Las Formas como causas en el Timeo de Platón: Las causas inteligentes y su relación con las Formas
Forms as Causes in Plato’s Timaeus
Palabras clave:
Fedón, Platón, ´Timeo, causalidad inteligente, causalidad necesaria, formas. (es)Phaedo, Plato, Timaeus, intelligent cause, necessary causality, forms. (en)
The aim of this paper is to determine if
the Forms that appear as a causal principle in Phaedo can or cannot be identified with
the intelligent causes of the Timaeus; since there could be some other element within the
dialogue, for example, the demiurge could be took as an intelligent cause. To develop this
approach, an explanation of the intelligent and necessary causes in Timaeus is given, to
then determine the role played by the demiurge in the causal roles and finally make a
characterization of the common features between the Forms as causes in Phaedo and as
intelligible causes in Timaeus.
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