The evolution of Colombian industry in the context of the energy-mining boom: Symptoms of the dutch disease?
La evolución de la industria colombiana en un contexto de boom minero-energético: ¿Síntomas de enfermedad holandesa?
A evoluçào da indústria colombiana em um contexto de boom mineiro-energético: Sintomas de doença holandesa?
Dutch disease, deindustrialization, energy-mining boom (en)enfermedad holandesa, desindustrialización, boom mineroenergético (es)
doença holandesa, desindustrializaçào, boom mineiro-energético (pt)
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1. Jorge Eliecer Rojas Naranjo. (2016). Postacuerdo y gestión territorial. Bitácora Urbano Territorial, 26(2), p.135.
2. Hamzeh Arabzadeh Jamali, Arsham Reisinezhad. (2023). Distribution of Resource Rents and Deindustrialization: The Role of Luxury Goods. SSRN Electronic Journal,
3. Edouard Mien, Michaël Goujon. (2022). 40 Years of Dutch Disease Literature: Lessons for Developing Countries. Comparative Economic Studies, 64(3), p.351.
4. Jean Pierre Doussoulin, Benoit Mougenot. (2022). Mapping mining and ecological distribution conflicts in Latin America, a bibliometric analysis. Resources Policy, 77, p.102650.
5. Elmer Sánchez Dávila. (2023). The peruvian mining boom and dutch disease. Empirical evidence from 2003 to 2020. Cuadernos de Economía, 42(90)
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