Ciencia normal y pluralismo teórico. A propósito de una crítica de Feyerabend a la 'ciencia normal'
Normal science and theoretical pluralism. On a critique by Feyerabend of 'normal science'
The objective of this text is to expose the criticism that Paul Feyerabend makes in his writing How to be a good empiricist, to contemporary empiricism, as well as the methodological solution that the author presents to the problems that such empiricism entails. He calls this method theoretical pluralism or proliferation of theories. This is opposed, in principle, to the notion of normal science or principle of tenacity of theories, which Thomas Kuhn exposes in his works on the philosophy of science. Next, I will present the basic approaches of each of the positions to, finally, give a personal opinion about the controversy.
Feyerabend, Paul. Cómo ser un buen empirista, Cuadernos Teorema, Valencia. 1965.
Kuhn, Thomas. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas, F.C.E., Bogotá. 60. 1992.