

Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom

“Los puristas se disgustarán”: La construcción de autenticidad durante el apogeo del Bossa Nova


Palabras clave:

Authenticity, Brazil, Bossa nova, discourse analysis, popular music (en)
Música popular, Brasil, bossa nova, análisis del discurso, autenticidad,, purismo. (es)



  • Markus Sejkora Paris Lodron University Salzburg

After a short historical introduction this paper argues that the lack of a binding theoretical framework for the parameters that define the ‘bossa sound’ led to the emergence of “authenticity” as a value term by which to judge bossa nova played by non-Brazilians. Through the analysis of historical journalistic and promotional sources are, this study reveals modes of advertising, marketing and criticising bossa nova products that frequently rely on pointing out the presence or the lack of hypothetical authenticity. It also concludes that this authenticity discourse can be seen as a template for 19th century bourgeois aesthetic beliefs and notions of US American hegemony.

Tras una breve reseña histórica, este artículo sostiene que la falta de un marco teórico vinculante en cuanto a los parámetros que definen el “bossa sound” condujo a la aparición de la “autenticidad” como término de valor para juzgar el bossa nova interpretada por los no brasileños. A través del análisis de múltiples fuentes históricas periodísticas y promocionales, este estudio revela que los modos de anunciar, comercializar y criticar los productos de bossa nova se basan frecuentemente en señalar la presencia o la falta de una hipotética autenticidad. Además, se concluye que este discurso de autenticidad puede considerarse un modelo de las creencias estéticas burguesas del siglo XIX y de las nociones del hegemonía estadounidense.


“Outlook for ‘63: It Shapes Up as One of the Big Ones as Jazz Spills Into Pop Field”, in Billboard. The International Music-Record Newsweekly, 5 January 1963, <>, p. 18.

Barry Kittleson, “Bossa Nova Quickens The Jazz Sale Pulse”, in Billboard. The International Music-Record Newsweekly, 5 January 1963.

“Reviews of this Week’s Singles”, in Billboard Music Week, 5 September 1960, <>, p. 33.

Don DeMichael, “Jazz in Government”, in Down Beat. The Bi-Weekly Music Magazine, 30, 2, 17 January 1963, p. 15, <>.

John Storm Roberts, Latin Jazz. The First of the Fusions, 1880s to Today, New York, 1999, p. 116.

“Next Latin Dance Craze in Brazil?”, in Billboard Music Week, 12 June 1961, <>, p. 6.

Felix Grant, liner notes to: Charlie Byrd, Bossa Nova Pelos Passaros, CD, Riverside OJCCD-107-2 (RLP-9436), USA 1992, <|liner_notes|2263256>, (text reproduced from original 1962 LP; last accessed on 9 July 2020).

John S. Wilson, review of Paul Winter’s Jazz Meets the Bossa Nova, in: Down Beat, 30, 1, 3 January 1963, p. 28, <>.

“Top LP’s For Week Ending September 15”, in Billboard Music Week, 15 September 1962,<>, p. [II].

“Top LP’s For Week Ending January 4, 1964”, in Billboard, 4 January 1964, <>, p. 20.

Dan Morgenstern, “The Bossa Nova: Everybody’s Doing It”, in ASCAP Jazz Notes, 7, November 1962, p. 1, <>

Ira Gitler, review of Curtis Fuller’s South American Cookin’, in Down Beat, 29, 13, 21 June 1962, p. 23, <>.

“Bossa Nova Wave Loses Nothing in Translation”, in Billboard Music Week, 1 September 1962, <>, p. 9.

Jack Maher, “It’s a Great Big Bossa-Filled World We Live In, Says Almost Everybody”, in Billboard Music Week, 27 October 1962, <>, p. 4.

“Bossa and Bands Three Minds With One Latin Thought”, in Billboard Music Week, 3 November 1962, <>, p. 5.

Mauricio Quadrio, “Hopes Dim for Brazil Getting Carnegie Disk”, in Billboard Music Week,8 December 1962, <>, p. 5.

Mauricio Quadrio, “Requests Pour in For Bossa Tapes”, in Billboard Music Week, 15 December 1962, <>, p. 29.

Barry Kittleson, “With the Dealers: Couple of New Bossas Nova Up the Business”, in Billboard, 16 March 1963, <>, p. 10.

Jack Maher, “Label Planning Leans Heavily on New Style”, in Billboard, 4 May 1963, <>, p. 1.

Sam Chase, “How to Spot Next Latin Craze? That’s What A.&R. Men Ask”, in Billboard, 27 July 1963, <>, p. 12.

“With Bossa Nova Rise, BMI Bolstered Latin Position”, in Billboard, 25 January 1964,<>, p. 74.

Eliot Tiegel, “Music As Written. Hollywood”, in Billboard, 22 February 1964, <>,p. 35.

Bryan Daniel McCann, Getz/Gilberto (= 33 1/3 Brazil), New York 2019, <>, p. 3ff (last accessed on 9 July 2020).

“Latin Jazz Stages Comeback”, in Billboard, 24 April 1965, <>, p. 41.

“Atlantic Releasing Its First Album of Brazil ‘65 Group”, in Billboard, 17 July 1965, <>, p. 8.

Barney Kessel, liner notes to: Barney Kessel Plus Big Band, Bossa Nova, LP, Reprise Records R9-6049, USA 1962, <>.

René Touzet and His Orchestra, Bossa Nova! Brazil to Hollywood, LP, GNP Crescendo GNP 87, USA 1963, <é-Touzet-And-His-Orchestra-Bossa-Nova-Brazil-To-Hollywood/release/6762245>.

Bernie Lawrence, liner notes to: The Continentals, Bossa Nova for All Ages, LP, Canadian American CALP 1009, USA 1963, <>.

Dick Stewart, “San Francisco Beat: Boast Kids Not Dancing in Streets Over Bossa Nova”, in Billboard Music Week, 17 November 1962, <>, p. 36.

John Tynan, “The Real Story of Bossa Nova”, in Down Beat, 29, 28, 8 November 1962, p. 21, <>.

Jack Maher and Bob Rolontz, “Saga of the Bossa Nova Rolls On & On: Now Big Bands Busting Into the Act”, in Billboard Music Week, 3 November 1962, p. 5.

Jack Maher, “Flying High: Bossa Has No Step, But It Sure Has Lotsa Climb”, Billboard Music Week, 17 November 1962, p. 6.

Dan Morgenstern, “Bossa Nova Doings”, in: ASCAP Jazz Notes, No. 8, December 1962, p. 2, <>.

Leonard Feather, “Record Reviews. Bossa Nova Bandwagon”, in Down Beat, 29, 28, 8 November 1962, p. 24, <>.

“Strictly Ad Lib: New York”, in Down Beat, 29, 29, 22 November 1962, p. 12, <>.

Suzi Clarke, “Chords & Discords. Bossa Nova Banter”, in Down Beat, 29, 30, 6 December 1962, p. 6, <>.

Paul Winter, “Chords & Discords. Bossa Nova Banter, Part II”, in Down Beat, 29, 31, 20 December 1962, p. 6 and 8, <>.

Stephen Agetstein, “Chords and Discords. Bossa Nova Lament”, in Down Beat, 30, 1, 3 January 1963, p. 9, <>.

Richard B. Hadlock, “Record Reviews. Lalo Schifrin”, in Down Beat, 29, 31, 20 December 1962, p. 30, <>.

Leonard Feather, “Blindfold Test: Lalo Schifrin”, in Down Beat, 29, 31, 20 December 1962, p. 38, <>.

Don DeMichael, Down Beat Music, 8, 1, p. 21, <>.

Leonard Feather, “Laurindo Almeida Blindfold Test”, in Down Beat, 30, 5, 26 February 1963, p. 35, <>.

Quincy Jones’ remark,“the purist approach to bossa nova was silly in that it claimed pure Brazilian parentage and wanted not what its proponents call ‘bastards.’” .“Conference of Jazz Pays Bossa Nova Brief Notice”, in Down Beat, 30, 13, 6 June 1963, p. 11, <>)

“The Bossa Nova Jazz of America Is on Verve!”, in Billboard Music Week, 29 September 1962, <>, p. 33.

Cómo citar


Sejkora, M. (2023). Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom. Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte, 25(40), 59–79.


Sejkora, M. 2023. Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom. Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte. 25, 40 (jul. 2023), 59–79. DOI:


Sejkora, M. Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom. Ens.: Hist. Teor. Arte 2023, 25, 59-79.


SEJKORA, M. Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom. Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 40, p. 59–79, 2023. DOI: 10.15446/ensayos.v25n40.107861. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 mar. 2025.


Sejkora, Markus. 2023. «Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom». Ensayos: Historia Y Teoría Del Arte 25 (40):59-79.


Sejkora, M. (2023) «Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom», Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte, 25(40), pp. 59–79. doi: 10.15446/ensayos.v25n40.107861.


M. Sejkora, «Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom», Ens.: Hist. Teor. Arte, vol. 25, n.º 40, pp. 59–79, jul. 2023.


Sejkora, M. «Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom». Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte, vol. 25, n.º 40, julio de 2023, pp. 59-79, doi:10.15446/ensayos.v25n40.107861.


Sejkora, Markus. «Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom». Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte 25, no. 40 (julio 27, 2023): 59–79. Accedido marzo 23, 2025.


Sejkora M. Purists Will Wince”: Constructing Authenticity During the Bossa Boom. Ens.: Hist. Teor. Arte [Internet]. 27 de julio de 2023 [citado 23 de marzo de 2025];25(40):59-7. Disponible en:

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