La analogía jurídica en la Deducción Trascendental según una investigación de Dieter Henrich
The legal metaphor in the Transcendental Deduction according to an investigation by Dieter Henrich
Henrich, Kant, Analogía jurídica, Deducción trascendental, Origen del conocimiento (es)Henrich, Kant, Legal metaphor, Transcendetal deduction, Origin of knowledge (en)
The Transcendental Deduction of the Pure Concepts of Understanding is one of the most difficult passages among philosophical theories of knowledge. This manifests itself in the diverse interpretations that have been made of this fragment. However, since Dieter Henrich’s “The Proof-Structure of Kant ́s Transcendental Deduction” (1968), some commentators have agreed that Deduction is really one argument structured in two parts. Nevertheless, what do these parts consist of and how do they relate to each other? Now then, in a later article (1989), Henrich intends to take seriously the legal metaphor that Kant outlines at the beginning of the Deduction, in order to understand how he conceived it. Thus my objective is to relate Henrich’s two thesises with the idea that Kant faced the problem of knowledge from the notions of origin and validity.
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