Call for Papers Special Issue 2023: Thinking Organization Studies from the Standpoint of the Reality of its Object of Study


INNOVAR Journal is pleased to invite its academic community to participate in a new Call for Papers for a special monographic issue to be published in October 2023.

This new thematic call is entitled ‘Thinking Organization Studies from the Standpoint of the Reality of its Object of Study'. We are joined as guest editors by Professor Diego René Gonzales-Miranda, Ph.D., Universidad EAFIT, Colombia, and Professor Maria Ceci Misoczky, Ph.D., Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

We invite participants to submit papers that contribute to the enrichment of os beyond vacuous generalities or specificities oriented by the principle of manipulation for immediate usability and application in practice. All contributions must be based on socio-historical reality and organizations and organizational processes socially produced in specific contexts and relationships. We are making a call to continue building os starting from the problematization of an object of study in the actual local context of society’s problems. To this end, we invite theoretical and applied research papers to address (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Specificities of os in the different socio-historical contexts of the American continent.
  • Onto-epistemological and methodological contributions that guide the development of research and theories-categories in the production of knowledge about organizations or organizational processes.
  • The object of study of os: Theorizing from the standpoint of the reality of organizations or organizational processes.
  • The relationship between os and management: Implications for the theoretical-empirical development of the field.

Spanish, English and Portuguese are the languages in which articles will be accepted.

Submissions should meet all the criteria in terms of structure, extension, citation, and bibliographic standards established by Innovar Journal in its guidelines for authors, available at

A limited number of articles will be selected by the Guest Editors for publication in this special issue.

Véase aquí la convocatoria completa en español.

Click here to see the call of papers in english.

Veja aquí a chamada completa em português.


Authors interested in participating in the call for papers should send their articles, according to the Journal's OJS indications, via e-mail to before February 1st, 2023. 
