About the Journal

Aim and Scope

The journal ENSAYOS: HISTORIA Y TEORIA DEL ARTE is a biannual publication from the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas from the Fine Arts Faculty in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in Bogota. Its main purpose is to promote reflections of an academic nature, around the history and the theory of the Fine and Visual Arts, Architecture and Music. Without dismissing original contributions to global Art, the journal is mainly interested in contributions in the field of Colombian Art in particular, and Latin-American Art in general.  The texts published in the journal are presented as illustrated articles, reviews of other publications, and commented reproductions of documents of historical interest.


The international academic community is the main target of the journal ENSAYOS. The public to which the articles are directed to are: specialists in each of the areas the journal covers, the academic community, college students, and the general public interested in the topics the journal covers. 



Peer review process

During the peer review process the following questions are answered:

  1. Does the article respond to the international academic writing criteria regarding the citation system and the handling of sources.


  1. The article is publishable:

            a) It is publishable as it is.

            b) It is publishable after style correction and slight modifications in content.

            c-) It is publishable with mayor modifications.

            d) It is not publishable.




Open Access Policy

Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte is a journal under the Open Access policy, considering that making research available for free to the public results in a higher exchange of global knowledge. This means that anybody can access the articles published by this journal. 

Article Reception

The call for articles is permanently open.

The editorial team of the journal will receive the articles in the journal’s email address, revensa_farbog@unal.edu.co

Rules for the submission of originals


The photos, illustrations or tables must be directly related to the text and be of excellent quality, and taken from originals to the extent possible.

Their resolution must be at least 300 dpi, TIFF format preferred. In the case of Excel tables, please obtain the ones with the highest resolution as images.


They must identify the piece or the reproduced document, including the publishing information, the execution, the techniques, the collection it belongs to, and the name of the photographer.


The author is responsible for obtaining the permission of reproduction of any photograph or illustration, whether it is material published in the form of books, printed or digital articles, or any other type of publication on the Internet.


The reception of articles is permanent.

Articles. The documents must be presented in their final version, double-spaced, and in Word.

Languages. Contributions in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German are accepted).


Each article must include an abstract in Spanish of 90 words maximum, as well as a translation of the abstract translation in English. It should contain maximum five (5) keywords in Spanish and English, and a brief biography (120 words maximum).


All of the bibliographical references must be included in the footnotes. Lists of bibliographical references are not accepted. It is recommended not to use automatic footnote systems.

 Journal or newspaper articles

Author’s name and surname; title of the articles in quotation marks; name of the journal or newspaper in italics, tome, volume and number, full date; page or pages quoted.


Author’s name and surname; title of the book in italics; place of publishing followed by a colon; publisher’s name followed by a coma; year of edition (Arabic numerals); page or pages quoted. If different pages are cited, each one must be followed by a coma.

The titles of works or articles must be cited completed in the first reference made of them. In the following ones, only the author’s name followed by yet page(s) cited will be used. If more than one work from one author is cited, these works will be differentiated using the first word in the title, then the reference will continue as previously specified.

In case the publishing year is missing, write: n.d , if the publishing place is missing: n.p, and if the publishing house is missing, n.e. Regarding a self-published document or a publication made by the author [author’s publication] is used.



 Textual citations. Extensive citations are written in a smaller point size, in a separate paragraph, and without quotation marks.

Brief citations are emphasized in quotation marks.

Quotation marks. Single quotation marks are used to: indicate the meaning of studied words; draw the reader’s attention about technicisms or to use a word in a peculiar sense.

Years: They are always written in Arabic numerals and without the period after the thousands, in this way: 1810, 1981, etc. Use Roman numerals in capital letters for the centuries. As far as possible, numbers below twenty will be written in letters (eleven, twelve, etc.). To refer to decades, 1840s, 1850s is preferred, or, if the context allows it, forties, fifties, sixties, etc.

Abbreviations: The following ones are used: p., pp., vol., t., ts., num., nums., fasc., fascs., f., ff., sig., sigs., ed., cap., caps., art., ms., mss., col., cols., íd., ibid., loc. cit., cf., vid., passim, sic., etc.

Square brackets or parentheses […] : They are used when letters or words are omitted in a citation, also when any element foreign to the same text is introduced or when there is something that need to be clarified.


They must be placed after the quotation marks and before the punctuation. 

Policy of ethics

In the field of humanities, and above all, in the treatment of old and written sources, we do not use interviews and we very seldom publish ethnographical treatment with interviewed individuals.

We insist on a total clarity about the copy and reproduction rights regarding images and other documents included in the articles. 

Permission of reproduction

The author must obtain the permission for reproduction of any photograph or illustration, whether it is material published in the form of books, printed or digital articles, or any other type of publication on the Internet.

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among the participating libraries, allowing said libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. See more...

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Declaration on Research Assesment (DORA)

The Journal Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte considers necessary to overcome the current scope on evaluation of the science, which is mainly based on the Impact Factor of a journal. Therefore, we declare to follow what is stated on the Declaration on Research Assesment (DORA) and understand the importance of free circulation of knowledge, hence, this is an Open Access publication.