Information for authors
Declaration of originality, authorship responsibility and conflict of interest
MOMENTO, Physics Magazine, publishes every six months original unpublished results of basic and applied research on diverse areas of Physics, as well as short, reflection and revision articles about the current state of the most active Physics problems, on: Science and Materials Engineering, Solid State Physics, High Energy Physics, Relativity, Fluid Mechanics, Optics, Medical Physics and Biophysics, Geophysics, Nuclear Physics, Physical Chemistry, Chaos and Complexity, Nano-science and Nanotechnology.
MOMENTO publishes results generated in Colombia and other parts of the world and is addressed basically to Physicist, Engineers, Academicians, and Professionals from public and private entities, local or foreign.
MOMENTO is indexed in Web of Science, SciELO Colombia, EBSCO (Fuente Académica Premier), Latindex, Google Scholar and DOAJ.
MOMENTO has a scientific committee of significant trajectory, and with institutional and geographical diversity. This allows having a great variety of evaluations and opinions.
MOMENTO has an especial interest in spreading the knowledge related to physics.
MOMENTO has semiannual publications and additionally publishes special issues that contain conference papers of national and international conferences.
Each manuscript is submitted to an evaluation process by peers (Peer Review) chosen by the Editorial Committee. The content of the articles should not have been published, totally or partially, in another magazine.
In situations in which a member of the editorial committee appears as an author or co-author of a manuscript, 2 peer reviewers are assigned.
The Editorial Committee could reject, suggest changes or even carry out modifications to the literary style without altering the scientific content. The final version of the articles accepted for publication should be revised by each one of the authors. The evaluation time is at least one month. The accuracy of the information in the manuscripts, including figures, tables, and bibliographical citations is the complete responsibility of the author or the authors.
MOMENTO follows the system of peer reviewing with a double-blind system to ensure the objectivity of the evaluators and avoid interest conflicts. The process goes as follows:
Publication ethics
Due to the article publication is an essential part of the knowledge divulgation and evidence of the quality of the investigation, it is expected that all the people that are involved to know and respect the agreements about ethical behaviors that allows guaranteeing the right divulgation and promotion of the knowledge.
Author’s obligations
The authors must commit themselves to follow the points established below to ensure that the publication complies with the ethical points established by MOMENTO.
Plagiarism is defined as the act of copying in the substantial works of others, giving them as their own, this must be avoided and is a cause of rejection of an article, below are the points to be taken into account related to plagiarism.
Fragmentation happens when an investigation is divided into two or more publications. This is an anti-ethical practice that must be avoided.
Duplicated publication
The duplicated publications happen when an article is sent to more than one magazine at the time, or when an article that already has been published in another magazine is sent for consideration.
Conflict of interests
Those who sign as the authors of the article must comply with the requirements listed below.
1. To be considered an author there are three points that they must have.
2. The people that made a contribution but that do not fit with the points mentioned before are considered collaborators.
3. There are three kinds of anti-ethical authorship:
Authorship changes
Peer evaluation
MOMENTO Physics Magazine is committed itself to publish articles with scientific quality; therefore, it counts with the double-blind peer reviewing to avoid conflict of interest. The peer evaluation goes as follows:
MOMENTO is a biannual publication, additionally publishes special issues resulting from national and international conferences and conferences.
January - June, (First issue) publication date: January 1
July - December, (Second number) publication date: July 1
La publicación de la revista es financiada por la Facultad de Ciencias y el Departamento de Física de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá).
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Física. Bogotá, Colombia.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Faculty of Science. Department of Physics. Bogotá, Colombia. Correspondence address Carrera 30 No 45-03. Edificio 404 (Of. 205). Phone number (57-1) 316 5000 ext. 13009
ISSN : 0121-4470 (Print)
e-ISSN : 2500-8013 (Online)
ISSN-L: 0121-4470
DOI: 10.15446/mo
This work is licensed under a licencia de Creative Commons Atribución-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.