About the Journal

Cuadernos del Caribe is a serial, academic journal, refereed and edited since 2001 by Instituto de Estudios Caribeños (IEC) at the Caribbean headquarters of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

The journal publishes the production of knowledge in the field of Caribbean studies, originating from and directed towards the Greater Caribbean region. For this reason, it stands as a source of useful theoretical and methodological proposals to think about the region and with it, contribute both to the mobilization of an epistemology of the field and to the generation of alternatives to the various problems of the region.

Cuadernos del Caribe considers innovative, original and unpublished articles from inter, trans and post-disciplinary perspectives in the types of research, review, reflection and book reviews.

Themes cover all disciplines within the great area of ​​social sciences and humanities (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD). In addition, FI WI KANA section aims to contribute addressing local issues and voices, for which articles or notes are published in Kriol, English or Spanish on issues related to the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina that generate debate or general interest within the diverse island community.

Cuadernos del Caribe journal is financed and supported by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Caribbean headquarters located in San Andrés, Colombia.


Current Issue

No. 28 (2023)

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