Special issue of Cuadernos de Economía!
Economy of culture in Latin america!
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The journal Cuadernos de Economía belongs to the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Its longevity and contribution to theoretical, methodological and contextual discussions of economics have positioned it in the field of serial publications of academic research as one of the leading channels of dissemination of the discipline.
Its first edition in 1979 counted with the participation of authors such as Salomón Kalmanovitz, Leonidas Mora Riveros, Luis B. Flórez E., Ricardo Mosquera M., Richard Brown and Phil Wright. The journal went from being an annual publication to a biannual publication in 1990, thanks to the positive reception by the academic and professional communities interested in the study of economics and to the various institutional and contextual transformations that mobilized the agents of the field to participate in high-level means of dissemination and deep critical and analytical reflection.
Currently, the journal contributes to the disciplinary discussions of economics through the dissemination of academic production, mainly from the national and Latin American spheres. The intellectual advances in economic theory, methodology and applications promoted by Cuadernos de Economía have allowed the journal to have readers from the Americas and Europe as well as from Asia, Africa and Oceania. It receives research, review and reflection articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese, which have not been published or submitted simultaneously to other serial publications.
The journal's open access policy, the absence of costs for authors, its wide reach in different databases and indexers, and the funding of the publication by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia lead to a high commitment and perseverance on the part of the editor and his team, the editorial committee and the scientific committee in promoting the reflections and the constant interest of its collaborators in participating in the initiatives of Cuadernos in its regular and special calls for papers.
Cuadernos de Economía is an academic research journal published every six months (January-June and July-December), refereed, indexed, and open access, which aims to disseminate, in the national and international academic environment, the intellectual production in theories, methodologies and economic applications, from plural epistemological perspectives through the physical and electronic publication of regular and special monographic issues.
The journal considers in its editorial process original and unpublished academic contributions of diverse textual typologies such as research articles, articles of reflection, bibliographic reviews, critiques and analytical reviews of books, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, which have not been proposed or published in other serial publications.
The journal has a double-blind evaluation process in order to prevent conflicts of interest between authors and evaluators. Cuadernos de Economía does not charge its authors for their participation in the editorial process or for the publication of their academic contributions, and consequently does not remunerate its reviewers.
The journal is currently indexed in the following databases and catalogs:
Publindex | Redalyc.org |
Clarivate | Dialnet |
SciELO | Scopus |
DOAJ | Latindex |
The target audience of Cuadernos de Economía is academics, researchers, teachers, university students and members of governmental institutions or private entities, who deal with the study and reflection of economic theories and policies, development and growth, inequalities, economic history and other topics of interest in the field of economics with implications in the local, Latin American and global context.
The journal has 19 sections to which authors may submit their academic production. These sections are defined based on the JEL Classification System of the American Economic Association and are:
Cuadernos de Economía considers in its editorial process original and unpublished academic contributions mainly under the textual typologies of research articles, reflection articles, review articles and analytical or critical book reviews, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, that have not been simultaneously submitted to other serial publications or that are published or in the process of publication.
The following structure is suggested for research articles: introduction, background or literature review or theoretical framework, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. The objective of this type of article is to present in detail the results of research processes and projects.
For reflection articles, the following structure is suggested: introduction or preamble, argumentative development of the problem, author's own contribution to the identified discussions, inferences or conclusions. The objective of this type of article is to discuss critically, analytically or interpretatively a problematic disciplinary and/or contextual topic, contributing in an original and novel way to the state of the art in the academic field.
For review articles the following structure is suggested: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. The objective of this type of article is to systematically present a process of review, evaluation and analysis of academic literature on a problematic research topic that contributes to enrich the disciplinary discussions of specific states of the art. It is suggested that at least fifty papers be reviewed.
For reviews, authors are expected to provide at least the following: the authorship of the publication, a description of the general themes or topics addressed, a summary of the structure of the book, its location in the disciplinary field, the development of the chapters or particular topics that will be critically evaluated by the author, the disciplinary contributions and limitations of the text in the field of economics studies, and recommendations to readers for its consultation, access and/or purchase.
The workflow of the editorial process of Cuadernos de Economía is as follows:
The moments of the editorial process of Cuadernos de Economía are as follows:
Authors should follow the guidelines and guidelines for contributors available in the Open Journal System (OJS) portal in accordance with the provisions of the permanent call for papers. The submission guidelines can be found in the Submission Preparation Checklist; there will be a link to a form that all authors and co-authors of the documents, without exception, must fill out. Authors may only submit one document through the OJS platform and, in case of submitting more than one, the rejection of the proposed additional contributions will be notified. Documents uploaded to OJS must conform to the template for articles or reviews provided by Cuadernos de Economía.
The editorial team will notify authors by e-mail of the receipt of their submission by OJS. If the authors do not receive such confirmation after seven working days, they should contact the editorial team by e-mail at revcuaeco_bog@unal.edu.co. The editorial team will verify that the submission contains: a) all the documents requested in the Submission Preparation Checklist; b) the metadata of the article (abstract, keywords and references); c) the data of the authors and co-authors, and d) the Authors' Form filled out by authors and co-authors.
If the editorial team identifies that the application does not include the previously mentioned elements, the authors and co-authors will be notified through OJS of the information that must be uploaded or included in the submission.
The editorial team will read the submitted document through OJS and evaluate compliance with the guidelines for authors. In addition, they will evaluate the coherence of the submission with the objectives and scope of the journal; the clarity of the writing and presentation of arguments; the appropriate use and management of the citation and bibliography, and the clarity of the presentation of the methodological design (for research and review articles). Authors can consult the initial review format here.
The editorial team will send the authors the initial review form duly completed with the recommendations for improvement of the document and the decision on the application after the initial review process. There are three options for the editorial decision in the initial phase:
In any case, the editorial team will notify the authors of the editorial decision. If the paper is rejected, the authors are invited to receive the comments as an opportunity to improve the quality of the paper and submit it to another channel of academic dissemination. If the document must be adjusted according to the considerations of the editorial team, the authors have one month to make them and send the corrected version of their article as a response to their postulation by OJS. If the document is accepted without any modification, the peer review process begins.
The editorial team will upload the document to the Turnitin content contrasting tool to verify its similarity and originality through the reports generated in the platform. If the document has problems of similarity, originality, uneditedness or if it does not comply with the journal's ethical standards for publication, the editorial team will contact the authors. On the contrary, if the document does not have problems of this nature, it will be formally accepted to the editorial process and the authors will be notified through OJS.
Authors must take into account the comments made in the initial review form filled out by the editorial team that they consider pertinent. If the authors decide not to attend to any comment, as long as this does not imply non-compliance with the minimum editorial quality criteria described in the Submission Preparation Checklist and presented in the template for submissions, they must justify the reasons for their decision and communicate them to the editorial team. The Cuadernos de Economía team will identify the changes incorporated in the corrected version of the document as well as the compliance with the guidelines for authors and will make an editorial decision. Editorial decisions will be made:
If the editorial decision is to reject the document or reiterate the comments that must be addressed by the authors, the editorial team will notify them through OJS. If the corrected version of the document meets the characteristics expected by the journal, it will continue to the verification of the second originality filter.
The editorial team will upload the corrected version of the document to the Turnitin content checking tool to verify its similarity and originality through the reports generated in the platform. If the document has problems of similarity, originality, uneditedness or if it does not comply with the journal's ethical standards for publication, the editorial team will contact the authors. On the contrary, if the document does not have problems of this nature, it will be formally accepted to the editorial process and the authors will be notified through OJS.
The average evaluation time for Cuadernos de Economía ranges from six to twelve months. This time interval may be shorter or longer depending on the availability of reviewers and other factors that may delay or accelerate the process. It should be noted that the journal does not charge authors for the submission of their papers and does not remunerate peer reviewers.
Peer reviewers will evaluate some aspects of the quality of the document such as: the interest and timeliness of the research topic; the contribution to knowledge and conceptual and theoretical soundness; the relevance and mastery of the bibliography; the rigor in the methodological design, the application of research techniques and their coherence with the study; the relevance of the discussions of the results for the disciplinary field in which the article is located and the conclusions. Authors can consult the evaluation form here.
The editor of Cuadernos de Economía will consider the evaluation concepts submitted by peers according to their quality in order to make an editorial decision. Concepts with low argumentative quality for approving or rejecting a paper will not be taken into account by the editor in order to avoid unnecessary replications and delays in the evaluation process. The options for making an editorial decision after peer review of the submitted papers are:
The editorial team will notify the authors of the editorial decision taken. If the article is considered publishable with some kind of changes, the authors will have three to five weeks to incorporate the modifications suggested by the evaluators.
Once the authors upload the new version of their article to OJS, the editorial team will send the document to the reviewers for their opinion on the new version. If the reviewers consider that further changes need to be made to the document, a new round of evaluation will be carried out. On the other hand, if the evaluators approve the document for publication, it will be included in the list of articles eligible to be selected for publication by the editor.
The editorial team will upload the version of the document approved by the peer reviewers to the Turnitin content contrasting tool to verify its similarity and originality through the reports generated in the platform. The report will be contrasted with the information obtained in the first and second originality filter.
The editorial team will verify that the document has not been published in another media during the peer review process. If the document has problems of similarity, originality, uneditedness or if it does not comply with the journal's ethical standards for publication, the editorial team will contact the authors. On the contrary, if the document does not have problems of this nature, the process will continue.
The average waiting time for the selection of a paper for an issue ranges from two to six months. The editor will select from the list of eligible papers those articles that will form the next volumes and issues of the journal. The editorial team will notify authors when their paper has been selected for an issue. Authors will be required to sign an assignment of proprietary rights to initiate the editorial care and production stage.
Once the assignment of patrimonial rights has been signed by the authors, the editorial care and production stage will begin. The signing of this document implies that the authors will not be able to withdraw the article from the editorial process because economic resources will have been allocated to advance the process.
The editorial care and production tasks include the following processes:
The editorial team will notify authors of the progress of the editorial care and production process.
The editorial team will make available the final version of the articles and the complete issue in its OJS portal, its web page and the databases where it is indexed. The journal will use the visibility and impact strategies defined by its editorial policies to broaden the scope of its consultations, readings and citations of published works. Authors may be invited by the editorial team to participate in dissemination strategies such as launching events or audiovisual pieces.
Cuadernos de Economía is a biannual journal (January-June and July-December) through the physical and electronic publication of regular and special monographic issues. The electronic publications can be consulted in the OJS of the journal and its indexers and the physical publications can be acquired through the Bookstore of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Cuadernos de Economía through the Libraries Division of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia promotes and guarantees open access to all its contents. The articles published by the journal are available globally with open access and licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No_Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which implies the following:
Cuadernos de Economía promotes strict adherence to international ethical standards in the publication process by all those involved in it (authors, reviewers, editors), following the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and ElSevier's ethical policies and guidelines (see), which establish standards and guidelines on best practices to comply with these requirements. For more information on the subject, please refer to the journal's Criteria and Recommendations on Ethics in Scientific Publication.
Cuadernos de Economía applies the double-blind evaluation model. The journal does not pay evaluations to reviewers nor does it charge authors for publication. As main retributions to reviewers, Cuadernos de Economía offers a certificate of evaluation and a couple of physical copies of an issue of interest to the reviewer.
Cuadernos de Economía suggests that article evaluations take into account the following elements: originality, contribution to knowledge, methodological rigor, quality of analysis and discussion of results, relevance of conclusions, clarity in writing, among others. You can consult the peer review format on the following link.
The journal suggests to its reviewers that the evaluations are carried out in an average time of 3 weeks from the moment the evaluation is accepted. However, this time can be agreed between the reviewer and the editor.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Economía. Ciudad Universitaria Cra 30 Nº 45 - 03, edificio 310, primer piso A. A. 055051 Bogotá, Colombia Telefax.: (571) 316 5000 ext. 12308 E-mail: revcuaeco_bog@unal.edu.co
ISSN Impreso: 0121-4772
ISSN En línea: 2248-4337
DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ