IW Sentinel-1 satellite scenes for the investigation of mine slope stability: experiences from the Riacho dos Machados gold mine (Brazil)
IW Sentinel-1 escenas por satélite para la investigación de la estabilidad de pendientes de minas: experiencias de la mina de oro Riacho dos Machados (Brasil)
DOI: clave:
radar remote sensing, open pit mine, PSI, surface displacements, geotechnical risks (en)Teledetección, mina a cielo abierto, desplazamientos de superficie, riesgos geotécnicos (es)
In the last decade, the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry – PSI have been largely employed to predict instabilities and failure in open pit mines. The PSI is a powerful technique, which combines radar satellite data in order to detect and monitor tiny surface displacements over vast areas. In the last years, the Sentinel-1 radar mission have produced images of the globe acquired with different spatial and temporal resolutions that are now freely available. In recent years, the footwall slopes of the Riacho dos Machados Gold Mine – MRDM (Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil) have recorded large planar failures controlled by foliation planes. Therefore, the focus of this paper is to evaluate a stack of 39 Interferometric Wide Sentinel-1 scenes, spanning from January 2018 to April 2019, acquired in descending orbit geometry, for the detection and monitoring of surface displacements in the MRDM. The results have shown that descending IW Sentinel-1 scenes can be used to provide a broad picture of the Line-Of-Sight - LOS deformation phenomena. In order to monitor the evolution of the deformation phenomena induced by mining activities, LOS deformation maps with millimeter accuracy could be only delivered at least each 12 days.
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