About the Journal

Aim and scope 

The Ingeniería e Investigación (I&I) journal is an open access digital scientific publication issued since 1981, with a continuous periodicity of three issues per year. Its main objective is to promote the dissemination of original and unpublished scientific research and technological developments in all disciplines related to engineering. Papers published in I&I invite discussion on current issues relevant to the academic community.  

I&I is an international journal published in English which uses a double-blind peer review system to ensure the quality and originality of the published content. Editing of the journal is carried out with high standards of professional quality, via a completely autonomous editorial management platform that hosts the content in different formats, with the aim to adapt to current needs regarding visualization and digital preservation. 

The journal has no cost for readers or authors, as it is funded by the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Nacional de Colombia under the Diamond open access model. 

I&I publishes scientific and technological research articles, review articles, and case reports in the following areas of engineering: 

  • Agricultural Engineering 
  • Biomedical Engineering 
  • Chemical, Environmental, and Food Engineering 
  • Civil and Sanitary Engineering 
  • Electrical, Electronics, and Telecommunications Engineering 
  • Industrial Engineering 
  • Mechanical, Mechatronics, and Materials Engineering 
  • Systems and Computer Engineering 
  • Engineering Education 

Before submitting an article, please read the editorial and data policies of the I&I journal carefully. 

Language of publication 


Frequency of publication 

The I&I journal has a continuous periodicity (three issues per year). Once the article has been accepted and the editing phase has been completed, it will be available online.  

Open access policy 

The Ingeniería e Investigación journal publishes its articles through the Open Journal Systems platform, as the editorial team firmly believes that allowing access to research results by the scientific community and the general public bolsters its quality and is a factor of equity. Likewise, due to its characteristics, the use of this tool allows for a better control of the editorial process, facilitating communication between its actors.  

Self-archiving policy

Authors are allowed to deposit all versions of their paper in an institutional or subject repository, including:

  • Preprint
  • Author's Accepted Manuscript
  • Published article (Version of Record)

Article evaluation process 

The process is described in the following Figure: 

Instructions for submitting articles

Note: the authors will receive notifications regarding new developments in each of the phases. It will also be possible to monitor any developments directly on the OJS. 

Articles submitted to the I&I journal undergo an internal evaluation process by the Editorial Committee, in order to define, according to the subject of the article and the scope of the journal, whether the peer review process should begin. 

Preliminary review (average time of 10 days): in this round of evaluation, the editorial team verifies whether the authors have complied with all application requirements, among them: format, license, and originality (Plagiarism tool: Turnitin)

Relevance review by the Editorial Committee (average time of 30 days): this evaluation is carried out by the journal's editors, who assess the relevance and development of the topic.  

Peer review (average time of 8 months): the articles accepted by the Editorial Committee are sent for peer review. Peer selection considers the trajectory of a researcher in the specific topic of the manuscript, upon the condition that the peer reviewer has recent publications in indexed journals, articles related to the topic of the manuscript to be evaluated, and an academic level corresponding to the highest degree of the authors (peers with an H-index greater than 5 are considered). The reviewers do not know the name of the authors and vice versa (double-blind review). The possible verdicts are: 

  1. Submission accepted 
  2. Revisions required (minor changes)
  3. Resubmit for review 
  4. Resubmit elsewhere 
  5. Submission declined
  6. See comments

Please keep in mind: 

  • In the event that the concepts of the two reviewers differ from each other, the Editorial Committee will appoint a third one. 
  • A maximum of 20 reviewers will be assigned. If these requests are not accepted or completed, the Editorial Committee will inform the authors of the status of the process and will give them the option to continue with it.  
  • The journal does not accept new submissions of articles that were declined at this stage

Final decision by the Editorial Committee (average time of 30 days): once the evaluations of at least two peers have been received, they are consolidated, and a concept is sent to the authors, so that the necessary actions can be taken. The authors should send a response letter indicating all the changes made to the article. 

When the new version of the article is received, the Editorial Committee will verify the inclusion of the peer reviewers' comments. Based on the initial verdict, the article may initiate a second round of peer review. 

The possible outcomes of the evaluation are: 

  1. Submission accepted 
  2. Minor revisions are required  
  3. Submission declined 

Only at the end of this stage can a letter of acceptance of the article be issued by the I&I journal. 

Editing (average time 20 days): once the articles are accepted, proofreaders will check spelling, grammar, and punctuation, in addition to verifying consistency in the structure and style of the manuscript. They may also suggest changes to improve the clarity and coherence of the text. 

Design (average time of 15 days): once the editing phase is completed, the design process begins, which is based on the journal's template and complies with all editorial normalization standards. The designed layout of the article will be sent to the authors for their final approval of the publication. At this stage, the authors may only correct minor typographical and layout errors.  

Guidelines for peer reviewers 

Copyright notice 

The authors or copyright holders of each article grant the Ingeniería e Investigación journal of Universidad Nacional de Colombia a non-exclusive, limited, and free authorization on the article, which, once evaluated and approved, will be published. This authorization includes the following considerations: 

  1. The authors submit the corrected version in accordance with the reviewers' suggestions and clarify that the aforementioned article is an unpublished document for which they have the authorized rights. 
  2. The authors assume full responsibility for the content of their work before the Ingeniería e Investigación journal, before Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and before third parties. 
  3. The authorization granted will be effective from the date it is included in the corresponding volume and issue of the Ingeniería e Investigación journal, in the Open Journal Systems platform, and in the journal's home page (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/ingeinv), as well as in the different databases and indices hosting I&I. 
  4. The authors authorize the Ingeniería e Investigación journal of Universidad Nacional de Colombia to publish the document in the format required (print, digital, electronic, or any other known or unknown format), as well as to include the work in the indices and search engines deemed necessary to promote its dissemination. 
  5. The authors accept that this authorization is given free of charge. Therefore, they waive any right to receive any emolument for the publication, distribution, public communication, and any other use made under the terms of this authorization. 
  6. The authors are informed of and accept the publication in the Ingeniería e Investigación journal under a Creative Commons 4.0 license (CC-BY 4.01).   


Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá Campus), Faculty of Engineering. 

Ethics in scientific publishing 

Journal Indexation

Ingeniería e Investigación has been included in the following international indexes:


Chemical Abstracts

Chemical Abstracts is a database consisting of around 8,000 publications on topics in the field of chemistry, biochemistry and chemical engineering. It is located in Ohio, USA.



It is an electronic source of detailed information on over 300,000 periodicals of all types: academic and research journals, electronic journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more.



It is a bibliographic database created at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Offers over 336,000 bibliographic records for original articles, technical reports, case studies, statistics and other documents.



PASCAL is a database that covers the core scientific literature in Science, Technology and Medicine; is especially useful when searching for documents on a topic at the interface between several disciplines and seldom covered in specialized databases.


EBSCO Publishing

As the leading database for libraries and other institutions — more than 375 full-text and secondary research databases— EBSCO provides unparalleled access to world-renowned content in all subject areas including magazine and journal articles.


CAB Abstracts

It is a comprehensive database which processes all relevant publications of the applied life sciences including agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, applied economics, food science and nutrition. Provided by CABI.


Global Health

Global Health is the only specialist bibliographic, abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and practice. "Global Health database holds a high proportion of unique records in comparison to Medline." Provided by CABI.



The Inspec database contains bibliographic and indexed records to physics and engineering global research literature. Provided by the Institution of Engineering and Technology IET.

Estadísticas (Google Analytics - Users) (Visitas)

Reviewer Guidelines

The objectives of the peer review process of the I&I journal are to verify the quality of the research before publication, to identify errors unnoticed by the authors, and to provide feedback to the authors for the improvement of their research processes. 

As a reviewer, it is essential to maintain the confidentiality of the evaluated articles and not to share them with any third parties.  

The reviewer will consider the following evaluation criteria and the scope of the journal. 


The topic is sufficiently novel and interesting to warrant publication in the journal. 


The subject of the article corresponds to the scope of the journal, and the topics covered are important and contribute to the development of engineering. 

Article structure 

The structure of the article complies with the article submission guidelines established by the journal, namely: it contains introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions sections. The way these texts are written is clear and effectively communicates the process and findings of the research. 


The title adequately describes the content of the article. 


The abstract adequately describes the content of the article and presents, in a general way, the context of the research, its development, the objective, the methodology, the main results, and the general conclusion. 


The introduction contains the definition of the research problem, its development, and the hypothesis. To this effect, the authors may briefly present the context of the research, the results of other works, and the challenges to be addressed. The experiments/simulations performed should also be presented in a general way. 


The information provided by the authors is sufficient to replicate the research, clearly explains how the data were obtained, describes the equipment and materials in an adequate and technical manner, and presents the design of experiments/simulations and the way in which the statistical analysis of the data was performed. 


The authors present their research findings clearly and in logical sequence. Their explanation is reasonable and duly supported both scientifically and technically. 


The authors interpret and discuss the results of their study with regard to the existing literature and the broader context of their field of research. The authors discuss how their study contributes to the field of research and the possible theoretical, practical, or public policy implications of their findings. The limitations of the study are discussed, and possible sources of bias and error are mentioned. 


The conclusions agree with the results and their analysis, and they are consistent with the objective of the research and the proposed hypotheses. The main points of the discussion are included. 


The authors make appropriate use of language to communicate the information contained in the article. 

Tables and figures 

The tables and figures are of high graphic quality, necessary, and duly used in the text. 


The sources are relevant and current, and they are adequately cited and referenced within the text and at the end of the article. 


Considering the evaluation criteria and the scope of the journal, the reviewer will report the result according to the following options: 

  1. Submission accepted: This option is selected if it is recommended that the submission be accepted as is. 
  2. Revisions required: This option is selected when the articles need small modifications. 
  3. Resubmit for review: This option is selected when the article needs substantial modifications and must undergo a second round of peer review. 
  4. Resubmit elsewhere: This option is selected when the article is declined for publication in I&I, and it is recommended that it be submitted to another journal. 
  5. Submission declined: This option is selected when the article is declined for publication in I&I. 
  6. See comments: This option is selected if the reviewer does not agree with any of the previous options.