Call for papers
Attention! Next Dossier in #EdeE! Héctor Martínez will join us from Conacyt. Click on the image to access the thematic axes.
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The Ensayos de Economía journal at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin was founded in 1990 by Professors Guillermo Quiroz Villa, Martha Celina Restrepo Alzate, Gilberto Tobon Sanin, Guillermo Maya Muñoz and Ramiro Restrepo Uribe, and have since been published two numbers by year. This journal represents the effort and initiative of a group of teachers to have a means of self-expression to publish their academic and scientific work, and his collaborators.
Ensayos de Economía is a journal to disseminate both theoretical work as applied with emphasis on realism analysis, providing empirical evidence and economic policy. This initiative rests on the belief that economic analysis provides the necessary tools for knowledge of national and international economy, as well as policies to overcome poverty, inequality, and lay the foundation for a free and democratic society .
Ensayos de Economía is open to all existing theoretical traditions in economic theory, and to the great debates of the art forum. In this sense, all contributions are welcome. This publication is indexed in Publindex Colciencias in category B, on the basis of Econlit data, EBSCO, ProQuest, among others.
Attention! Next Dossier in #EdeE! Héctor Martínez will join us from Conacyt. Click on the image to access the thematic axes.
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Peer Vries
Ensayos de Economía, Vol. 23, No. 43 (2013)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas. Departamento de Economía. Cll 59 A 63-20. Bloque 46. Cuarto piso. A.A 3840 Medellín-Colombia
ISSN Impreso: 0121-117X
ISSN En línea: 2619-6573