Call for papers for special issue 2026: Practice and Process Studies in Latin America
INNOVAR Journal is pleased to invite its academic community to participate in a new call for a special monographic issue to be published in October 2026.
This new thematic call is entitled ' Practice and Process Studies in Latin America'. We are joined as guest editors by Ph. D. Martha Eugenia Reyes-Sarmiento, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia; Ph. D. Marcelo de Souza Bispo, Federal Universidad Federal de Paraiba, Brazil; Ph. D. Heiko Marc Schmidt, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia; and Ph.D. Diego René Gonzales-Miranda, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia.
In this special issue, we look forward to studies based on practice and process ontologies with an explicit relationship to some Latin American context. We explicitly welcome contributions from the broader “family of practice theories” (Nicolini, 2012) and both “weak” and “strong” process approaches (Langley & Tsoukas, 2016). Empirical, theoretical, methodological articles and literature reviews are equally welcome, as long as they are contributions to one of the subfields of MOS in the region.
Thematic suggestions (other possibilities are welcome).
Practice perspective:
- Strategy as practice / Strategy as practice / strategizing.
Strategy as practice assumes that the strategic process is not only a top-down process, but also has bottom-up aspects, so that strategy becomes a phenomenon that is bigger than the idea that it is constructed by a strategist (Whittington, 2003; Rese et al., 2017).
- Entrepreneurship as practice / Entrepreneurship as practice / entrepreneuring.
In an evolution from the concept of entrepreneuring as a conceptual attractor (Steyaert, 2007), studies of entrepreneurship as practice focus on practices as units of analysis (Johannisson, 2011; Thompson et al., 2020). In this way, they seek to fill knowledge gaps left by individualistic perspectives, which overemphasize the agency of “heroic” entrepreneurs without adequately contemplating their social context, while trying to avoid structuralist perspectives, which explain entrepreneurship exclusively by conditions created by their environment, without taking into account the enactment of this environment by entrepreneurs (Thompson et al., 2020).
- Leadership as practice
The concept of leadership as practice is based on the assumption that leadership is not an individual phenomenon exercised by a single person (the leader), but is a collaborative agency (Raelin, 2016).
- Innovation as practice
It is defined as the practices through which innovation emerges. It recognizes the set of resources and the context in which forms of knowledge creation and exchange enable innovation to emerge (Toivonen, 2023).
- Technology as practice
Also referred to as technology in practice, it is the set of rules and resources that are (re)constituted in people's ongoing interactions with the technologies at hand (Orlikowski, 2015).
- Responsible management as a practice
Thinking of responsible management as a practice means abandoning an a priori idea of what “responsibility” is and beginning to understand it as it happens from social dynamics that involve conflicts of interest, tensions and continuous negotiations (Gherardi & Laasch, 2021; Bispo, 2024).
- Organizing
Organizing is a process perspective for understanding how multiple forms of social organization that include formal and informal organizations such as the family or other types of community of practice are constituted, maintained, and change (Czarniawska, 2008; Bispo, 2014).
Process perspective:
- Discrete events.
As we segment the world and organize our discrete experiences chronologically to meet pragmatic needs, world discreteness becomes a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. Discreteness of the world originates from agents' selection of certain features of the environment according to their needs and goals (Moore, 1996).
- Causal relationships
The aim is to capture “complete” processes, including origins and final outcomes, and to perform counterfactual analyses capable of theorizing about alternative trajectories of processes and their causal antecedents (Burgelman, 2011).
- Continuous flows of activities taking place over time.
Derived from strong process, this perspective emphasizes the ever-changing nature of reality, focusing on becoming rather than being. Reality is seen as a process of creative advancement, in which the past is carried over into the present, foregrounds the continuous flow of experience (thus denying the fragmentation and discreteness of reality). It also stresses the holistic character of temporal processes and activities: the process as a whole has ontoepistemological priority over its parts; the parts derive their meaning from the process as a whole (Hernes, 2014).
Submission guidelines:
All the criteria of structure, length, and bibliographic citation and referencing guidelines established by Innovar journal in its guide for authors should be followed:
A limited number of articles will be selected by the guest editors for publication in this special issue.
Relevant dates
Call for papers: December 2024
Deadline for receipt: October 1, 2025
Publication date: Volume 36, issue 102, October-December 2026
Véase aquí la convocatoria completa.
Click here to see the call of papers.