

Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution

Determinación y correlación de la solubilidad del etilparabeno en disolventes puros y binarios y propiedades termodinámicas de solución



Ethylparaben, solubility, van’t Hoff, Yalkowsky-Roseman, cosolvent (en)
Etilparabeno, solubilidad, van’t Hoff, Yalkowsky-Roseman, cosolvente (es)


  • Alba Miledy Romero Nieto Universidad Surcolombiana - Environmental Management and Engineering - Research Group of Science, Engineering and Innovation
  • Nestor E. Cerquera Universidad Surcolombiana - Faculty of Engineering - Agricultural Engineering Program - Hydro Engineering and Agricultural Development Research Group (GHIDA)
  • Daniel Ricardo Delgado Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Department of Engineering - Industrial Engineering Program - GRIAUCC Research Group
Solubility data of bioactive compound such as ethylparaben (EtP) are important for the scientific and community. Therefore, in present study, solubility, solution thermodynamics and solute-solvent interactions (at molecular level) of EtP in nine cosolvent mixtures (1-propanol {n-PrOH) (1) + methanol (MeOH) (2)} including pure solvent (methanol and 1-propanol) at three different temperatures, i.e. (T =283.2 K, 298.2 K, and 313.2 K) and constant pressure (p = 0.1 MPa) were studied. Experimental solubility of EtP (expressed in mole fraction) was observed highest in n-PrOH at 313.2 K, so, mole fraction solubility of EtP (x3) increases when temperature arises and increases with n-PrOH proportion increasing. Ideal solubilities of  EtP were estimated using their thermal parameters at three different temperatures. Ideal solubilities of EtP were observed similar to experimental solubilities of EtP at each temperature. With the help of ideal solubilities of EtP, activity coefficients were estimated. Based on estimated values of activity coefficients, highest interactions at molecular level were observed in rich-MeOH mixtures. Apparent thermodynamic analysis data showed endothermic and enthalpy-driven dissolution of EtP in each solvent and mixture studied. Solubility behavior was adequately correlated by means of the van’t Hoff and Yalkowsky-Roseman models combined.
La solubilidad de compuestos bioactivos como el etilparabeno (EtP) es importante para la comunidad científica. Por lo tanto, en el presente estudio se reportan la solubilidad, termodinámica de solución e interacciones soluto-solvente (a nivel molecular) del EtP en nueve mezclas de cosolventes {1-propanol (n-PrOH) (1) + metanol (MeOH) (2)} incluyendo los solventes puros (metanol y 1-propanol) a tres temperaturas diferentes, (T = 283,2 K, 298,15 K y 313,2 K) y a presión constante (p = 0,1 MPa). La solubilidad experimental más alta del EtP (expresadas en fracción molar) se registró en n-PrOH a 313,15 K, así, la solubilidad en fracción molar de EtP aumenta cuando la temperatura aumenta y la proporción de n-PrOH aumentan. Las solubilidades ideales de EtP se estimaron utilizando los parámetros térmicos a tres temperaturas diferentes. Las solubilidades ideales de EtPa son similares a las solubilidades experimentales de EtP a cada temperatura. A partir de las solubilidades ideales de EtP se estimaron los coeficientes de actividad y sobre la base de los valores estimados de los coeficientes de actividad, se define que las interacciones más altas a nivel molecular se registraron en mezclas ricas en MeOH. Los datos aparentes del análisis termodinámico mostraron un proceso endotérmico con conducción entálpica para el EtP cada uno de los solventes y mezclas de solventes estudiados. El comportamiento de solubilidad se correlacionó adecuadamente mediante los modelos de van’t Hoff y Yalkowsky-Roseman combinados.


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Como Citar


Romero Nieto, A. M., Cerquera, N. E. e Delgado, D. R. (2019). Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas, 48(2), 332–347.


Romero Nieto, A.M., Cerquera, N.E. e Delgado, D.R. 2019. Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas. 48, 2 (maio 2019), 332–347. DOI:


Romero Nieto, A. M.; Cerquera, N. E.; Delgado, D. R. Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution. Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Quím. Farm. 2019, 48, 332-347.


ROMERO NIETO, A. M.; CERQUERA, N. E.; DELGADO, D. R. Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas, [S. l.], v. 48, n. 2, p. 332–347, 2019. DOI: 10.15446/rcciquifa.v48n2.82702. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 fev. 2025.


Romero Nieto, Alba Miledy, Nestor E. Cerquera, e Daniel Ricardo Delgado. 2019. “Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution”. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas 48 (2):332-47.


Romero Nieto, A. M., Cerquera, N. E. e Delgado, D. R. (2019) “Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution”, Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas, 48(2), p. 332–347. doi: 10.15446/rcciquifa.v48n2.82702.


A. M. Romero Nieto, N. E. Cerquera, e D. R. Delgado, “Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution”, Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Quím. Farm., vol. 48, nº 2, p. 332–347, maio 2019.


Romero Nieto, A. M., N. E. Cerquera, e D. R. Delgado. “Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution”. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas, vol. 48, nº 2, maio de 2019, p. 332-47, doi:10.15446/rcciquifa.v48n2.82702.


Romero Nieto, Alba Miledy, Nestor E. Cerquera, e Daniel Ricardo Delgado. “Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution”. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas 48, no. 2 (maio 1, 2019): 332–347. Acessado fevereiro 1, 2025.


Romero Nieto AM, Cerquera NE, Delgado DR. Measurement and correlation of solubility of ethylparaben in pure and binary solvents and thermodynamic properties of solution. Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Quím. Farm. [Internet]. 1º de maio de 2019 [citado 1º de fevereiro de 2025];48(2):332-47. Disponível em:

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CrossRef citations6

1. Kalyani Kodide, Prashanth Asadi, Jyothi Thati. (2022). Solid-liquid equilibrium solubility prediction of sulfanilamide in four binary solvent mixtures by using pure solvents solubility data from 278.15 to 318.15 K with the Abraham solvation parameter model, Yalkowsky Log-Linear and extended log-linear solubility thermodynamic models. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 368, p.120634.

2. Yasser Leonid Cuellar-Carmona, Nestor Enrique Cerquera, Rossember Edén Cardenas-Torres, Claudia Patricia Ortiz, Fleming Martínez, Daniel Ricardo Delgado. (2024). Correlation of the solubility of isoniazid in some aqueous cosolvent mixtures using different mathematical models. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering,

3. Claudia Patricia Ortiz, Diego Ivan Caviedes-Rubio, Fleming Martinez, Daniel Ricardo Delgado. (2024). Solubility of Sulfamerazine in Acetonitrile + Ethanol Cosolvent Mixtures: Thermodynamics and Modeling. Molecules, 29(22), p.5294.

4. Ana María Cruz-González, Martha Sofía Vargas-Santana, Sebastian de Jesus Polania-Orozco, Claudia Patricia Ortiz, Nestor Enrique Cerquera, Fleming Martínez, Daniel Ricardo Delgado, Abolghasem Jouyban, William E. Acree. (2021). Thermodynamic analysis of the solubility of triclocarban in ethylene glycol + water mixtures. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 325, p.115222.

5. Abdelkarim Aydi, Cherifa Ayadi, Kaouther Ghachem, Abdulaal Al-Khazaal, Daniel Delgado, Mohammad Alnaief, Lioua Kolsi. (2020). Solubility, Solution Thermodynamics, and Preferential Solvation of Amygdalin in Ethanol + Water Solvent Mixtures. Pharmaceuticals, 13(11), p.395.

6. William E. Acree. (2020). Comments on “Spectroscopic and volumetric study of binary liquid mixtures containing ethyl -4‑hydroxy benzoate and alkanols”. Chemical Data Collections, 29, p.100489.



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