El problema epistemológico del platonismo: una alternativa husserliana
The Epistemological Problem of Platonism: a Husserlian Alternative.
Husserl, Epistemología, Fenomenología, Investigaciones lógicas, Platonismo matemático (es)Husserl, Epistemology, Phenomenology, Logical Investigations, Mathematical Platonism (en)
In his Logical Investigations, E. Husserl formulates an explanation of knowledge that may well be applied to the specific sphere of mathematics, and that comes to be interesting to render an account of the so called "epistemological problem" traditionally discussed within the debate of mathematical Platonism. Such an explanation bears fruit only if it refers strictly to the conceptions of epistemology and phenomenology that Husserl works on in the Logical Investigations, for the richness of the Husserlian alternative consists in the difference between such conceptions and the conception of traditional epistemology.
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