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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted to another journal.

  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses and DOI have been added for references where it has been possible.
  • Text has simple line spacing (1.0); The font size is 12 points Times New Roman; The margins are all 3 cm; Italics are used instead of underlining (excepting URLs); And all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the whole.
  • The text fullfills all the bibliographical and style requirements indicated in Author Guideline, which can be found in About the journal.
  • As the contributions are sent to peer review, there will be assured to follow the instructions given at:


Author Guidelines

Norms for authors

The journal, Historia y Sociedad, publishes original research and review papers, as well as book reviews and transcriptions in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

All contents must be submitted through the following platform: or to the following email address:

Papers submitted to the journal cannot be in any simultaneous review process in another publication. Submissions to the Open Topic section are permanently open. Submission dates for issues with a specific focus will be published on the journal website and academic networks. Authors of papers published in Historia y Sociedad must wait at least two years to publish again in the journal.

The name of the author and any other reference to it must be eliminated from the submitted manuscript. Personal information must be registered on the website and attached in a different document. In order to consider a paper for publishing, all the following information must be provided:

  1. Full name
  2. ID number: National ID or Passport number.
  3. Latest academic title: program. University (ACRONYM)
  4. Institutional affiliation and current position: University (ACRONYM) – Location – Faculty or Institute – School or Department – Research Group or Laboratory – Address, City, Postal Code – Country.
  5. ORCID.  (required)
  6. Institutional email address
  7. If there is co-authorship, each author must explain what were the functions or mode of participation in the research and subsequent preparation of the postulated manuscript. To promote transparency in the attribution of authorship, Historia y Sociedad recommends taking as a reference for the description of the roles within the project the taxonomy proposed by CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) Among the options it can be chosen the following: conceptualization (ideas and formulation of objectives); data curation (administration, cleaning and maintenance); formal analysis (techniques applied to analyze or synthesize information); financing acquisition; research (treatment of sources and evidence); methodology (designs and creation of analysis models); project coordination (planning and schedules); resources (supply of laboratories, archives, libraries, repositories, contacts); software (codes or programs to process the data); supervision (leadership in execution); validation (verification of the structure and results); display; writing of the original draft; writing, revision, edition and approval of the final version. Authorship should not be assigned without the consent of the corresponding person. It should be noted that Historia y Sociedad, as it belongs to the humanities area, only accepts a maximum of 3 authors per article.
  8. Origin and financing of the paper: indicate if the paper is the result of research, a master or doctoral thesis, and indicate whether it was financed. If it was financed, indicate the name of the financing or sponsoring institution, financing mode, code, period and state of the paper (partial or finished product).
  9. Bibliography (list of references) at the end of the manuscript.
  10. Biographical review: other educational degrees, titles and granting institutions. Publications from the past 2 years (150 words maximum).
  11. Other academic profiles:, Redalyc, Research Gate, Mendeley.
  12. Postal address: it includes nomenclature and postal code or specific PO Box for the delivery of the printed copy.
  13. Conflict of interests: the author must state whether there is any conflict of interests regarding the submitted paper. This is a pre-requisite to ensure scientific publication ethics. According to the ICMJE “there is a conflict of interests when the professional evaluation of a primary interest (such as the validity of research results) may be influenced by a secondary interest. Suspicion of conflicts of interest is as important as their real existence”.

Content format


Papers must be between 7000 and 11000 words long, including abstract, notes and bibliography. They must include an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese (250 words maximum). Papers must include from 3 to 6 key words, preferably extracted from the Unesco Thesaurus ( Manuscripts must be submitted in letter paper size, with 1.5 point spacing, 2.5 cm margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, and respecting the following specifications: Subdivisions within the text body (chapters, subchapters) are not enumerated. Paragraphs are not indented and there is no spacing between them. Footnotes appear in Arabic numbers and the call within the text is done before punctuation marks. For extensive quotations, the call is done after the final punctuation mark. Terms in Latin and words in a foreign language are highlighted with italic font. Words or sentences are highlighted with italic font.

The first time that an acronym is used, it must appear in parenthesis after the full name; thereafter, only the acronym used. Textual quotations that exceed four lines must use the extensive quotation format, with left and right margins (1cm indent on each side), single spacing, 11 point font size, and without quotation marks.

The goal of graphic elements included in the manuscript is to support or complement the argumentation; for that reason, each graphic element must be mentioned in the text, preferably using parenthesis (see figure 00). The classification of graphic elements is as follows: “Figure” refers to photographs, illustrations, maps, and diagrams; “Table” corresponds to information presented in double-entry charts (rows and columns). Figures and tables are independently enumerated: a consecutive enumeration for figures and a different consecutive enumeration for tables. Each graphic element must have a title and be sequentially enumerated and accompanied by its respective identification (image footer and source). Graphic elements must appear right after the paragraph in which they are mentioned. Images must be independently attached in digital format (JPG or TIFF in high resolution). If permits are required to publish the images, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain them and submit them to the journal. If these requisites are not fulfilled, the journal makes no commitment to publish the images.

The bibliography will be included at the end of the paper, in 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1 point spacing, without indentation and enumerated. Full references in alphabetical order of all works used to write the article must appear. Titles not referenced in the footnotes should not be included. The bibliography must be organized as follows:


Primary sources


            Periodic publications

            In print and handwritten documents

Secondary sources

Citation and referencing model

The journal uses an adaptation of the Chicago Manual of Style, in the Humanities Style version. Below are the differences between footnote (N) and bibliographical (B) citations.


One author

N- Name Last name(s), Full title (City: Publisher, year), 445.

B- Last name(s), Name. Full title. City: Publisher, year. (Include DOI if available)

Two authors

N- Name Last name(s) and Name Last name(s), Full title (City: Publisher, year), 78-79.

B- Last name(s), Name, and Name Last name (s). Full title. City: Publisher, year.

Four or more authors

N- Name Last name(s) et al., Full title (City: Publisher, year), 134-167.

B- Last name(s), Name, Name Last name(s), Name Last name(s) y Name Last name(s). Full title. City: Publisher, year.

Book article

N- Name Last name(s), “Title of article”, in Full title, eds. Name Last name(s) and Name Last name(s) (City: Publisher, year), 69-73.

B- Last name(s), Name. “Title of article”. In Full title, edited by Name Last name(s) and Name Last name(s). City: Publisher, year, 58-79.

Journal article

N- Name Last name(s), “Title of article”, Title of journal Vol: n.o (year): 58.

B- Last name(s), Name. “Title of article”. Title of journal Vol: n.o (year): 58-79. (Include DOI if available)

Newspaper article

N- Name Last name(s), “Title of article”, Title of newspaper, City, day and month, year, 58.

B- Last name(s), Name. “Title of article”. Title of newspaper, City, day and month, year, 58-79.


N- Name Last name(s), “Title of thesis” (Undergraduate/Masters/Doctoral Thesis in, University, year), 58-79.

B- Last name(s), Name. “Title of thesis”. Undergraduate/Masters/Doctoral Thesis in, University, year.


N- Name Last name(s), “Title of presentation”, presentation, Name of Event, City, Country, day, month, year, 00.

B- Last name(s), Name. “Title of presentation”. Presentation, Name of Event, City, Country, day, month, year.

Archival material

The first time an archive is cited, the full name of the archive should be included, accompanied by the acronym and the location in parenthesis. The second time, in the case of the name, only the acronym is cited. For the rest of the information in the reference –if fonds and section are repeated- all the information is cited again.

N- “Title of document” (location and date), in Archive (Acronym of archive, City, Country), Section, Fonds, Series, vol./leg./t., doc., f. or ff.

  • n.1 "Document x", in Antioquia Historical Archive (AHA, Medellín, Colombia), Secretaría de Gobierno, Gobernación de Antioquia, Gobierno-Municipios, Carpeta 3, Letter C, box. n.o 55, f. 184.
  • n.2 "Document x", in AHA, Secretaría de Gobierno, Gobernación de Antioquia, Gobierno-Municipios, Carpeta 3, Letter C, box. n.o 55, f. 190.

B- Full name of archive (acronym), City-Country. Section 1: Name of section 1, Fonds: Name of fonds 1 (Series: Name of the series); Name of fonds 2 (Series: Name of series). Section 2: Name of section 2, Fonds: Name of fonds 1 (Series: Name of the series); Name of fonds 2 (Series: Name of series). Fonds are presented in alphabetical order.

  • b.1 Cauca Central Archive (ACC), Popayán-Colombia. Section: Colonia. Fonds: Judicial; Notaría Primera;
  • b.2 General Archive of the Nation (AGN), Bogotá-Colombia. Section: Colonia. Fonds: Caciques e indios; Historia eclesiástica; Visitas (Series: Boyacá y Antioquia)

Online publications

N- Name Last name(s) and Name Last name (s), eds., Full title (City: Publisher, year), (date of retrieval).

B- Last Name(s), Name, y Last Name Name(s), eds. Full title. City: Publisher, year.

Note: Op.cit and Ibíd must never be used in footnotes.

After the first citation proceed in the following way:

Name Last name(s), Two or three words from the title, 00-00.

Name Last name(s), “Two or three words from the title”, 00-00.


Transcriptions must be between 3500 and 11000 words long, including abstract and footnotes. They must include an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese that does not exceed 250 words. Transcriptions must include from 3 to 6 key words, preferably extracted from the Unesco Thesaurus ( Transcriptions must be submitted in letter paper size, with 1 point spacing, 2.5 cm margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font.

Book reviews

Book reviews must be between 800 and 1800 words long. They must be submitted with 1 point spacing, 2.5 cm margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font. Words or sentences should be highlighted using italic font. The format for the book review title is the one indicated by the Chicago Manual of Style in Humanities Style:

Name Last name(s). Full title. City: Publisher, year, 0000 pp.

Section Policies


Section that presents the contents of each number. It is written by the director-editor or by guest editors (in case of a dossier)


Section that gathers unpublished research or review papers on a specific topic. The texts present research results obtained from primary sources, methodologies and up to date literature.

Open topic

Section that gathers research or review papers on diverse topics. The texts present research results obtained from primary sources, methodologies and up to date literature.

Document transcription

Section that gathers critical transcriptions of documents from historical archives and from other patrimonial repositories.

Book review

Section that gathers critical reviews of history books published in the past 3 years. Book reviews are selected by the editorial team.


Reviews of academic events about history or scientific journals. They have the approval of the director of the journal and of the editorial board.



Offer titles on theoretical, methodological or historiographical books written and published recently by historians. It could be also considered titles with historical focus coming from humanities and social sciences.


Clarifications about exceptional situations happened in the editorial process of the previous published issues. They have the approval of the director and editor of the journal.

Personal Data Processing Policy

Names and emails introduced in this journal will be used exclusively for the declared purposes of the publication, and it won’t be available for any other intention nor person.