Conocimiento de lo sensible en el Timeo: Lo inteligible en lo generado
Knowledge of the Sensible in the Timaeus
Palabras clave:
Platón, Timeo, Teeteto, conocimiento, lo sensible. (es)Plato, Timaeus, Theaetetus, knowledge, the sensible. (en)
The investigation about the sensible —those things we know due to our senses— is an issue present in a meaningful way in Plato’s writings. This issue appears in the Timaeus, where the sensible is designated as “that which is generated and never is”, considering it one of the orders present in the dialogue’s description of the universe’s cosmogony. There is an extensive explanation of its characteristics, among which there is one that says that the generated is constantly becoming, this means that it never is. From this point arises a question concerning the possibility of having knowledge of the sensible, for observing possible definitions of what knowledge is for Plato, in the Timaeus and also at the Theaetetus (in which there is a discussion about what is knowledge), reveals that stability seems to be one of the requirements to know something, this means, that only what is is known. Therefore, how can it be spoken about knowledge of the sensible, from what is said of this order in the Timaeus?
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