La experiencia estética de lo sublime en un espacio extra-estético: educación estética del hombre y proyecto político
The aesthetic experience of the sublime in an extra-aesthetic space: aesthetic education of man and political project
Palabras clave:
libertad, experiencia estética, educación estética, sublime, experiencia intersubjetiva, política. (es)Descargas
In this essay I intend to look at how, in Schiller's work, it is stated that the end of art is the exhibition of the supersensible, that is, of the possibility of human freedom, and not only an aesthetic education of man is proposed in freedom, but also an education for political life. To see how the transition from an education for individual freedom to an education for politics is made, it is necessary first to understand how the spectator of a tragedy manages to recognize his freedom through the pleasure of the sublime, and then to understand that the aesthetic experience of the sublime is achieved when the viewer recognizes himself in the other, that is, through an intersubjective experience that, while educating him in his freedom, prepares him for life with others: for politics.