La responsabilidad civil de la familia en la educación ambiental
Civil liability of family in environmental education
A responsabilidade civil da família na educação ambiental
educación ambiental, familia, responsabilidad civil, sociedad (es)society, environmental, education, civil liability, family (en)
educação ambiental, família, responsabilidade civil, sociedade (pt)
The purpose of this article is to develop an approach to family civil liability in environmental education. We live in an era considered by many as post -modern in which we face a major crisis. Crisis of social values, ethical, behavioral, conceptual, political, cultural, educational, environmental and many more. For every human action there is a reaction of nature. We were at the mercy of the risks arising from the society itself but that will be answered, or not, by the nature. Fact is that nature and society belong together and every day a new ecological awareness and a cognitive power for "green" will be infused in society. For that, one way leads to the hope of sustainable development - namely environmental education - and the family plays the notorious role of being its indispensable driver, thus omitting the family being obliged described, should lead legal consequences particularly with regard to civil liability .
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