Reactores anaeróbicos de alta tasa
DOI: clave:
Bacterias metanogénicas, Degradación anaerobia, Bioconversión anaeróbica, Reactores anaeróbicos, Tratamiento de residuos (es)Methanogenic bacteria, Anaerobic degradation, Anaerobic bioconversion, Anaerobic reactors, Waste treatment (en)
En el presente trabajo se ilustran las diferentes facetas de desarrollo y utilización de los sistemas de tratamiento anaeróbico. En cada caso se plantean las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de los sistemas.
En el presente trabajo se ilustran las diferentes facetas de desarrollo y utilización de los sistemas de tratamiento anaeróbico. En cada caso se plantean las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de los sistemas.
Bell, B. A., Jeris, J., Welday, J. M. and Carrol, R. Anaerobic fluidized bed treatment of thermal sludge conditioning decant liquor. Proc. U.S. Department of Energy Workshop/Seminar on Anaerobic Filters. 171-178. Chicago, 1980.
Bryant. M. P. Microbial Methane Production. Theoretical Aspects. J. Animal Science. 48(1): 193-201, 1979. DOI:
Bull, M. A., S. Ferritt, R. M., and Lester. J. N. 1984. Development in Anaerobic Treatment of High Strength Industrial Waste Waters. chem. Eng. Res. Des., 62(6): 203-213.
Colleran, E., Barry, M. and Wilkie. A. The application of the Anaerobic Filter design to biogas production from solid and liquid agricultural waste. Proc. Inst. of Gas Technol. Symposium on Energy from Waste and Biomass. VI: 443-481, Chicago, 1982.
Cross, W. H., Suidan, M.T., Khan, K. A. and Fong, M. Anaerobic activated carbon filters for the treatment of wastewaters containing phenols. Proc. U.S. Department of Energy workshop/Seminar or Anaerobic Filters. 59-75, Chicago. 1980.
Chian, E.S.K. and De Valle, F. B. Treatment of the high strength acid waste water with a completely mixed anaerobic filter Water Research, 11: 295-304, 1977. DOI:
Dahab, M. F. and Young, J. C. Retention and distribution of biological solids in fixed-bed anaerobic filters. Proc. First Inter. Conf. on Fixed Film Biological Processes. Pittsburgh. 1.337-1.351, 1982.
De Valle, F. B., Kennedy, J. C. Zeisig, T. and Seabloom, R. Treatment of domestic sewage with the anaerobic filters. Proc. U.S. Department of Energy Workshop / Seminar on Anaerobic Filters. 143-157, Chicago, 1980.
Frostell, B., Anaerobic Filter treatment of dilute synthetic wastewater Vatten: 35, 196-175. 1980.
Hall, E.R. and Javanovic, M. Anaerobic treatment of thermal sludge conditioning liquor with fixed - film and suspended growth processes. Proc. 37th. Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Ann Arbor. Science Publishers Inc. Michigan, 1982.
Hickey, F. F. Anaerobic Fluidized Bed treatment of whey: effect of organic loading rate, temperature and substrate concentration. Proc. First Inter. Conf. on Fixed Film Biological Processes. 1.456-1.476, Pittsburgh.
Hudson, J. W. Pohland, F. G. and Pendergrass, r. P. Anaerobic packed column treatment of shellfish processing wastewater. Proc. 33rd. Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Ann. Arbor Science Publisher Inc. 560-574, Michigan, 1978.
Jennett, J. C. and Dennis, N. D. Anaerobic Filter treatment of pharmaceutical waste. J. Water Pollud. Control Fed. 47(1): 104-121, 1975.
Jeris, J. S. industrial Wastewater treatment using Anaerobic Fluidized bed Reactors. Proc. Inter. Ass. on Water Pollut. Research. (LAWPR) Seminar on Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater in Fixed Film Reactors. Copenhagen, 1982.
Jewell, W. J. Anaerobic Attached Film Expanded Bed Fundamentals. Proc. first Inter. Conf. on Fixed Film Biological Process. 17-42, Pittsburgh, 1982.
Jewell, W. J., Switzenbaum, M. S. and Morris, J. W. Municipal wastewater treatment with the Anaerobic Attached Microbial Film. Expanded Bed Process. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 53: 482-490, 1981.
Letinga. G., Hobma. S. W., Hulshoff - Pol, L. W. de Zeeuw, W. Grin, P and Roersma, R. desing. Operation and Economy of Anaerobic Treatment. Proc. Inter. Ass. on Water Pollut. Research (IAWPR) Seminar on Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater in Fixed Film Reactors. Copenhagen. 1982.
Lettinga, G., Van Elson, S.W., Hobma, W., de Zeeuw, W. and Klapwyk, A. Use of the Upflow Sludge Blanket (USB) reactor concept for biological wastewater treatment especially for Anaerobic Treatment. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 22: 699-734, 1980. DOI:
Li, A., Sulton, P. M. and Corrado, J. J. Energy recovery from pretreatment of Industrial Wastes in the Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Process. Proc. First Inter. Conf. on Fixed Film Biological Processes. 1.521-1.542. Pittsburgh, 1982.
Mah, R. A., Smith, M. R. The Methanogenic Bacteria, their Ecology and Physiology. Trends Biol. Ferment. Fuels Chem., 357. 1981. DOI:
Mah, R. A. Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. 297:599-616, London. 1982. DOI:
McInerney, M. J., Bryant. M. P. and Pfenning, N. Syntrophic Association of a Butyrate - Degrading Bovine Rumen Fluid. Appl. Enrivon. Microbiol. 41, 826. 1979. DOI:
Morris, J. W., and Jewell, W. J. Organic particulate removal with the anaerobic attached film expanded process. Proc. 36th. Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Ann Arbor Science Publisher Inc. 621-630, Michigan, 1981.
Norrman, J. Treatment of black liquor condensate from a pulp mill in Anaerobic Filter and an expanded bed. Proc. Inter. Ass. on Water Pollut. Research (IAWPR) Seminar on Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater in Fixed Film Reactors. Copenhagen, 1982.
Olthoff. M., Olesziewic, J. and O'Donnel, W. R. Treatment of coke plant wastewaters on packed - bed reactors. Proc. First Int. Conf. on Fixed Film Biological Processes. 1.042-1.059, Pittsburgh, 1982.
Pipyn, P. and Vestraete, W. A pilot-scale Anaerobic Upflow reactor treating distillery wastewaters. Biotechnol. Letters 1: 495-500, 1979. , DOI:
Switzenbaum, M. S. Anaerobic Expanded Bed treatment or waste Water. Proc. U.S. Department of Energy Workshop Seminar on Anaerobic Filters. 115-127. Chicago, 1980.
Thauer. R. K., Jungerman, K. and Decker, K. Energy Conversion in Chemotrophic Anaerobic Bacteria. Bacteriol. Rev., 100-180, 1977. DOI:
Van den Berg, L. Developments in Mehanogenesis from Industrial Waste Waters. Canadian J. Microbiology. 30(8): 975-990, 1984. DOI:
Van den Berg, L. and Kennedy, K. J. Comparison of advanced anaerobic reactors. Third International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion. Boston, USA, 1983.
Van den Berg. L. and Lentz, C. P. Comparison between Up and Down Flow Anaerobic Fixed Film Reactors of varying surface-to-volume rations for the treatment of beans blanching waste. Proc. 33rd. Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc. 185-193, Michigan, 1979.
Van den Berg, L., Kennedy, K. J. and Hamoda, M. F. Effect of type of waste on performance of Anaerobic Fixed Film and Upflow Sludge Bed reactors. Proc. 36th. Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc. 686-692, Michigan, 1981.
Wu, J. C., Kennedy. J. C. and Smith, £€.D. Anaerobic treatment of landfill leachate by and Up flow two-stage biological filter. Proc. first Int. Conf. on Fixed Film Biological Processes, 1.4951.520, Pittsburgh, 1982.
Young, J. C. and Mc Carty, P. L. The Anaerobic Filter for wastewater treatment. Proc. 22nd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc. 559-574. Michigan, 1967.
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1. José Alejandro Sánchez-Cadavid. (1997). Evaluación de un sistema de tratamiento tipo tanque séptico-Filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente para las aguas residuales del "Beneficio Ecológico" del café. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, (14), p.30.
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