Convocatoria Editore(a)s Asociado(a)s
Para investigadore(a)s con índice H Scopus superior a 5.
Read more about Convocatoria Editore(a)s Asociado(a)sISSN Print: 0121-4500 ISSN On-line: 2346-0261
It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research articles in the fields of Nursing and Health Sciences.
Avances en Enfermería only publishes original articles, that is, documents that have not been previously published in any other format (electronic or print) and are not simultaneously under evaluation by other publications or media outlets. The primary audience of the journal consists of professionals in the fields of Health Sciences, as well as in the Human and Social Sciences.
The articles published in Avances en Enfermería are indexed and registered in the following databases: SciELO – Colombia, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Virtual Health Library (BVS), Latindex Catalogue 2.0, PUBLINDEX, CUIDEN, Fuente Académica, Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library, Google Scholar, Dialnet, REDIB, QUALIS-CAPES, Ranking Rev-Sapiens, PERIÓDICA, BIBLAT, CINAHL, DOAJ.
Avances en Enfermería was established in May 1982 by the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá campus.
Reproduction: The reproduction of articles, both in print and digital formats, for non-academic purposes is prohibited.
The opinions and judgments expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the views of the journal or the Faculty of Nursing at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Format: Digital.
Frequency: Continuous, consisting of three issues per year. Accepted articles will be published online in a preliminary version and can be cited using their unique DOI.
Peer review: Double-blind.
Article processing charges: All editorial processes of the journal are free of charge. The journal follows a diamond open-access model.
Publication languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
Rejection rate: 91%.
Content similarity detection: All papers submitted to the journal are checked using Turnitin software.
All articles published by Avances en Enfermería are licensed under the CC-BY-NC International License.
For further information, please contact:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 30 No. 45-03
Faculty of Nursing, Building 228, Tutoring Room 2, First Floor
To submit an article, please register at the National University of Colombia's Journal Portal.
If you are already registered, you can access the Identification Page and begin the 5-step process.
Para investigadore(a)s con índice H Scopus superior a 5.
Read More Read more about Convocatoria Editore(a)s Asociado(a)sUniversidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá). Faculty of Nursing
This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All articles published by Avances en Enfermería are licensed under the International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Starting in 2020, we have added the CC-BY-NC recognition to the license, which allows anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit, and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes. Although new works must appropriately cite the original work and source and must be non-commercial, they do not have to license their derivative works under the same terms.
ISSN Impreso: 0121-4500
ISSN En línea: 2346-0261
DOI: 10.15446/av.enferm