

The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession

El camino hacia la estabilidad laboral de los jóvenes trabajadores españoles durante la gran recesión



Youth employment, stability, trajectories, Spain, Great Recession (en)
empleo juvenil, estabilidad, trayectorias, España, Gran Recesión (es)



The Great Recession (2008-2013) worsened the labor market position of young Spaniards. despite governments launched labor market reforms in 2010 y 2012 to improve labor stability, permanent employment accounted for only 10 percent of total new contracts. This paper tries to disentangle which factors are hindering the promotion of open-ended contracts to stabilize Spanish young workers into permanent employment. These analysis use panel data from the MCVL (Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales). The results indicate that, although having an open-ended contract increases the probability of being employed after two years, only 50 percent of these initial contracts survive. The structure of labor demand explains this instability.

La Gran Recesión (2008-2013) empeoró la posición en el mercado laboral de los jóvenes españoles. A pesar de que los gobiernos lanzaron reformas del mercado laboral en 2010 y 2012 para mejorar la estabilidad, el empleo indefinido representó sólo el 10% del total de nuevos contratos. Este trabajo trata de desentrañar qué factores están dificultando el fomento de los contratos indefinidos para estabilizar a los jóvenes españoles en el empleo fijo. Estos análisis utilizan datos de panel de la MCVL (Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales). Los resultados indican que, aunque tener un contrato indefinido aumenta la probabilidad de estar empleado después de dos años, sólo el 50% de estos contratos iniciales sobreviven. La estructura de la demanda laboral explica esta inestabilidad.



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Como Citar


Moreno Raymundo, G. e Cebrián López, I. (2024). The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession. Cuadernos de Economía, 43(91), 195–229.


Moreno Raymundo, G. e Cebrián López, I. 2024. The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession. Cuadernos de Economía. 43, 91 (maio 2024), 195–229. DOI:


Moreno Raymundo, G.; Cebrián López, I. The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession. Cuad. econ 2024, 43, 195-229.


MORENO RAYMUNDO, G.; CEBRIÁN LÓPEZ, I. The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession. Cuadernos de Economía, [S. l.], v. 43, n. 91, p. 195–229, 2024. DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v43n91.97625. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 out. 2024.


Moreno Raymundo, Gloria, e Inmaculada Cebrián López. 2024. “The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession”. Cuadernos De Economía 43 (91):195-229.


Moreno Raymundo, G. e Cebrián López, I. (2024) “The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession”, Cuadernos de Economía, 43(91), p. 195–229. doi: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v43n91.97625.


G. Moreno Raymundo e I. Cebrián López, “The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession”, Cuad. econ, vol. 43, nº 91, p. 195–229, maio 2024.


Moreno Raymundo, G., e I. Cebrián López. “The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession”. Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 43, nº 91, maio de 2024, p. 195-29, doi:10.15446/cuad.econ.v43n91.97625.


Moreno Raymundo, Gloria, e Inmaculada Cebrián López. “The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession”. Cuadernos de Economía 43, no. 91 (maio 15, 2024): 195–229. Acessado outubro 11, 2024.


Moreno Raymundo G, Cebrián López I. The Path to Labor Stability for Young Spanish Workers during the Great Recession. Cuad. econ [Internet]. 15º de maio de 2024 [citado 11º de outubro de 2024];43(91):195-229. Disponível em:

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