¿Por qué es maravillosa la aplicación de las consideraciones metafísicas en la física? Otra mirada crítica a la concepción dinámica de Leibniz
Why is the Application of Metaphysical Considerations to Physics Wonderful? Another Critical Approach to Leibniz’s View of Dynamics
Leibniz, Causa-efecto, cantidad de movimiento, conservación, energía, movimiento, razón metafísica, transformación. (es)Leibniz, cause - effect, quantity of movement, conservation, energy, movement, metaphysical reason, transformation. (en)
Leibniz attempted to give a physical explanation about nature’s phenomena that was beyond extensional mechanicism of Descartes and beyond Newtonian physics. For such reason, he conceived his dynamic system so that its assumptions supported the monad theory., that is to say, he pretended to give metaphysical foundations to his dynamics. But Leibniz’s attempts to prove that his opinions in dynamics had a perfect connection with his metaphysical considerations led to contradictions that the philosopher refused to confront. Despite his unsuccessful attempt, Leibniz’s works on dynamics have a special relevance, since they show how the concept of force evolved in the XVIIth century, revealing the intellectual tension around physics that had been taking place at the time.
LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm.
(1686) «Discurso de metafísica». En: Leibniz 1982, 279 – 327.
(1695) «Nuevo sistema de la naturaleza y de la comunicación de las sustancias así como de la unión que hay entre el alma y el cuerpo». En: Leibniz 1982, 459 – 471.
(1714) «Monadología». En: Leibniz 1982, 607- 626.
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(1991) Escritos de dinámica. Madrid: Tecnos.
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(1987). Principios matemáticos de la filosofía natural (trad. A. Escohotado & M. Sáenz). Madrid: Tecnos.
RUSSELL, Bertrand.
(1977) Exposición crítica de la filosofía de Leibniz (trad. H. Rodríguez). Buenos Aires: Siglo Veinte.