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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This article has not been published nor submitted for publication to any other journal or media (or an explanation has been provied in "Comments to the editor" below).
  • The file being sent is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • The text has 1.5 line spacing; The font size is 12 points; Italics are used instead of underlining (except URLs).

  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Mundo Amazónico admits for publication original works not published or presented to any other medium. We publish in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

The journal accepts research, revision and reflection articles, brief notes, indigenous texts in their languages, unpublished historical archives and book reviews (see Section Policies).

The manuscripts must be sent through the web page of the journal:

Or optionally to the address

In the latter case, a document containing the title of the article, name, electronic and postal address and a biographical summary (not more than 60 words) of each author must be sent separately.

Authors are responsible for all authorizations that publication of their contributions may require.


The text, digital version Microsoft Word or RTF, should be written at 1.5 spacing (including notes, bibliography, tables and lettering figures).

Title: Do not exceed 15 words. Present the title in the three languages of the magazine (Spanish, Portuguese and English), placing first the language of the text of the article.

Abstract: In the three languages of the journal (Spanish, Portuguese and English), placing first the language of the text of the article. It should mention the central objective of the work, methodology used in data collection, most important results and conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words.

Keywords: In the three languages of the magazine (Spanish, Portuguese and English), placing first the language of the article. Use two to five keywords different from those used in the title, separated by semicolons. The use of specific thesauri is recommended according to the topic of the article. Examples: CAB Thesaurus, HASSET: Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus, Unesco Thesauri.

Sections: The order and labeling of the sections of the article are at the discretion of each author. The sections are followed, without starting a new page.

Figures: Figures, graphs, drawings, illustrations, maps and photographs should be numbered with Arabic figures, bear a concise label at the bottom and include a reference to its source. Include the figures and images within the manuscript (in low resolution) and send them separately, as image files, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (as "Complementary Files" during the submission process).

Tables: Tables should be sent in their original format (not as images) and included in the manuscript. The labeling of each table should go at the top.

Notes: The notes to the text should go at the end of the manuscript (not as footnotes), in consecutive Arabic numerals.

Acknowledgments: Do not include acknowledgments or statements of sources of funding in the submitted manuscript. This information can be included in the "Comments to the Editor" box or once the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

References: The literature cited in the text should appear at the end under the heading "References". Here should appear all and only the works cited in the text, following the APA conventions for bibliographical references. Examples:

Journal article

Santos, A. A. (2014). La constitución de de naüne (cuerpo) entre los yunatügü (tikuna). Mundo Amazonico, 5, 327–356.


Kopenawa, D., & Albert, B. (2013). The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomani Shaman. (N. Elliott & A. Dundy, Trads.). London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University.

Edited book

Surrallés, A., & García Hierro, P. (Eds.). (2004). Tierra Adentro: Terrritorio indígena y percepción del entorno. Copenhagen: IWGIA.

Book section

Landaburu, J. (1993). Du changement de nom de certains dieux: Péripéties de la reconstruction d’un univers amazonien. En A. Becquelin & A. Molinié (Eds.), Mémoire de la tradition (pp. 145–159). Nanterre: Societé d’Ethnologie.


Sánchez, L. (2012). “De totumas y Estantillos”: Procesos migratorios, dinámicas de pertenencia y de diferenciación entre la Gente de Centro (Amazonía colombiana). Tesis de doctorado en Sociología, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3.

Pereira, E. (2005). Nimaira Uruki, Yetara Uriki: “Esa es mi lucha”. Ritual e Política entre os Uitoto-murui, rio Caraparaná, Amazônia Colombiana. Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Museu Nacional, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Articles with more than seven authors: List the first six authors, followed by ellipse (…) and then the last auhor:

Butchart, S. H. M., Walpole, M., Collen, B., van Strien, A., Scharlemann, J. P. W., Almond, R. E. A., … Watson, R. (2010). Global Biodiversity: Indicators of Recent Declines. Science, 328(5982), 1164 LP-1168.

Section Policies


Research articles must be original research reports, with a maximum extension of 7,000 words. They should include: title, abstract and keywords in the three languages of the journal (English, Spanish and Portuguese) and bibliographical references.

Review Articles

Document resulting from a completed research where research results, whether published or not, are analyzed, systematized and integrated into a field of knowledge, in order to account for its advances and trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review. It should include: title, abstract and key words in the three languages of the journal (English, Spanish and Portuguese) and bibliographical references. With a maximum extension of 7,000 words.

Reflection article

Document that presents results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, using original sources. It should include: title, abstract and key words in the three languages of the journal (English, Spanish and Portuguese) and bibliographical references.

Brief notes and Research advances

Contributions of no more than 2,500 words that report advances or new research findings and that do not constitute a complete article. They should include: title, abstract and key words in the three languages of the journal (English, Spanish and Portuguese) and bibliographical references.

Texts in indigenous languages

Texts in indigenous languages, with a maximum extension of 7,000 words and with translation into one of the three languages of the journal. They should be accompanied by an introduction that identifies the language, the sources and importance of the text and the conventions used for its transcription. In the case of transcriptions of oral narratives, the audio file, in mp3 format, may be published in the electronic edition of the journal. They should include: title, abstract and keywords in the three languages of the journal (English, Spanish and Portuguese), identification of the language according to ISO 639, identification of the original oral source, transcriber and translator, Notes, and bibliographical references.




Of a maximum of 1,500 words, they must present a critical and objective discussion of works related to the Panamazonia or of topics that may be of interest to the scope of the journal. They should include the complete bibliographical reference of the work reviewed.

Interviews and testimonies

Interviews and testimonies should not be larger than 3.000 words

Iconographic and visual contributions

Iconographic and visual contributions must be preceded by a brief introductions and contain a maximum of 10 images in black and white or color. Color images will be reproduced in the electronic editions and optionally in the print edition.

Personal Data Processing Policy

Names and electronic addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively to the ends declared by the journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.