

Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia

Big data analytics en evaluación de programas: analizando modelos para la evaluación de objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en Colombia



Big data analytics, sustainable development goals, Colombia, program evaluation, public policy (en)
análisis de big data, objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, Colombia, evaluación de programas, política pública (es)



  • Wilman Carpeta Camacho Corvinus University of Budapest

New paradigms for evidence-based decisions such as big data analytics (BDA) have emerged to assess programmes in sustainable development goals (SDGs). The arguments supporting the contributions of BDA in the assessment of SDGs in Colombia are mixed. This article presents a qualitative review of a list of programmes that adopted BDA and assesses whether problems such as bias and wrong impressions of programme performance can be controlled with the adoption of these methods. The results vary depending on the quality of the data and the collection method. Unfortunately, Colombia faces challenges such as data privacy management and deficiency of institutional interoperability to exploit these techniques conveniently.

Nuevos paradigmas en decisiones basadas en evidencia como el análisis de big data (BDA) han aparecido para evaluar programas en objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS). Los argumentos que sustentan los aportes de BDA en la medición de los ODS en Colombia son mixtos. Este artículo presenta una revisión cualitativa de una lista de programas que adoptaron BDA y evalúa si estas técnicas pueden controlar problemas como sesgos e impresiones erróneas sobre el desempeño de estos programas. Los resultados varían según la calidad de datos y recopilación. Infortunadamente, Colombia enfrenta desafíos para la gestión de privacidad de datos y deficiencia interoperativa institucional para explotar estas técnicas apropiadamente.


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Como Citar


Carpeta Camacho, W. (2023). Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia. Cuadernos de Economía, 42(89), 233–264.


Carpeta Camacho, W. 2023. Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia. Cuadernos de Economía. 42, 89 (jun. 2023), 233–264. DOI:


Carpeta Camacho, W. Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia. Cuad. econ 2023, 42, 233-264.


CARPETA CAMACHO, W. Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia. Cuadernos de Economía, [S. l.], v. 42, n. 89, p. 233–264, 2023. DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v42n89.95487. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 out. 2024.


Carpeta Camacho, Wilman. 2023. “Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia”. Cuadernos De Economía 42 (89):233-64.


Carpeta Camacho, W. (2023) “Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia”, Cuadernos de Economía, 42(89), p. 233–264. doi: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v42n89.95487.


W. Carpeta Camacho, “Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia”, Cuad. econ, vol. 42, nº 89, p. 233–264, jun. 2023.


Carpeta Camacho, W. “Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia”. Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 42, nº 89, junho de 2023, p. 233-64, doi:10.15446/cuad.econ.v42n89.95487.


Carpeta Camacho, Wilman. “Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia”. Cuadernos de Economía 42, no. 89 (junho 22, 2023): 233–264. Acessado outubro 19, 2024.


Carpeta Camacho W. Big data analytics in programme evaluation: Examining models for the assessment of sustainable development goals in Colombia. Cuad. econ [Internet]. 22º de junho de 2023 [citado 19º de outubro de 2024];42(89):233-64. Disponível em:

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