Una defensa a la racionalidad científica: relativismo, historia y racionalidad
A defense of scientific rationality: relativism, history and rationality
Palabras clave:
Autonomía - Heteronomía, Contexto histórico, Metodología científica, Razón relativa. (es)Autonomy - Heteronomy, Historical context, Scientific methodology, Relative reason. (en)
After Kuhn's works, which tried to offer satisfactory answers for type-questions such as "What is the distinctive scientific activity?" or "What is the method of scientific research?", the interest to conjoin Philosophy of Science and History of Science has emerged. The reasons that grounded the above relation were based on the rejection of a prescriptive investigation and the privilege of a descriptive labour. Within those commitments, I will try to focus my atention on the dependency between rationality and historical context. I shall claim in favour of a relative rationality as a key element throughout scientific research: Science's rationality changes according to the context in which it is depeloved. In order to achieve such goal, as a former stage, I will incorporate Kuhn's Community notion, Lakato's Rationality category and Feyerabend's Relativism. Then I will offer an interpretation of Rationality showing that an autonomous character and a heteronomous character compose it. Finally, I will include 'Relativity' along the revised version of Rationality so as to argue in support of the interdependency between scientific thoughts and general thoughts around a specific circumstance -those arguments follow Koyre's historical reconstruction on Modern Science-. In the end of the article, I will spell out a bridge between Scientific Rationality and Practical Life.
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