About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ensayos de Economía is a journal from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín (Medellín campus). Founded in 1990, it represents the efforts and initiative of a group of professors who wanted a platform to express themselves and to publish the academic and scientific work of the national and international community. The aim of the journal is to present theoretical and applied research to the public, emphasizing the analysis of reality, the reporting of empirical evidence, and the formulation of economic policies. This initiative is grounded in the belief that economic analyses provide the tools necessary for understanding the national and international economies, as well as policies to overcome poverty and inequality and to build the foundations of a more democratic and free society. The Ensayos de Economía journal is intended for individuals interested in empirical and theoretical studies of economic sciences: economists, students and teachers at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and researchers in all related fields. Likewise, the journal is a forum open to theoretical traditions in economic sciences and to all major cutting-edge debates. In that sense, all contributions are welcome. The journal is a biannual publication (January-June and July-December).

The Ensayos de Economía journal receives and considers papers for publishing in the areas of research, analysis, theoretical and methodological review, as well as analysis papers not derived from research, and literature reviews. The journal publishes papers in Spanish, English and Portuguese. All contents submitted for publishing must be original, unpublished and must not have been submitted to any other journal or periodical publication. The Ensayos de Economía journal runs all submitted papers through a plagiarism detection tool. Authors are notified when total or partial plagiarism (without appropriate citations) is detected and the paper is rejected.

During the first stage of the publishing process, papers submitted to the journal will be reviewed to verify that they satisfy the requirements listed in the norms for authors. Papers that do not fulfill the requirements will be rejected; otherwise, they will be submitted to two academic peers for a double-blind review – the identity of the author(s) is not revealed to the reviewers, and the identity of the reviewers is not revealed to the author(s). The academic peers will be designated by the editorial committee. Papers will be evaluated in terms of conceptual and methodological rigor, clarity, and coherence of the reasoning and explanation. If a paper receives both a positive and a negative review, it will be sent to a third reviewer, whose opinion will be definitive. The editorial committee will settle any controversy concerning the evaluations, and it will have the final word on which papers will be published. The decisions of the editorial committee will not be subject to appeal.  The time estimated to report the concept regarding a paper (accepted or rejected) is approximately of 6 months, starting the date of reception of contents.The author must accept and implement all the formal adjustments suggested by the academic peers and the direction of the journal.

Authors who publish in the journal, Ensayos de Economía, transfer all patrimonial rights to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The materials published in this journal cannot be reproduced without the explicit authorization of the University, except for academic purposes in which Ensayos de Economía is referenced in the bibliography. Authors also transfer to the Institution the exclusive rights to edit, publish, reproduce, copy and distribute the paper; to prepare derivative works on paper, and in electronic or any other media; and to include the paper in indexing systems and national and international databases.

Authors who publish in the journal, Ensayos de Economía, must also guarantee that the text submitted is original, that they have not committed any fraud, that they are the sole owners of the patrimonial and moral copyrights, that the paper hasn’t been published in any other media, that it hasn’t been simultaneously submitted to any other publication, that they have contributed intellectually to its elaboration, that they have read and approved the final version of the submitted manuscript and that they assume the entire responsibility for the content of their work before the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and third parties. In order to guarantee this editorial policy, it is essential that authors fill out the format Autorización para Publicación de Obras y Cesión de Derechos Patrimoniales and send it along with the document they are submitting to the journal. This format can be downloaded from the website of Ensayos de Economía or requested at the following email address: ensayos_med@unal.edu.co

Peer Review Process

1. Receipt of items is open throughout the year, however the editorial board of the Ensayos de Economía journal performed prior to the publication of each issue, a wide call for articles.

2. Upon receipt of an article, the editorial coordination notify the author of receipt; will record the article and will announce the title of the work without the author's name, and proceeded to deliver two peer reviewers for evaluation. The evaluators will be chosen carefully taking as reference the subject of the article and expertise of each of the topics.

3. The evaluators will review the articles and delivered in writing the result of their valuation, filling out the evaluation form of the journal. The process of evaluation by peers will take a period of approximately 4 weeks.

4. Subsequently, acceptance, rejection, or return to adjustments or modifications will be defined. Each item must have two acceptances, if for some reason it is not possible to obtain a second concept the editorial committee will define the publication of the previous article concept editor of the journal.

5. As appropriate, the editorial coordination shall: - Inform the author acceptance of the article and start processing the text for publication. - In case of rejection the author was notified of the reasons given by the anonymous reviewer pair that prevent publication of their work. - When the pair evaluator considers that an article can be published, but it is necessary to adjust or supplement, the editorial coordination submitted in writing to the corresponding author annotations. - In any of the above three cases, the author will know the response of the anonymous evaluation, which will be notified in writing by the editorial coordination of the journal. - The final results of the evaluation process will be final in all cases

Statement of Ethics and Good Practice

Ensuring high ethical standards for each published issue is very important to the journal, Ensayos de Economía; therefore, we take all measures required to avoid fraud, plagiarism and editorial malpractice. Papers submitted for publishing must be original and unpublished, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, and they must belong to the field of economic sciences or to related fields. These attributes must be stated by authors when submitting papers for the consideration by the editorial committee and, later, by the academic peers.

Likewise, the Ensayos de Economía journal seeks to guarantee a fair and objective reviewing process of the manuscripts by using a double-blind peer review. The editor and the editorial team cannot reveal any information related to any text submitted to the journal. If necessary, information may only be exchanged with authors, reviewers, editorial advisors and members of the editorial team.

Circulation and Conflicts of Interest Unpublished material submitted by the author to the Ensayos de Economía journal cannot be used in any research carried out by the editor without the author’s explicit consent.

Responsibilities of the Editor The editor must always act in a balanced, objective and fair manner, without discriminating against authors based on sexual, religious, political or regional grounds, according to the norms established by the Colombian Political Constitution of 1991. Likewise, the editor must consider, edit and publish academic contributions based only on their academic merits and without consideration of any commercial influence or secondary interest. The editor of the journal, Ensayos de Economía, with the help of the editorial committee, is responsible for deciding which papers will be published. The editor must make all decisions according to the editorial policy. The editorial and scientific committees must take into account all up-to-date legal aspects in terms of libel, copyright and plagiarism.

Additionally, the editor and the editorial committee must follow the appropriate process to resolve any complaints or misunderstandings of an ethical nature, or any conflict of interest. They must also act according to the regulations, policies and procedures established by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Authors will always be given the opportunity to respond regarding possible conflicts of interest. Any kind of complaint must be substantiated with documents to prove the alleged misconduct.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers
Reviewers must evaluate in an objective manner the papers submitted to the journal, Ensayos de Economía, collaborating appropriately to improve the scientific quality of the original research results.

Reviewers must protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the editor, the editorial committee, or the authors, making proper use of such information. However, they are free to decide whether to keep or reject the text during the evaluation process.

Reviewers must promptly inform the editor and the editorial committee when the content of an academic contribution shows signs of plagiarism or significantly resembles other research products, whether published or part of a publishing process.

Reviewers must know relevant published works that the authors do not cite. Observations, derived ideas or previously used arguments must be properly cited. Reviewers must also notify the editor of the Ensayos de Economía journal if they have evidence of similarities or overlaps between a reviewed paper and other published works.

Reviewers must always report possible conflicts of interest between the reviewer and the authors of academic contributions due to financial or institutional collaboration or any other reasons. In that case, and if necessary, reviewers must withdraw their services concerning the evaluation of the paper. Evaluators who do not feel qualified to review a given paper, or are aware that they will not be able to meet the reviewing deadline, must notify the editor as soon as possible, justifying their withdrawal from the evaluation process. Reviewers may also ask for a deadline extension, which the editor will evaluate according to the publishing timeline of the journal.

Responsibilities of the Authors

Authors must state that the paper has never been published and that it is not being considered for publishing anywhere else. They must also state that the paper does not violate copyrights or any other right concerning the intellectual property of any person or organization, and that it does not contain abusive, defamatory, obscene, or fraudulent declarations, nor any other statement considered illegal in any way.

Authors must keep documents and meticulous records of the data and data analyses related to the manuscript submitted to the journal Ensayos de Economía. If, on reasonable grounds, the editor or the editorial committee request such information, authors must provide it or facilitate access to it. When requested, original data will enter a custody chain where confidentiality and protection of the information will be ensured by the journal.

Authors must confirm, by means of a copyrights release and conflict of interests statement, or with an originality certificate (a pre-established format used by the Ensayos de Economía journal) that they agree to submit their paper to an evaluation process involving different committees, that the paper is original and unpublished, and that it is not being evaluated nor accepted for publishing anywhere else.

When part of a contribution’s content has been published or reported in another media, authors must acknowledge and cite all corresponding sources and academic credits.

Authors must declare any possible conflicts of interest that might exert inappropriate influences at any time during the publishing process.

Authors must carefully review the last version of the paper before it is published in the journal Ensayos de Economía. They must report errors or necessary corrections. If significant errors are present once the academic contribution is published, authors must promptly notify the editor and the editorial committee, and they must cooperate with the journal in the publishing of an errata sheet, appendix, notice, correction or, if necessary, in the withdrawal of the paper from the published issue.



Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas. Departamento de Economía

  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económic

Reviewer Guidelines

Dear Reviewer: We thank you for reviewing this document. We invite you to download the files corresponding to the evaluation. Once your review is complete, we invite you to upload the completed evaluation form and your comments on this platform. If you have any difficulties, you can send us your appreciation to the journal email: ensayos_med@unal.edu.co

Likewise, we invite you to take into account the following information:

The editorial team of the journal invites researchers (at least 50% with international affiliation) who are experts in the subject to evaluate articles. The evaluator undertakes to submit an academic concept presented according to the evaluation format within the period indicated by the editorial team of the journal. The concept must be written in clear, non-offensive academic language. Likewise, its qualitative and quantitative concepts must be explicit and conclusive. The use of its contents before its publication by the evaluators is not authorized and is considered a breach of the ethics of scientific publication. Peer evaluators are informed that plagiarism or improper use of the evaluated texts is an action with legal consequences.

The evaluation format of the Ensayos de Economía journal includes questions with academic criteria: relevance of the topic, scientific contribution and originality, writing and consistency of the text, methodology and bibliographic review. The evaluators have the responsibility of suggesting the acceptance, rejection or approval with modification of the refereed article. During the evaluation, the names of the authors and the evaluators are kept anonymous.

Evaluators must declare in the evaluation form that they have no conflict of interest with the authors and with the topics on which they are going to conceptualize. If there is any doubt, the evaluator is replaced. In case of discrepancy between the two anonymous pairs, the text will be sent to a third referee.