La estética como puente: la belleza como encuentro entre la libertad y la naturaleza
Aesthetics as a Bridge: Beauty as an Encounter Between Freedom and Nature
Belleza, Conformidad a fin sin fin, Desinterés, Heautonomía, Juicio de gusto, Libre juego de las facultades (es)Beauty, Conformity to an end without end, Desinterestedness, Heautonomy , Judgment of taste, Free play of faculties (en)
The essay presents a possible interpretation of the concept of beauty in Kant's critique of judgment. Through the analysis of some of its moments, beauty manifest itself as the place in which a particular encounter between human freedom (an aesthetic rather than moral freedom) and nature occurs. Thus, and as an alternative to some traditional interpretations of Kant's aesthetic investigation which present it as being exclusively about the subjective conditions of judgment of taste, the judgment of beauty is also understood through the relation it establishes with the objects of nature.
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