Causalidad, mente y emergencia: Causalidad mental como causalidad descendente
Causation, Mind and Emergence: Mental Causation as Downward Causation
Palabras clave:
Causalidad descendente, Emergentismo, Fisicalismo, Mente, Metafísica, Reduccionismo (es)Downward causation, Emergentism, Physicalism, Mind, Metaphysics, Reductionism (en)
In this paper I examine the causal position of emergentism about the mental phenomenon, analyzing its feasibility in the field of philosophical issues raised to the position of non-reductive physicalism, our current metaphysical paradigm. The text is divided into three sections: the first carry out a characterization of the emergentist doctrine, the second analyze the causal closure principle that, according to Jaegwon Kim, is inconsistent with emergentism, and finally, I articulate the emergentist idea of mental causation as downward causation in terms of selection of properties and physical laws.
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