La pregunta de la libertad de acción en entredicho: ¿Cuándo podemos hablar de una acción verdaderamente libre?
The Question of Freedom of Action into Question: When Can We Speak of Truly Free Action?
Palabras clave:
Coacción, Decisión , Libertad, Responsabilidad, Voluntad (es)Constraint, Decision, Freedom, Responsability, Will (en)
The paper “Restriction and the Varieties of Free Action” by Peter Baumann allows a new vision on what we consider a free action. Departing from real cases I will show the philosophical tensions that it implied in accepting traditionalist theses of what is a free action, after to which I will expose the Baumann’s ideas of what is a free action.Later I will show how the points of Baumann’s thesis are applied to a real case, and finally I will give my conclusions on when can we speak about a truly free action.
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Baumann, P. “Coercion and the Varieties of Free Action”. Ideas y Valores 121 (2003): 31–46.