Sobre la relación causal o epistémica entre mente y mundo
On the causal or epistemic relationship between mind and world
Palabras clave:
Davidson, McDowell, Coherentismo, Creencias, Empirismo mínimo, Experiencia, Justificación, Percepción (es)Davidson, McDowell, Coherentism, Beliefs, Minimum empiricism, Experience, Justification, Perception (en)
With regard to the relationship between the mind and the world there is a
problem, currently the subject of much debate among epistemologists and philosophers of the mind, namely, the role of experience in explaining this relationship. There have been many propositions concerning this debate, however, in this text we will only
discuss two: Minimum empiricism proposed by McDowell and Coherentism proposed by Donald Davidson. The purpose of this paper is, first of all, to give an account of the
debate between these two philosophers on how they characterize sensory experience
so as to explain the relationship between the mind and the vvorld. Moreover, as will be explained throughout this paper, Davidson (2001) has a strong critique of McDowell, to which McDovvell himself (2009) provides a counter- argument, but one that does not
seem to respond that strongly to the critique. A second purpose then, is to make McDowell's argument stronger so that it can account for notion of experience that could escape Davidsonian criticism.
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