About the Journal

The Colombian Journal of Biotechnology (Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología) is a scientific journal that publishes articles in all related areas to biotechnology. It covers the dissemination of scientific and technical development, technological innovations, progress in legislation, policy and regulations, market trends, and in general, the various topics concerning the sectors involved with biotechnology.

The Colombian Journal of Biotechnology (Rev. colomb. biotecnol.) is an open-access international publication published since 1998. The review, management, production, and online hosting is funded entirely by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá-Colombia). Neither authors nor readers have any charge for publishing or accessing our publication.

The journal is published semi-annually and disseminates original and unpublished results of biotechnology research. Manuscripts can be research articles, review articles, reflection articles, short articles, or bionotes. Rev. colomb. biotechnol. has a scientific and editorial committee composed of researchers of recognized trajectory in their areas of specialty.

Advantages of publishing with us:

1. Open Access without restriction. Every article is published as soon as it is accepted, improving the visibility of the articles.

2. Optimum editing and revision time. The time between submitting an article until its online publication is at least 8 months.

3. High-quality peer evaluation.

4. Free of charge for authors.

Copyright policy.

Authors who publish in the journal are subject to creative commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

(CC BY-NC-ND) license. This means that even as the Colombian Journal of Biotechnology is Open Access and users may download its contents, they must grant attribution or acknowledge the intellectual property just as it is, with no derivatives, and cannot be used with commercial purposes.

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Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional.


Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 2 (2024): Vol.26 Num.2 - 2024

Ilustración conceptual del impacto transformador de la biotecnología en América Latina, destacando avances en salud, agronomía, industria y ciencia genómica. La imagen fue diseñada y generada con el apoyo de inteligencia artificial, basada en la editorial ‘El poder transformador de la biotecnología en América Latina: Retos, avances y perspectivas’ de Marina Muñoz (2024)
Published: 2024-12-11
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