. Livestock Research for Rural Development 29(9): Article #166.

Cuartas-Martínez B, Barrios D and Cerón MF. 2018. Satisfaction among dairy farm owners after certification on good management practices. Revista Facultad Nacional Agronomía Medellín 71(3):8623-8630. doi: 10.15446/rfnam.v71n3.70287[CrossRef]

Cupani M. 2012. Análisis de Ecuaciones Estructurales: conceptos, etapas de desarrollo y un ejemplo de aplicación. Revista Tesis 2(1):186-199.

Londoño C, Barrios D , Bedoya GI, Rodríguez H, Toro CA, Silva ML, Dávila MD, Pemberty P, Suárez P, and Palacio LG. 2016. Buenas prácticas ganaderas y gestión empresarial, mejoramiento del sistema productivo de las ganaderías de leche, carne y doble propósito, mediante buenas prácticas ganaderas en fincas pilotos del departamento de Antioquia. Primera edición. Fondo Editorial Biogénesis, Medellín. 76 p.

Milán MJ, Arnalte E and Caja G. 2003. Economic profitability and typology of Ripollesa breed sheep farms in Spain. Small Ruminant Research 49(1):97-105. doi: 10.1016/S0921-4488(03)00058-0[CrossRef]

Múnera-Bedoya OD, Cassoli LD, Olivera-Ángel M y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2018. Caracterización de sistemas de producción lechera de Antioquia con sistemas de ordeño mecánico. Livestock Research for Rural Development 30(5): Article #86.

Pardo CE y Díaz OL. 2014. Desarrollo del talento humano como factor clave para el desarrollo organizacional, una visión desde los líderes de gestión humana en empresas de Bogotá D.C. Suma de Negocios 5(11): 39-48. doi: 10.1016/S2215-910X(14)70018-7[CrossRef]

R Core Team. 2018. A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria.

Revelle W. 2017. Psych: procedures for personality and psychological research (Software). Northwestern University, Evanston.

Rodríguez H, Ramírez CJ y Restrepo LF. 2015. Factores que infIuencian la adopción de tecnología de gestión en producción lechera. Temas Agrarios 20(1): 36- 46.

Rosseel Y. 2012. Lavaan: An {R} package for structural equation modeling. Journal of Statistical Software 48(2):1-36.

Russell RA and Bewley JM. 2013. Characterization of Kentucky dairy producer decision-making behavior. Journal of Dairy Science 96(7): 4751-4758. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-6538[CrossRef]

Sorge US, Moon R, Wolff LJ, Michels L, Schroth S, Kelton DF and Heins B. 2016. Management practices on organic and conventional dairy herds in Minnesota. Journal of Dairy Science 99(4): 3183-3192. doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-10193[CrossRef]

Steeneveld W and Hogeveen H. 2015. Characterization of Dutch dairy farms using sensor systems for cow management. Journal of Dairy Science 98(1): 709-717. doi: 10.3168/jds.2014-8595[CrossRef]

Steeneveld W , Tauer LW, Hogeveen H and Oude Lansink AGJM. 2012. Comparing technical efficiency of farms with an automatic milking system and a conventional milking system. Journal of Dairy Science 95(12): 7391-7398. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-5482[CrossRef]

Tse C, Barkema HW, DeVries TJ, Rushen J, Vasseur E and Pajor EA. 2018. Producer experience with transitioning to automatic milking: Cow training, challenges, and effect on quality of life. Journal of Dairy Science 101(10): 9599-9607. doi: 10.3168/jds.2018-14662[CrossRef]

Vásquez-Jaramillo C, Barrios D y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2018. Estudio exploratorio de la calidad de vida en el trabajo de ordeñadores de sistemas de producción de leche. Archivos de Zootecnia 67(258): 228-233. doi: 10.21071/az.v67i258.3658[CrossRef]

Von Keyserlingk M, Martin N, Kebreab E, Knowlton K, G rant RJ, Stephenson M, Sniffen CJ, Harner JP, Wright AD and Smith SI. 2013. Invited review: Sustainability of the US dairy industry. Journal of Dairy Science 96(9): 5405-25. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-6354[CrossRef]


Adefulu AD. 2015. Promotional Strategy Impacts on Organizational Market Share and Profitability. Acta Universitatis Danubius 11(6): 20-33.

Barrios D y Olivera M. 2013. Análisis de la competitividad del sector lechero: caso aplicado al norte de Antioquia, Colombia. Innovar 23(48): 33–4.

Barrios D, Restrepo-Escobar FJ y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2016. Antecedentes sobre gestión tecnológica como estrategia de competitividad en el sector lechero colombiano. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28(7):Article #125.

Barrios D, Restrepo-Escobar FJ y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2019. Adopción tecnológica en agronegocios lecheros. Livestock Research for Rural Development 31(8): Article #116.

Bijl R, Kooistra SR and Hogeveen H. 2007. The Profitability of Automatic Milking on Dutch Dairy Farms. Journal of Dairy Science 90(1): 239-248. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(07)72625-5

Cangur S and Ercan I. 2015. Comparison of Model Fit Indices Used in Structural Equation Modeling Under Multivariate Normality. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 14(1): 152-16. doi: 10.22237/jmasm/1430453580

Cerón-Muñoz MF, Gutiérrez-Zapata DM, Bolívar-Vergara DM, Bedoya GI y Palacio LG. 2015. Toma de decisiones basada en gestión de procesos: impacto en sistemas intensivos de producción de leche. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27(12): Article #245.

Cerón-Muñoz MF, Corrales-Álvarez JD y Ramírez-Arias JP. 2017. Predicción de la producción de leche, porcentaje de grasa y proteína diaria a partir de registros del ordeño de la mañana o de la tarde en vacas Holstein en pastoreo. Livestock Research for Rural Development 29(9): Article #166.

Cuartas-Martínez B, Barrios D and Cerón MF. 2018. Satisfaction among dairy farm owners after certification on good management practices. Revista Facultad Nacional Agronomía Medellín 71(3):8623-8630. doi: 10.15446/rfnam.v71n3.70287

Cupani M. 2012. Análisis de Ecuaciones Estructurales: conceptos, etapas de desarrollo y un ejemplo de aplicación. Revista Tesis 2(1):186–199.

Londoño C, Barrios D, Bedoya GI, Rodríguez H, Toro CA, Silva ML, Dávila MD, Pemberty P, Suárez P, and Palacio LG. 2016. Buenas prácticas ganaderas y gestión empresarial, mejoramiento del sistema productivo de las ganaderías de leche, carne y doble propósito, mediante buenas prácticas ganaderas en fincas pilotos del departamento de Antioquia. Primera edición. Fondo Editorial Biogénesis, Medellín. 76 p.

Milán MJ, Arnalte E and Caja G. 2003. Economic profitability and typology of Ripollesa breed sheep farms in Spain. Small Ruminant Research 49(1):97–105. doi: 10.1016/S0921-4488(03)00058-0

Múnera-Bedoya OD, Cassoli LD, Olivera-Ángel M y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2018. Caracterización de sistemas de producción lechera de Antioquia con sistemas de ordeño mecánico. Livestock Research for Rural Development 30(5): Article #86.

Pardo CE y Díaz OL. 2014. Desarrollo del talento humano como factor clave para el desarrollo organizacional, una visión desde los líderes de gestión humana en empresas de Bogotá D.C. Suma de Negocios 5(11): 39-48. doi: 10.1016/S2215-910X(14)70018-7

R Core Team. 2018. A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria.

Revelle W. 2017. Psych: procedures for personality and psychological research (Software). Northwestern University, Evanston.

Rodríguez H, Ramírez CJ y Restrepo LF. 2015. Factores que influencian la adopción de tecnología de gestión en producción lechera. Temas Agrarios 20(1): 36- 46.

Rosseel Y. 2012. Lavaan: An {R} package for structural equation modeling. Journal of Statistical Software 48(2):1-36.

Russell RA and Bewley JM. 2013. Characterization of Kentucky dairy producer decision-making behavior. Journal of Dairy Science 96(7): 4751–4758. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-6538

Sorge US, Moon R, Wolff LJ, Michels L, Schroth S, Kelton DF and Heins B. 2016. Management practices on organic and conventional dairy herds in Minnesota. Journal of Dairy Science 99(4): 3183–3192. doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-10193

Steeneveld W and Hogeveen H. 2015. Characterization of Dutch dairy farms using sensor systems for cow management. Journal of Dairy Science 98(1): 709-717. doi: 10.3168/jds.2014-8595

Steeneveld W, Tauer LW, Hogeveen H and Oude Lansink AGJM. 2012. Comparing technical efficiency of farms with an automatic milking system and a conventional milking system. Journal of Dairy Science 95(12): 7391-7398. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-5482

Tse C, Barkema HW, DeVries TJ, Rushen J, Vasseur E and Pajor EA. 2018. Producer experience with transitioning to automatic milking: Cow training, challenges, and effect on quality of life. Journal of Dairy Science 101(10): 9599–9607. doi: 10.3168/jds.2018-14662

Vásquez-Jaramillo C, Barrios D y Cerón-Muñoz MF. 2018. Estudio exploratorio de la calidad de vida en el trabajo de ordeñadores de sistemas de producción de leche. Archivos de zootecnia 67(258): 228-233. doi: 10.21071/az.v67i258.3658

Von Keyserlingk M, Martin N, Kebreab E, Knowlton K, G rant RJ, Stephenson M, Sniffen CJ, Harner JP, Wright AD and Smith SI. 2013. Invited review: Sustainability of the US dairy industry. Journal of Dairy Science 96(9): 5405–25. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-6354

How to Cite


Barrios, D., Restrepo-Escobar, F. J. and Cerón-Muñoz, M. (2020). Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, 73(2), 9221–9226.


Barrios, D., Restrepo-Escobar, F.J. and Cerón-Muñoz, M. 2020. Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín. 73, 2 (May 2020), 9221–9226. DOI:


Barrios, D.; Restrepo-Escobar, F. J.; Cerón-Muñoz, M. Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness. Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron. Medellín 2020, 73, 9221-9226.


BARRIOS, D.; RESTREPO-ESCOBAR, F. J.; CERÓN-MUÑOZ, M. Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, [S. l.], v. 73, n. 2, p. 9221–9226, 2020. DOI: 10.15446/rfnam.v73n2.82169. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jul. 2024.


Barrios, Dursun, Fernando José Restrepo-Escobar, and Mario Cerón-Muñoz. 2020. “Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness”. Revista Facultad Nacional De Agronomía Medellín 73 (2):9221-26.


Barrios, D., Restrepo-Escobar, F. J. and Cerón-Muñoz, M. (2020) “Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness”, Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, 73(2), pp. 9221–9226. doi: 10.15446/rfnam.v73n2.82169.


D. Barrios, F. J. Restrepo-Escobar, and M. Cerón-Muñoz, “Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness”, Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron. Medellín, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 9221–9226, May 2020.


Barrios, D., F. J. Restrepo-Escobar, and M. Cerón-Muñoz. “Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness”. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, vol. 73, no. 2, May 2020, pp. 9221-6, doi:10.15446/rfnam.v73n2.82169.


Barrios, Dursun, Fernando José Restrepo-Escobar, and Mario Cerón-Muñoz. “Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness”. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín 73, no. 2 (May 1, 2020): 9221–9226. Accessed July 28, 2024.


Barrios D, Restrepo-Escobar FJ, Cerón-Muñoz M. Factors associated with the technology adoption in dairy agribusiness. Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron. Medellín [Internet]. 2020 May 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 28];73(2):9221-6. Available from:

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CrossRef citations6

1. Junnier Felipe Usuga-Escobar, Luis Guillermo Palacio-Baena, Dursun Barrios . (2022). Aceptación tecnológica de una aplicación móvil para la gestión de negocios lecheros . Revista CEA, 8(17), p.e2007.

2. Jeimmy Cáceres-Zambrano, Joaquín Guillermo Ramírez-Gil, Dursun Barrios. (2023). Factors associated with the adoption of technologies for avocado production systems. Agronomía Colombiana, 41(3), p.e110579.

3. Sofiyanti Indriasari, Dana Indra Sensuse, Yuni Resti. (2024). Information technology adoption in Indonesia’s small-scale dairy farms. Open Agriculture, 9(1)

4. Jeimmy Cáceres-Zambrano, Joaquin Guillermo Ramírez-Gil, Dursun Barrios. (2022). Validating Technologies and Evaluating the Technological Level in Avocado Production Systems: A Value Chain Approach. Agronomy, 12(12), p.3130.

5. Dursun Barrios, Martha Olivera-Angel, Luis Guillermo Palacio. (2023). Factors associated with the adoption of mobile applications (Apps) for the management of dairy herds. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 61(4)

6. Lilian Korir, Louise Manning, Henrietta L. Moore, Johanna F. Lindahl, Gizachew Gemechu, Adane Mihret, Stefan Berg, James L. N. Wood, Ndungu S. Nyokabi. (2023). Adoption of dairy technologies in smallholder dairy farms in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7



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