

An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model

Un planteamiento acerca del efecto de la banda ancha sobre el crecimiento de América Latina: un modelo estructural

Uma aproximação sobre o efeito da banda larga no crescimento da América Latina: Um modelo estrutural



Broadband, economic growth, Latin America (en)
banda ancha, crecimiento económico, América Latina (es)
Banda larga, crescimento econômico, América Latina (pt)



  • María Verónica Alderete Universidad Nacional del Sur

This paper analyses the fixed broadband penetration effect on Latin American economic growth. The methodology employed consists of using a simultaneous equation model based on Koutroumpis (2009) and Katz and Callorda (2013). To aid this process, we use country level data from the World Bank and the Regional Dialogue about the Information Society-DIRSI for the 2010-2014 period. The results obtained stress the importance of broadband penetration for economic growth in Latin America.

Este artículo analiza el efecto de la penetración de la banda ancha fija sobre el crecimiento económico de América Latina. La metodología consiste en el uso del modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas con base en Koutroumpis (2009) y Katz y Callorda (2013). Para contribuir a este proceso, utilizamos información a nivel de país del Banco Mundial y del Diálogo Regional sobre Sociedad de la Información (DIRSI) para el período 2010-2014. Los resultados obtenidos resaltan la importancia de la penetración de la banda ancha para el crecimiento económico en América Latina.
Este artigo analisa o efeito abrangente da banda larga fixa sobre o crescimento econômico na América Latina. A metodologia consiste no uso do modelo de equações simultâneas baseadas em Koutroumpis (2009)Katz e Callorda (2013). Para contribuir com esse processo, utilizamos informação no âmbito de país do Banco Mundial e do Diálogo Regional sobre Sociedade da Informação, DIRSI, no período 2010-2014. Os resultados obtidos ressaltam a importância da penetração da banda larga no crescimento econômico na América Latina".


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Como Citar


Alderete, M. V. (2017). An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model. Cuadernos de Economía, 36(71), 549–569.


Alderete, M.V. 2017. An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model. Cuadernos de Economía. 36, 71 (jul. 2017), 549–569. DOI:


Alderete, M. V. An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model. Cuad. econ 2017, 36, 549-569.


ALDERETE, M. V. An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model. Cuadernos de Economía, [S. l.], v. 36, n. 71, p. 549–569, 2017. DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v36n71.54717. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 fev. 2025.


Alderete, María Verónica. 2017. “An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model”. Cuadernos De Economía 36 (71):549-69.


Alderete, M. V. (2017) “An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model”, Cuadernos de Economía, 36(71), p. 549–569. doi: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v36n71.54717.


M. V. Alderete, “An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model”, Cuad. econ, vol. 36, nº 71, p. 549–569, jul. 2017.


Alderete, M. V. “An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model”. Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 36, nº 71, julho de 2017, p. 549-6, doi:10.15446/cuad.econ.v36n71.54717.


Alderete, María Verónica. “An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model”. Cuadernos de Economía 36, no. 71 (julho 1, 2017): 549–569. Acessado fevereiro 19, 2025.


Alderete MV. An approach to the broadband effect on Latin American growth: A structural model. Cuad. econ [Internet]. 1º de julho de 2017 [citado 19º de fevereiro de 2025];36(71):549-6. Disponível em:

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1. José Luis Gómez-Barroso, Raquel Marbán-Flores. (2020). Telecommunications and economic development – The 21st century: Making the evidence stronger. Telecommunications Policy, 44(2), p.101905.

2. Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti. (2021). The Broadband Penetration in Europe. SSRN Electronic Journal ,

3. Tasneem Fatima Alam, Nayeem Sultana, Md. Israt Rayhan. (2019). Structural equation modeling: an application of broadband penetration and GDP growth in Asia. Journal of Economic Structures, 8(1)

4. María Verónica Alderete. (2020). Exploring the Smart City Indexes and the Role of Macro Factors for Measuring Cities Smartness. Social Indicators Research, 147(2), p.567.

5. Mauricio Arbeláez-Rendón, Diana P. Giraldo, Laura Lotero. (2023). Influence of digital divide in the entrepreneurial motor of a digital economy: a system dynamics approach. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 9(2), p.100046.

6. FOLORUNSHO M. AJIDE. (2020). INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: EVIDENCE FROM AFRICA. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(03), p.2050015.

7. María Verónica Alderete. (2017). Examining the ICT access effect on socioeconomic development: the moderating role of ICT use and skills. Information Technology for Development, 23(1), p.42.




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