Velorios, vestidos negros y lógica paraconsistente
Funerals, black dresses and paraconsistent logic
Descriptividad, Lógica Paraconsistente, Normatividad , Pragmatismo (es)Descriptiveness, Paraconsistent Logic, Normativeness, Pragmatism (en)
In this paper, after presenting a formal introduction to paraconsistent logic, which intends to answer the basic formal questions and critiques that are given in this kind of systems, we discuss the value-criteria thar are used for comparing different logics, among which we focus mainly on the normative and descriptive conceptions. Furthermore, we explain how those criteria do not establish any difference between paraconsistency and other formal systems, by showing that the critiques that are inflicted upon paraconsistency can be stated against the other logics as well. Finally, we explain why a preference for classical formal systems still remains, and we consider which role pragmatism could play assigning a value to formal systems.
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