El caos del orden: Acerca de la relación entre la noción de azar y la de necesidad en el Timeo
The Chaos of Order: About the Relation between the Notions of Chance and Necessity in the Timaeus
Palabras clave:
Azar, caos, causas inteligentes, causas necesarias, orden, inteligencia, necesidad, persuasión. (es)Chance, chaos, intelligent causes, necessary causes, order, intelligence, necessity, persuasion. (en)
The notion of ‘chance’ is mentioned scarcely in the Timaeus; nevertheless,
its introduction in the narration is conclusive, since Plato characterizes with this trait
the so-called necessary causes of the generated cosmos. We ask in what sense a relation
between the notions of chance and necessity is compatible, since if movement of cosmos
is fortuitous, this is, not orderly according to an end, the possibility of the sensitive world
being regulated by the intelligence is contradicted. Indeed, the ‘unpredictable’ disorder that
would reign in the sensible, would make impossible any regulation by the intelligence. We
will see how, to understand the relation between chance, necessity and order, must take
into account: first, the notion of persuasion —that it is not introduced at the Timaeus as
a rhetorical resource, but unfolds the basic conditions of the genuine art of persuasion
(knowing the good, the interlocutors, the purposes of persuasive act and the mechanisms
to reach such purposes); second, the scope of human knowledge of the sensitive world. But,
eventhough it can be understood why it is spoken of the generated cosmos as a product of
government of the intelligence over necessity, conducting it to the order, the permanent
irregular mobile character of the sensible should be considered.
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