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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Plagiarism tool Turnitin.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Figures/Images: all the figures and images should be upload separately, in one of these formats: TIFF or EPS. High-resolution with a minimum 300 dpi (ppp). Named the files as Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, Fig. 2…
  • The supplementary file attached is the Publication License ( License Agreement) signed by all authors.
  • The submission file makes use of the ARTICLE'S TEMPLATE ( Latex Template (Max. length 6000 words).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the AUTHOR GUIDELINES, which is found in About the Journal. Note: Remember that in order to process your submission, the article has to be written in English.

Author Guidelines

Only articles written in English with a maximum of 6000 words will be accepted. The word count includes the whole text and its references, figures, and tables (a higher word count will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee). All articles should be submitted in the journal template. The template can be downloaded at the following link: Word Template - Latex Template

The author must sign up in the system and submit their article in a five-step process. Once received, the corresponding author will be notified via e-mail or will be able to check the status of their article in the system. 

If accepted, the author must make the corrections recommended by the reviewers and the Editorial Committee for the subsequent publication of the article. 

Author Guidelines

Article types 

The I&I journal considers the following types of articles for publication: 

  • Research articles: original articles presenting the results of an original research work conducted by the authors. These articles include an introduction that establishes the context and importance of the research, a methodology section that describes the procedures employed, a results section that presents the findings, and a discussion that interprets the results and relates them to the existing literature. 
  • Review articles: articles that summarize and critically evaluate the existing literature on a particular topic. These articles often include an introduction that outlines the context of the topic, a methodology section that describes the criteria used to select the studies reviewed, a results section that summarizes the findings of said studies, and a discussion that assesses the quality of the evidence and makes recommendations for future research. 
  • Case studies: detailed reports of one or more cases that illustrate a particular phenomenon or problem. Case studies may include an introduction that outlines the context of the problem, a methodology section that describes how the case was selected and how data were collected, a results section that presents the findings of the case, and a discussion that interprets the results and makes recommendations for future research. 
  • Letters to the editor: short articles that usually comment on an article previously published in the journal or on a relevant topic within the scope of the journal. Letters to the editor can also be used to correct errors or clarify misunderstandings in previously published articles. 


In order for any article to be considered by the Editorial Committee, and for its potential publication in the Ingeniería e Investigación journal, it must have at least the following sections: 

Title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions, and references. 


The title of the article should be brief and explanatory. It should answer the reader's question: Is this a relevant article for my research? To this effect, the title should be clear and concise, using keywords relevant to the subject of the article.  

In addition, the title should be informative, reflect the content of the article accurately and clearly, and avoid the use of jargon or technical terms unfamiliar to most readers. It is important to be direct and avoid superfluous words. Consider using a short, effective phrase rather than a complete sentence. Check spelling and grammar to ensure that the title is easily understandable and contains no typographical errors.  

Author information 

All authors must register in the submission system, with their full name, e-mail address, country, ORCID, institutional affiliation, and a short biography indicating academic titles, current position, institution, and country. 

Social media profiles 

I&I asks authors to provide links to their professional or academic social networking profiles, if available. Social media profiles are a valuable tool to help readers learn more about the authors and their work. If you would like to share your social media profiles, please include the corresponding links in the online submission form. Make sure the links are active and accurate. Please note that providing your social media profiles is optional and will not affect the consideration of the article for publication in our journal. 


The abstract should briefly present the background, research objective, methodology, main results, and main conclusions. It should be clear and concise, using keywords and indexing terms relevant to the subject of the article. The abstract should be written in the past tense, contain no more than 250 words, and be informative enough for the reader to understand the nature and scope of the research without having to read the entire article. 

Graphical abstract 

A graphical abstract is a concise, visual representation of the article's content, designed to capture the attention of a broad readership. Although optional, its use is recommended, as it increases the online visibility of the article. 

To submit a graphical abstract, please attach a separate file in the online submission system. Be sure to provide an image with a minimum size of 531 × 1328 pixels (height × width) or proportionally larger. 

Practical application 

This is an optional section of the article that seeks to achieve a wider dissemination of the results among professionals and the non-academic public. This section should be written in simple language, aimed at a broad audience, and should present the results, their significance, and the possible practical application of both the results and the methodology used. The authors may use examples of real cases to contextualize readers in the practical application of the research. This section should contain 150-200 words and should be placed after the abstract and before the keywords in the article file. 


Keywords are terms or phrases that describe the content of the article and relate it to the field of research. Keywords are important to help readers find the article in online databases and search engines. It is recommended that the author provide three to five relevant keywords. Keywords should be specific and reflect the content of the article. Words other than those used in the title and abstract should be used to optimize search engine processes and results. Avoid general terms and use keywords that are directly related to the subject of the article. Make sure that the keywords are not too long and are separated by commas. The keywords should be included after the abstract in the same document.   

Note: the title, abstract, and keywords must be written in English and Spanish. 


Highlights are a brief list of the main points that summarize the most important and novel aspects of an article. Highlights should be concise and clearly and accurately explain the content and findings of your article. It is recommended that the author provide three to five highlights. Each point should be a short phrase and should not exceed 85 characters. The highlights should be included in the same document as the full article and should appear immediately after the abstract. 


The introduction is a crucial part of the article and should provide the reader with an overview of the subject, including the relevance of the topic, a literature review focused on establishing the background and state of the art of the problem under study and the research questions addressed. This section should also highlight the novelty of the work presented. It is important to clearly describe the studied problem and present the information in an organized and coherent manner, focusing on a logical structure and progressively presenting the information. It is recommended that it takes up the first two pages of the article and does not include specific details of the methodology or the results of the study, which should be addressed in the corresponding sections of the article. 


The methodology section is a fundamental part of the article and should describe the processes and tools used to address the problem and prove or disprove the hypothesis. The experimental and analytical procedures performed should be clearly and thoroughly presented, including the selection of samples and participants, the data collection instruments and techniques, the data analysis, and possible biases or limitations of the methodology used. It is important that the authors explain the reasons behind the selection of a particular methodology and how it addresses the research questions. Furthermore, sufficient details should be provided, so that other investigators can replicate the study. If new or innovative methodologies are used, their characteristics and advantages with regard to other conventional methodologies must be clearly explained. 


The results section presents the findings and conclusions derived from the study. In this section, the data and results obtained should be described clearly and concisely. It is advisable to use tables, figures, and graphs to help visualize and better understand the information. It is important to highlight the most relevant and significant results regarding the research questions. The authors should provide an adequate interpretation of the results, highlighting the implications and possible applications of the findings for solving the problem and for the subject of the study in general. In addition, the results should be compared with those of other previous studies, and possible limitations and biases in the research should be analyzed. The results should answer the following questions: Why does this research offer a new solution? How can it be useful to others? 

Tables, figures, images, and equations guidelines: 

When the paper is accepted, we might request the following files: tables, high-resolution figures, and images. All those files should be uploaded separately via our online submission system OJS according to: 

  • Tables: Please submit tables in Word format at the end of the document. Tables should be created using the Microsoft Word table editor, preferably. Please save the files as Table. 1, Table. 2… 
  • Figures and Images: all the figures and images should be upload separately, in one of these formats: TIFF or EPS. High-resolution with a minimum 300 dpi (ppp). Named the files as Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, Fig. 2… 
  • Equations: all the equations should be uploaded separately. The equations have to be edited in MathType. Please save the files as Eq1, Eq2… 


The discussion section should allow the authors to reflect and argue on the results presented, as well as to compare them with other relevant studies in the literature. It is important that the authors explain the importance and implications of their findings, as well as the way in which they can contribute to solving the studied problem. In addition, the authors should address any limitations that may have affected the research and how this could be improved in future studies. It is also important that the authors discuss the practical and theoretical implications of their results, as well as the way in which they can be applied in the real world. 


This section should clearly explain what the research has achieved with respect to the problem formulated in the introduction. The conclusions should include a summary of the main results and their implications for the field of study. The benefits and limitations of the proposed solution should be indicated, and future lines of research should be suggested. 


The acknowledgements section is a space to express gratitude to the people, institutions, and sources of support that contributed to the study. It may include acknowledgements to advisors, collaborators, participants, funding sources, institutions, technical collaborators, and administrative support. It is important to keep the section concise, as well as to get permission before mentioning names. 

Author contributions 

This section should mention the specific contribution of each author according to the CRediT taxonomy. This, with the purpose of recognizing the individual contributions of the authors, minimizing controversies with regard to authorship, and encouraging collaboration. 


Author 1: conceptualization, methodology, software. Author 2: data curation, writing – elaboration of the original draft. Author 3: visualization, research. Author 4: supervision. Author 5: software, validation. All authors: writing – review and editing. 

Access to research data 

Research data are the result of observations or experiments that validate the conclusions of a research work. In order to promote data reproducibility and reusability, this journal encourages authors to share complete data, as well as software, codes, models, algorithms, protocols, methods, and other materials related to their project.   

If you have deposited your research data in a repository, you can link your article directly to the dataset, allowing other researchers to access the data and promoting research transparency. 

Conflict of interest 

Authors should report any possible conflict of interest in the development of their research. 


Appendices should be added at the end of the document. These generally refer to mathematical demonstrations. 

Statement on Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as authors or co-authors, nor cited as such. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by human beings. 

Authors should report the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies by adding a statement at the end of their manuscript, before the References list.  


During the elaboration of this work, the author(s) used [NAME OF TOOL/SERVICE] with the aim to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as necessary and take full responsibility for the content of the publication. 


Bibliographic references should be recent, preferably from a period not exceeding five years. It is important to use up-to-date and relevant sources to support the arguments and assertions presented in the article. Keeping bibliographic references within a limited time horizon also reflects attention to current events, as well as to the advancement of scientific knowledge in a specific area. 

Bibliographic references for all articles must be included at the end of the document and follow the most current version of the IEEE citation and reference standards.  

Authors may use the following document as a reference: 


  • Journal article 
  • Conference paper 
  • R. M. Azuma, G. P. Coelho, and F. J. Von Zuben, “Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for the vendor-managed inventory routing problem,” in 2011 IEEE Cong. Evol. Comp., 2011, pp. 1457-1464.  
  • Book 
  • M. de la Arada Juárez, Optimización de la cadena logística, Madrid, España: Paraninfo, 2019. 
  • Edited book 
  • L. Stein, “Random patterns,” in Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed., New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55-70. 
  • Website 
  • Thesis 
  • F. Jensen, “Electromagnetic near-field far-field correlations,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 1970. [Online]. Available: www.tud.ed/jensen/diss  

Personal Data Processing Policy

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.