Sobre hipótesis e “hipertesis ”: Inmovilidad de una noción acerca de un problema inicial de la filosofía de Julio Enrique Blanco
On Hypothesis and Hyperthesis: Immobility of a Notion About an Initial Problem in Julio Enrique Blanco’s Philosophy
Palabras clave:
Hipertesis, Hipótesis, Inmovilidad, Moción, Noción (es)Hyperthesis, Hypothesis, Immobility, Motion, Concept (en)
Our purpose consist on showing a discussion that is present in the work of the Colombian philosopher Julio Enrique Blanco, particularly in two of his earlier writings: “Of biological causation I” (1917) and “Paths of Perfection” (1918) To do this, we should first appeal to one of the central texts of John Stuart Mill: “A system of logic” (1843). What has resulted from these three readings is the reconstruction of a methodological proposal made by the Colombian, a proposal that we presented with complements that are the result of the readings of these and other works. Finally, we will try to demonstrate that through the evaluation of the cognitive foundations of the inherited notions, one of the possibilities presented consists on immobilizing those that are hypothetical in nature, instead of hyperthetical.
Blanco, J.E. “Autobiografía de una inteligencia solitaria”. Catorce cuadernos desde 1907 hasta 1920. Texto inédito.
Blanco, J.E. “De la causalidad biológica I”. Voces 1917-1920. Barranquilla: Ediciones Uninorte, 2003.
Blanco, J.E. “Camino de perfección”. Voces 1917-1920. Barranquilla: Ediciones Uninorte, 2003.
Kant, I. Crítica de la Razón Pura. Trad. Pedro Ribas. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2006.
Platón. Fedón. Trad. García Gual. Madrid: Gredos, 1986.
Stuart Mill, J. Un sistema de lógica. Madrid: Biblioteca Científico Filosófica, 1917.